Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 330 The Talking Bald haired Bird

Chapter 330 The Talking Bald-haired Bird

When he opened his eyes for the first moment, his heart trembled suddenly.

It was pitch black in front of him, as if he was in the endless darkness, not to mention seeing things, he couldn't even perceive the slightest light.

"what happened?"

Wu Yun was puzzled. At this moment, he couldn't feel any pain. Obviously, the battle between the two pupil techniques was over.

But since the battle is over, why can't the eyes see it?

Fortunately, Wu Yun has not lost his ability to look inside, so Wu Yun quickly looked inside.

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly.

"Bastard, the pupils actually split."

"Could it be that I'm so blind?"

Wu Yun knew very well what split pupils meant.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Wu Yun's mind.

Once, he thought about his various tragic endings countless times, but he never thought that one day he would be reduced to becoming a blind man.

This was actually caused by him himself.

Wu Yun smiled bitterly in his heart, this was too funny.

If you say it, no one will believe it.

Blind your eyes.

Losing his eyes, even if Wu Yun has more trump cards, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Even, it may not even be able to exert the strength of the first half.

Just when Wu Yun was disheartened and ready to give up, his face suddenly changed.

His heart shrank suddenly, and he suddenly saw the pair of small eyeballs hidden in his pupils.

This is completely different from the existence of the previous pair of eyeballs.

Half dark purple, half green.

In the middle of the intersection of these two colors, there is also a small golden light pattern.

Wu Yun wondered for a moment, then secretly said, "Could it be that this is the result of the fusion of Dongyou Demon Eye and Blue Eye Golden Eye?"

"Since this is the case, it proves that the two pupil techniques have successfully merged with each other, and the reason why my eyeball burst is because the eyeball itself is not strong enough, and whether I can use the power of the pupil technique after the fusion of these two techniques to re-emphasize. Cast eyeballs?"

Thinking of this, Wu Yun once again raised a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Although in the world, there are no people who can regenerate the eyeballs.

But Wu Yun had to try.

Slowly urging the Supreme Martial God Art in the body, carefully turning the spiritual energy into small and soft lines, spreading in the direction of the pupil.

At this moment, what Wu Yun has to do is to use his spiritual energy to try to stimulate the new purple-green pupil formed by the fusion of the two pupil techniques, so that it can make up for the crack created by the original pupil.

once, twice...

After countless failures, Wu Yun never gave up.

He didn't dare to use too much force, worried that it would exacerbate the rupture of the eyeball, so he could only stabilize his mind and try bit by bit.

Wu Yun couldn't remember how many times he tried, at least there were hundreds of attempts.

Although he has been failing, he has never given up.

Sweat soaked his shirt again.

After countless attempts, just when Wu Yun was disheartened and ready to give up, a miracle happened quietly.

His purple-green pupils, which he had been unable to mobilize, finally responded.

A faint halo emerged.

Although it has not yet had an effect, it turns out that it has begun to move.

For Wu Yun, this is undoubtedly a huge encouragement.

Refreshing my mood, I started the long attempt again.

One minute and one second passed, nearly five hours had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these five hours, Wu Yun had been using his spiritual energy to stimulate the new purple-green pupils.

But the good news is that the effect is also worth making Wu Yun happy.

Under Wu Yun's urging, the purple-green pupils in his eyes have gradually replaced his original pupils.

And that crack is gradually disappearing.

Another two hours passed, and finally, the excitement on Wu Yun's face was beyond words.

He has begun to perceive the existence of light again.

Gradually, the new pupil has completely replaced the previously split pupil.

And Wu Yun also felt the preciousness of the light once again, and the landscape in front of him reappeared in front of him.

Originally, this forest of monsters was not very beautiful.

But at this moment in Wu Yun's eyes, it can be said to be beautiful enough to make people suffocate.

He never even felt that there was any place more charming than the scene in front of him at this moment.

This may be the truest feeling in the hearts of people who have lost the light and regained the light.

After experiencing a short period of joy, Wu Yun was about to get up, but his expression suddenly changed.

He felt that the new pair of pupils seemed a little different.

Suddenly, I saw his mind move, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a lavender light appeared.

At the same time, all the living creatures around them clearly appeared in front of them, and their movements slowed down several times.

This is the original ability of Dongyou Demon Eye, but after experiencing it this time, it seems to have increased a lot.

But definitely more than that.

I saw Wu Yun's pupils shrank again, and a faint green light flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, the surrounding space suddenly solidified slightly. Although it was not very powerful, Wu Yun knew that this was the ability of blue-eyed and golden pupils.

Space confinement.

Perhaps because it is not familiar enough, the ability to confine in this space is not particularly strong, but this is already an excellent trend.

Suddenly, Wu Yun's face changed again, and he secretly said, "No, I can feel that at this moment, my pupil skills are definitely more than these two."

Suddenly, Wu Yun's mind moved again, his eyes flowed, purple, green, and gold, three colors quietly appeared, and the brilliance flowed.

Suddenly, an invisible and terrifying force swept forward.

In an instant, a boulder in front of him exploded in an instant.

Wu Yun was overjoyed, "This, this, this is a new pupil technique? The new ability after the fusion of Dongyou Demon Eye and Blue Eye Golden Eye?"

In order to confirm that this was the case, Wu Yun tried again several times, and it did.

As long as his mind moved, anything he stared at would immediately explode without warning.

But after using it too much, Wu Yun also felt dizzy, and his eyes darkened.

Obviously this new pupil technique cannot be used too frequently.

Although he can only smash stones, Wu Yun firmly believes that as long as he is trained in logistics in the future, he will be able to play an unexpected role in the battle.

It is tantamount to a terrifying martial art, even far stronger than martial art.

From this moment on, Wu Yun gained a new understanding of the pupil technique.

In the past, even if he had Dongyou Demon Eye, in his opinion, the so-called eye technique was a tasteless ability.

But at this moment, he completely changed his understanding of the pupil technique.

The new pupil technique that I just realized is terrible.

And Wu Yun also gave this newly comprehended pupil technique a very pleasant and domineering name, Destroying the World!

Everything is over, Wu Yun is in a good mood, ready to get up and leave.

At this moment, suddenly, only a strange voice could be heard behind him.

"Gaga, little brother, what ability was that just now, so handsome, so handsome!"

Wu Yun's expression changed suddenly, he thought that someone was coming, but when he saw the person, his expression changed drastically.

This is actually a tall, half-human bird that walks upright and has a bald head.

Immediately shocked, "This is... a monster? But why can it speak? Isn't it because the seal outside will make all the monsters in this mountain range unable to speak?"

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