"Elder sister, don't think I'm talking in my sleep or nonsense. These words have been carefully considered by me and are my final decision."

"Doumi, although Chang Wen and I haven't been married for three years, we have feelings. It's just a matter of time before we have different rooms."

"Elder sister, I hope you can help me to marry Chang Wen."

Dousha was startled and asked, "is Chang Wen in love with you?"

"I think: Chang Wen may fall in love with me, even if he doesn't fall in love with me now, but I am confident that he will fall in love with me."

Dousha's heart half down, she guessed: doumi is in a single Acacia.

"Doumi, Changwen is not suitable for you, because he won't fall in love with you."

"Elder sister, whether Chang Wen will fall in love with me is another matter. Now, I just hope you can give up Chang Wen and give him up to me."

"How can this... This kind of thing make you happy?"

"Elder sister, you are my elder sister, I am your younger sister, you should let me, think more for me, you also know, I just lost love, have not come out from the pain, now, I have been pessimistic and disappointed in life, can let me feel there is a ray of light in the world, that is brother-in-law."

Dousha is hard to understand. In the past three years, doumi has little contact with Changwen. How can she suddenly fall in love with Changwen?

"Doumi, you say you love Changwen. I ask you: what do you love him for?"

"Elder sister, I think my brother-in-law is a man with a sense of responsibility and loyalty. Of course, my brother-in-law is a handsome man. If nothing else, elder sister, you haven't shared a room with others for three years, but they never said a bad word about you. With this, I think Chang Wen is great. "

"Doumi, except for Changwen, I'll agree to whatever you want as long as it's from the eldest sister."

"Elder sister, I only want one of your things, that is Changwen."

Dousha said helplessly: "doumi, this matter is related to the reputation of the dous family and the unity of the dous family. I have to discuss it with grandma."

Dousha wants to turn to soymilk.

"Well, let's listen to grandma's decision."

The next morning, Dousha finished his business and went to grandma's general manager's office.

Soybean milk said with a smile: "granddaughter, you've been working hard for a while. Every night you have a meeting. The company's sales and debt collection have improved. You've made a great contribution."

Dousha a face of depressed color, said: "grandma, I now encounter a problem, pro grandma decision."

"You say, what's the problem?"

"Grandma, doumi came to me last night and asked me to divorce Changwen. She wants to marry Changwen."

As soon as she heard that, her face changed greatly. She patted the table and scolded: "doumi has been infected with evil for a while. Does she want to make a havoc in Doujia?"

"Grandma, take time to talk to doumi and let her get rid of this ridiculous idea."

Dounai immediately called doumi to the office and asked sternly, "do you want Dousha to give you Changwen?"

"Yes, grandma, since the elder sister doesn't like Changwen, why torture others. I'm in love with Chang Wen. I want to marry him. "


Dounai took the stick to the ground and said: "doumi, last time, you wanted to jump out of a building. It's a household name in B city. Now, you're a moth again. Do you want to ruin dounai's reputation?"

"Grandma, I'm going to jump off a building. Although it's not right, I think my ex boyfriend is dead and I want to die for love. It's a solemn and stirring move. I believe that people in B city will be envious of the bean family for producing a loving woman. "

"I envy you! Doumi, haven't you had enough? Are you trying to piss grandma off? "

"Grandma, if you think about it calmly, isn't it torture that Chang Wen and his elder sister didn't have a roommate for three years after they got married? It's better to let it collapse as soon as possible than to keep this kind of marriage in name

"Doumi, even if Dousha and Changwen are divorced, you are not allowed to marry Changwen. Otherwise, our dous family will make a fool of themselves again. They will say that my sister-in-law has long colluded with her brother-in-law and ruined her sister's marriage. You should know that saliva is drowning to death."

"No matter what other people say, he just means to break the sky, and where can he talk me? I didn't break the law. That's enough."

"Doumi, you are not afraid of losing face. I am also afraid of losing this old face."

"Grandma, is it not a shame that we bean family regard Chang Wen as a slave and treat him as a loser?"

Dounai raised her crutch and threatened: "doumi, if you are stubborn again, I will kill you!"

"Grandma, you fight. Anyway, I don't want to live. I don't know how to die. If you beat me to death, I'll save my heart."

Doumi said, went to grandma, put his head out, said with dignity: "hit my head, so fast to die!"

Dounai can't laugh or cry, neither fight nor scold, so she shouts out: "secretary, get rid of her, and don't allow her to come into my office again."

Two secretaries ran in, put up doumi's arm and dragged her out of the office.

"Grandma, be reasonable, I know: you have no reason, you have to use rough."

Soymilk was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but she didn't do it.

Doumi is her granddaughter. What do you want her to do?

Soybean milk thought for a long time, suddenly brain melon seeds a bright, although the idea of bean rice is absurd, but also has its rationality.

Dousha is the marriage that my grandfather pointed out, so I have no feelings for Changwen. I haven't been in the same room for three years.

If you divorce Dousha and Changwen, Dousha should agree.

Although dounai has a bad impression on Chang Wen and thinks that he is a black dog and will harm the Dou family, she has found that Chang Wen not only does not harm the Dou family, but also plays a good role in the past three years.

Don't say anything else, it's said that it's Chang Wen who massages himself to wake up, otherwise he will become a vegetable.

In addition, the last time doumi wanted to jump from a building, Chang Wen climbed to the top of the building and did doumi's ideological work, avoiding a tragedy.

After thinking about it, soybean milk still depends on soybean rice.

So, dounai called Dousha to the office.

"Big granddaughter, I gave doumi a lecture, but she is stubborn and wants to marry Changwen. I think doumi really likes Changwen. That's it. You don't have any feelings with Changwen anyway. You two should divorce."

On hearing this, Dousha quickly said, "grandma, i... I've already had a relationship with Chang Wen."

"Dousha, you are Grandma's good granddaughter. If you want to listen to grandma's words, even if you have some feelings with Changwen, after all, they are not deep. In my opinion, doumi's feelings for Changwen are deeper than you, so you should divorce Changwen."

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