Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2794 To come, not Fang Chang

Chapter 2794 To come, not Fang Chang

It's just that since the God of Fortune said so, what else can they do?

Continue to ask, Fortune obviously won't say.

But there is one thing they must be sure of now.

That is, Wu Yun is wandering between life and death, and may disappear completely at any time.

And they couldn't do anything to help.

The more they thought about it, the more grief and sadness they felt.

Whether it's for Xiao Jin and the three brothers, or for Bai Li'er and their daughters.

It can be said that Wu Yun is their most important and closest person.

And watching a person who is most important to them, the closest person, in front of them, suffers the approach of death, it is conceivable how much torment and pain they have in their hearts.

They can't do anything, the only thing they can do is wait.

Waiting for a miracle to be reborn.

And this process didn't last long.

Probably, less than thirty breaths.

A dull and weak voice broke the silence of this mourning silence.

"I can't live anymore, my body doesn't exist, my soul is severely damaged, I don't know if I can be reborn, don't wait for me, don't read, if I can be reborn, I will come to you in the next life!"

"Luo Yao took her home at the top of Chifeng, 800 meters away."

"Old bastard, in the next life, I would also like to treat you as a relative of my teacher and friend!"

"Xiaojin, bald, Xiao Shenlong, I'm sorry, eldest brother can't continue to lead you all the way!"

"Li'er, Bailing, Yanran, Zihan, Moyan, Lu'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the rest of my life, maybe there won't be me again, don't blame me, don't wait for me, forget me, I'm not worth it, You are all excellent, you deserve a better future, and bye bye!"

With the last goodbye, Wu Yun paused and hesitated for a while.

Maybe he doesn't want to either, he's not willing to say it.

Only, he had to say it.

His voice was weak and getting smaller.

By the end, there was no sound.

And Wu Yun didn't say any more words.

The killing giant sword that went deep into the ground completely dissipated at the moment when his last word fell, turned into energy, and dispersed in the air.

No more, Wu Yun just disappeared.

After the energy dissipated, not even any breath remained.

It was as if he had never existed in this world, as if Wu Yun had never appeared in this world.

The God of Fortune, the three of Xiaojin, and the girls are all in an almost sluggish state at the moment.

They froze in place, shaking slightly.

Strangely, they didn't say anything or do anything because of Wu Yun's disappearance.

Is it because I don't care anymore, is it because I don't care anymore?

Obviously not!

This is a kind of grief to the extreme, an instinctive reaction triggered by the endless and intense grief that drives the body.

It was a grief-stricken stiffness.

Wu Yun's words, like a blade, pierced deep into their hearts.

The moment I heard Wu Yun speak.

They were excited, thinking that a miracle had happened, and that Wu Yun would turn bad luck into good luck again.

Thought Wu Yun might be recovering.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting was Wu Yun's final farewell.

What they thought was a long-term reunion, what they thought was a long time in Japan, everything they thought...

But how could they have thought that, after not seeing each other for many years, when they saw each other, it was only a fleeting farewell.

A long goodbye, not a reunion.

Tomorrow, there is no square length.

The rest of your life has become a farewell!

This kind of difference from extreme joy to endless grief is also the reason why they are unable to make any response or make any sound.

This process lasted for about a dozen breaths, and finally, the grief-stricken cry was heard again.

The god of creation clock did not move.

However, Xiao Jin and Bai Li'er had already madly rushed to the place where Wu Yun used to be, but where the giant sword of killing was now dissipated.

They kept searching on the ground, in the air, and everywhere, as if trying to find some traces of Wu Yun's existence.

Even trying to get Wu Yun back.

But apparently, they couldn't find anything.

Wu Yun, no more.

As for the God of Fortune Clock, he just stood there in pain, not saying a word.

In his mind, Wu Yun's words kept echoing.

In the afterlife, he is still a relative who is also a teacher and a friend.

Speaking of which, the God of Fortune has existed since the beginning of the sky, and there are probably few people in this world who have experienced more than him.

However, the word "family" touched him endlessly.

In the endless years he has lived, there may be many who have regarded him as a mentor and friend, but how many have regarded him as a relative?

As for the black robe, he didn't seem to be so sad.

He just stood there sluggishly, watching Wu Yun disappear.

He didn't say anything either.

But he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he thought again, if one day Wu Lingtian came back and found him, how would he explain to Wu Lingtian what happened today?

But Luo Jingtian, Luo Chen and the others didn't stay here for too long.

Compared with Wu Yun, they care more about Luo Yao.

I want to find Luo Yao even more.

No matter if Luo Yao is dead or alive, she must be found.

It's just that, no matter from yesterday's prediction, or the tone of Wu Yun's voice when he brought Luo Yao home, they can guess that Luo Yao is unlikely to survive.

But no matter what, Luo Yao must be brought back.

Even if it was brought back, it was just a corpse.

Soon, a group of Luo family members, one after another, flew towards Chifeng Mountain, 800 meters away from Mingyuan Sect.

Others, some other forces in God's Domain, people who came to watch the fun, also left one after another.

In Mingyuan Sect, where they were before, more than half of them were killed or injured, and those who remained, as long as they were able to move, also left.

Now that the Ming Yuan Sect no longer exists, this is an indisputable fact. If they don't leave, are they still here to die?

It didn't take long for a huge Ming Yuan Sect to appear.

In addition to the dead body, in addition to the severely injured and immobile people, only the sluggish Fortune God Bell and the black robe are left.

As well as Xiao Jin and the others who cried out in grief, and Bai Li'er and the others!

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