Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2771 plan to rescue

Chapter 2771 plan to rescue

"Thank you senior for saving your life!"

Wu Yun respectfully cupped his hands and bowed to the black robe.

Then he continued: "Senior, I have a lot of things I want to ask you now, so please don't take offense, senior! I will ask directly."

It could be seen that Wu Yun was in a hurry and didn't even wait for the black robe to speak.

And the black robe did not say anything to stop him.

Maybe he also saw Wu Yun's anxiety.

He stood there quietly, waiting for Wu Yun to speak.

Wu Yun was also welcome. After saying all this, he continued.

"Senior, my brother Xiaojin and the others, as well as my women, as well as the Luo family, have they been detained by Ming Yuanzong?"

"What is the purpose of the Ming Yuan Sect detaining them?"

"Why does the senior know all this, and why is the senior willing to help?"

"Also, seniors know, why do they recognize me? Is it because the Sanctuary ordered them to kill?"

This series of questions, Wu Yun asked all at once.

But the black robe was not too surprised or surprised.

Probably, he had long thought that Wu Yun would ask these questions.

After pondering for a while, the man in black robe said slowly.

"Little guy, you are indeed worthy of being chosen by Wu Lingtian, and even more worthy of being chosen by them. I didn't expect that your cultivation level has reached the level you are today!"

"And your combat power is even more powerful!"

"Ten Meridians, Shuangwu Dao, Jiu Dao Dongtianfu, no matter what else, just talking about these, you are enough to be called, rare in ten thousand years."

"I think of your master Wu Lingtian, how majestic and domineering he was in God's Domain back then, and he was invincible, but his talent is actually a lot worse than you are today!"

Wu Yun listened carefully.

It was only after hearing this sentence that he was quite disappointed.

Because he thought that the black robe would explain the doubts he asked.

But he never thought that what the man in black robe said was actually a problem with him, without any boundary.

Of course, Wu Yun wasn't uninterested in what the man in black robe said.

It's just that the focus of his attention at this moment is really on the questions he asked.

However, since the man in black robe had said it, Wu Yun couldn't be completely impolite no matter how anxious he was.

He still bowed his hands ceremonially and replied, "Senior has won the prize, I'm just luckier, but please tell me about it..."

"Okay, I know you're in a hurry, it's just a sigh of relief!"

Before Wu Yun could finish speaking, Hei Pao waved his hand to stop Wu Yun.

Immediately looking at Wu Yun, he smiled helplessly and said.

"Those people you mentioned, including the entire Luo family, were indeed taken by Ming Yuanzong!"

"As for the purpose, I think, when I came, the Luo family I stayed there should have told you?"

"The purpose of detaining them is for the holy artifact that no one has seen, and the holy-level practice that is only rumored!"

"As for my help, there are reasons for you and Wu Lingtian. There is no need for me to tell you the specifics."

"Sanctuary kills you, yes, they did issue a must-kill order, they issued a must-kill order to all the forces in the divine domain, see you, must kill."

"It's just that not every force will obey them, but this Ming Yuan Sect obviously wants to kill you!"

After speaking, Wu Yun frowned and pondered for a while, then asked.

"Senior, let's not mention the illusory holy-level exercise for the time being, but you said that since they are for this holy artifact, can't the holy artifact be able to sign a blood pact? This holy artifact in my body will be signed with me. After the blood pact formation, others cannot snatch it."

"If that's the case, why do they still have such useless thoughts in their hearts?"

Hei Pao smiled and said, "Yes, holy artifact, you can indeed sign a blood pact with the master that no one else can snatch."

"But that's for the holy artifact you have."

"It's different like the one passed down by the Luo family. As for why it's different, it's rare for me to tell you in detail. In short, this kind of inheritance sacred artifact cannot be signed into a blood pact formation."


Wu Yun nodded thoughtfully, and seemed to understand, but what he understood was only the result, and the rest was still a cloud of confusion.

Of course, Wu Yun didn't have the heart to learn too much about it.

At this moment, he thought of one more thing, a very important thing that he had been thinking about before, but was ignored in the middle.

"Senior, it is inevitable that this person from the Ming Yuan Sect wants to kill me."

"And it's also true that they took the top of the Luo family, along with my brother and my woman."

"But why didn't they mean to blackmail me with my brothers and women?"

"If they really want to kill me and do so, I will definitely be more embarrassed than I am now!"


The man in black robe nodded deeply, and his brows gradually wrinkled tightly.

"I've thought about this too."

"But I can't think of a better explanation either."

"And the best explanation may be because they don't know the relationship between you and the Luo family, and the people they arrested!"

"It sounds unlikely, but there's no other explanation."

"They arrested people and you came because of it, maybe it's just a coincidence!"

I have to say, the answer from the man in black robe made Wu Yun somewhat helpless.

But if this is the case, it seems that there is only one possible explanation.

"Okay, don't think about it now, it's time for us to plan how to rescue it! Regardless of whether Ming Yuanzong knows about your relationship with the arrested people of the Luo family, it will be a thunder after all dragging on this matter. It must be resolved as soon as possible!"

After a while, the man in black robe shook his sleeves and motioned Wu Yun not to think too much.

Saving people now is the real thing worth considering.

Hearing this, Wu Yun also nodded deeply.

In my heart, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, at least, Xiao Jin, Luo Yao, Bai Li'er and the others did not really die at the moment.

This is also a fortune in misfortune.

And the kind of sound transmission that I heard on Tianlong Xing before should not be a dying call for help.

It's just a spiritual call from the depths of the soul that comes from being too desperate after being caught.

As for the rescue plan, after thinking for a while, Wu Yun slowly spoke.

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