Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 890 Illusory Valley, Dreamy Glowst1

Chapter 890 I have something to tell you

"Huh? You actually recognize this tower? Not bad."

This made Wu Yun quite surprised. He didn't expect Yuchi Blaze to recognize this tower?

Staring at Yuchi Wind, he said.

But Yuchi Jifeng did not answer him again.

I saw his face full of fear and trembling all over.

Although with his cultivation base and identity, it is impossible to come into contact with the Nine-Star Linglong Pagoda.

But he was fortunate enough to see the introduction of Jiuxing Linglong Pagoda in an ancient book.

According to that ancient book, this pagoda was in Wu Yun's hands at this moment.

Whether it is shape, breath, or amplification effect, they are all very similar.

But he wasn't sure at first.

But through Wu Yun's answer just now, it is completely confirmed, this is the Nine Stars Linglong Pagoda.

At this moment, the arrogance and confidence on his face were gone.

He knew very well what an auxiliary artifact represented.

This kind of thing can never appear in the hands of ordinary people.

But at this moment, it appeared in Wu Yun's hands, which can only prove one thing.

Wu Yun's origin must be unusual, and it is very likely that he came from a top force on Beida Road.

Even the Martial Arts Palace may not be impossible.

Seeing Yuchi Jifeng swallowing his saliva, he could no longer control his trembling tone.

Said: "Wu, Wu Yun, you, what the hell are you, who are you?"

"Who am I? Oh, go to the underworld and ask your ancestors."

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Yun suddenly flew up.

In the air, the finger taps again on the storage ring.

The Wuyu Star Plate appeared in his hand and instantly enlarged.


Yuchi Blaze has been in the horror of seeing the Jiuxing Linglong Pagoda, and has yet to react.

But I saw that Wu Yun actually brought out an artifact again.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he gave up resistance.

Before dying, he had already determined in his heart that he possessed two artifacts.

Wu Yun's identity must have a lot of origin, and he is definitely not someone he can afford.

At this moment, he may have regretted it and thought about begging for mercy.

But after all, there is no chance.

He raised his head and watched the terrifying divine artifact looming over his face.

Under the coercion of Wu Yun's ninth level of divine transformation.

Just hear a bang.

Yuchi Jifeng's whole body was shot directly into the ground, his flesh was blurred.

Wu Yun flickered and fell to the side.

Take back the Martial Soul and Martial Domain Star Plate.

Looking at the Nine-Star Linglong Pagoda in his hand.

He said to himself: "This nine-star Linglong Pagoda is really easy to use, but unfortunately I am not strong enough to dare to use it recklessly. When I am strong enough, re-refining it and upgrading it from the current semi-artifact to an artifact will probably be even more terrifying. "

Immediately with a grasp of the right palm, the Nine-Star Linglong Pagoda returned to the storage ring.

He sighed slightly, and muttered to himself: "Oh, my strength is not enough, Kong has a skill, but I don't dare to use it blatantly. I think my animal control technique and the map of mountains, rivers, and beasts have not been used for a long time, by the way, and Puppet, if there is a chance, go and catch a few powerful puppets and bring them back, and I will need to do it myself in the future, such as Yuchi Blaze, which is really troublesome."

When he thought of puppet refining, Wu Yun remembered that when he was in the Eastern Continent, he heard rumors about the Northern Continent's ghoul sect.

But after coming to the Northern Continent, no one mentioned it again.

However, it is not surprising that the North Continent is vast, and only a medium-sized city, Wolong City, is worth the entire East Continent.

And there are hundreds of such cities on Beida Road.

I think this ghoul sect may be in one of these hundreds of cities.

Or maybe, in those capitals that are bigger than this medium-sized city.

I thought to myself, if there is a chance in the future, I can find these people from the corpse ghost sect to learn about puppet skills.

However, this is just an idea.

Today's Wu Yun can only be regarded as just beginning to set foot on Beida Road.

There is still a long way to go before we truly go deep into Beida Road.

"Okay, I'm almost recovering, is this bastard dead?"

Just when Wu Yun was in a trance, he suddenly heard Liu Moyan's voice behind him.

It was only then that Wu Yun came back to his senses, and he almost forgot about Liu Moyan.

He turned around and said, "He's dead, how is it, is your injury okay?"

Liu Moyan walked to the deep pit blasted by the Wuyu Star Plate and glanced at it with disgust.

I saw that Yuchi's wind was bloody and bloody, and he had already lost his breath of life.

He walked back to Wu Yun and said, "It's alright, I wasn't seriously injured."


Wu Yun nodded and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back first. To avoid more troubles, leave here as soon as possible."

"By the way, what was the name of your tower just now? Is it an auxiliary artifact? He said it was called the Jiuxing Linglong Tower?"

Liu Moyan asked suddenly.

She is not a curious person, but she is inexplicably very curious about Wu Yun's affairs.

Moreover, as a cultivator, she is very aware of the power of auxiliary artifacts.

The value of auxiliary artifacts is much higher than that of artifacts.

Hence this question.

Wu Yun smiled and said, "Well, it is indeed an auxiliary artifact. By the way, keep it a secret for me."

Liu Moyan nodded in surprise.

She had a lot of questions to ask Wu Yun.

Such as Wu Yun, where did these artifacts come from?

And who is Wu Yun's true identity?

Now, even she is beginning to suspect that Wu Yun has an undoubted relationship with the top forces in the capitals of the Northern Continent.

Moreover, Wu Yun's identity in it is definitely not low.

Because in the entire Wilderness Continent, apart from the top forces in the capital, I am afraid that no sect can get the divine weapon.

And take out so much at once.

But when the words came to her lips, she held back.

She knew that if Wu Yun wanted to say it, she would naturally say it.

"Okay, let's go back first, let's go!"

With that said, Wu Yun started to fly towards the distant academy.

But after a few swipes, it suddenly stopped.

One turned around and flew back to the back mountain again.

It turned out that Liu Moyan didn't catch up.

"Why don't you go? Is your injury okay?"

Wu Yun asked.

But just after asking this question, Wu Yun realized that something was wrong.

Looking at Liu Moyan's expression, it seems to be intentional.

Sure enough, Liu Moyan suddenly said shyly, "How did you get me here, how did you take me back."

Hearing this, Wu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

Looking at Liu Moyan in disbelief.

"You, how did you..."

It doesn't make sense, isn't she the hot goddess in everyone's mouth?

Why are you so shy all of a sudden, and act like a coquettish girl.

Seeing Wu Yun stammering, Liu Moyan seemed to see what Wu Yun was thinking.

Suddenly, he lowered his head nervously, and the fingernails of his left thumb and right index finger clasped against his chest for a while.

He raised his head suddenly, as if he had made up his mind.

She spoke quickly and said, "Wu Yun, I want to tell you something, I have to tell you now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance in the future..."

Wu Yun's heart throbbed, suddenly feeling a little bad.

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