Fan Ya invited: "Mr. Chang, you helped me yesterday. I'd like to invite you to have lunch this afternoon. It's in Tianwaitian restaurant next to the company. I wonder if you'd like to honor me."

"Ha ha... Fan ya, I'd like to thank you, but your boyfriend is too fierce. If he blocked me in the restaurant at noon today, I would be miserable."

"Mr. Chang, he... He's going to be a coach in the boxing hall in the morning. He's busy until three o'clock in the afternoon. He has no time to settle accounts with you."

Chang Wen wants to talk to fan ya, because he always has two question marks in his heart.

"Well, I'll be more respectful than obedient."

"Mr. Chang, we'll meet at Tianwaitian hotel at noon today."

Chang Wen made a gesture to Hercules and said, "at 12 noon, you go to Tianwaitian hotel to guard. I'm afraid that reckless guy will run to make trouble."

At 11:45 noon, Chang Wen went to Tianwaitian hotel in advance.

He looked around and didn't see fan ya.

Chang Wen ordered a table, four dishes and a soup.

Fan Ya arrived on time, and the waiter showed her into the elegant seat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chang. I've just finished handling some accounts in my hand. I'm late."

"Ha ha... You arrived on time. It's only my fault that I came early. I can't compare with you. I'm a loser son-in-law. I do housework every day, serve my wife, and have a lot of free time."

Fan Ya sat down and looked at Chang Wen.

Chang Wen touched his face with his hand and asked curiously, "is there something on my face?"

"Mr. Chang, I feel very curious. You are not a mediocre person. How can you be willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law in the bean family? What's more, he's a poor son-in-law. "

"Ha ha... I was a loser."

Fan Ya shakes her head and affirms: "Mr. Chang, people think you are a loser, but I think you are a lurker when I see you for the first time."

Chang Wen was surprised and asked, "do you think I'm a lurk?"

"Yes, I think you seem to be lurking in the bean family. In order to achieve a goal, you are willing to let people treat you as a loser."

"Do you think I want to take the property of the bean family?"

Fan Ya shook her head and replied, "I'm a financial worker. I know the details of Yongli company's assets. To tell you the truth, Yongli company is getting worse every year, and its net assets are only 100 million at most. Although a hundred million is not small, for you who are ambitious, you won't look up to it. "

"You say I have ambition?"

"Yes, I found in your eyes that you are not an ordinary person. I vaguely feel that you have a high degree and lofty ideals."

"Ha ha... I'm flattered by your high evaluation of me. I hope you don't call me Mr. Chang by his first name

"OK, I'll call you Changwen. I think it's more kind to shout like this."

The word "kind" makes Chang Wen very sensitive.

Chang Wen asked bluntly: "fan ya, there is a purple mole on the back of your right hand. Is it from the fetal belt?"

Fan Ya calmly stretched out her right hand, pointed to the purple mole and said, "yes, it's from the tire belt. My mother said, "it's a sign. With it, I won't be mistaken."

"Ha ha... Without this sign, parents will not admit their children wrongly."

Fan Ya asked: "Chang Wen, it seems that you are very interested in this mole on the back of my hand."

"Yes, to tell you the truth, two months ago, a masked girl with two men broke into my rental house and tied me up. After interrogation for a long time, the masked girl kept shaking in front of my eyes with a dagger in her hand. I found that there was a purple mole on the back of the girl's right hand."

Chang Wen said while observing fan Ya's look.

Fan Ya said quietly with a smile: "Chang Wen, do you suspect that I am the masked gangster?"

"It's really a little skeptical. So far, this skepticism has not been eliminated."

"Chang Wen, do you think I look like a gangster like this?"

"It's not like a gangster at the moment, but when you're masked, it may be like a gangster."

Fan Ya began to laugh. She was very frank and calm.

Chang Wen has some doubts. Is he wrong?

"Chang Wen, I admire your imagination very much. I think that if you write a novel, you will make up a fascinating plot, which will make readers love it."

"Ha ha... That's what I think. Moreover, when I was in junior high school, I did write novels. However, I gave up writing in the middle of my life. I found that writing novels is not an easy thing."

"Chang Wen, why are you willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law in the bean family?"

"Three years ago, I was living on the street and working as a nurse in the hospital. Douye took a fancy to me and made me the door-to-door son-in-law of Doujia. I felt that I needed a home. That's why I was willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law of Doujia."

"At the beginning, soymilk suffered from cerebral congestion. The doctor said that even if she didn't die, she would be a vegetable. However, soymilk miraculously recovered. What's the matter?"

"The doctor has the ability. It's called the rejuvenation of a skillful hand."

Fan Ya shook her head and said: "someone has saved soymilk. This person has strange medical skills."

"Who saved soymilk?"

"I don't know, but I doubt that you saved soymilk."

"How can you suspect me?"

"Because, I heard: when soya bean milk was in a coma, the bean family were busy usurping the rights of Yongli company. No one could take care of soya bean milk. Only you and Dousha were in the hospital. I think: you should know who saved soymilk. If you can't hand over this person, it means that you saved soymilk. "

"Do you think I have medical skills?"


"Since you know that Dousha and I are by the side of doumilk, why don't you doubt Dousha's medical skills?"

"Ha ha... I've worked in Yongli company for several years, and I know something about the three granddaughters of the bean family. As far as I know, Dousha can't have medical skills."

"Then why do you think I have medical skills?"

"Feel it."

Chang Wen looks at fan ya, he thinks: this girl's thought is more profound, and it's hard to understand.

Four dishes and one soup were served.

Chang Wen apologetically said, "I ordered without asking for your advice. I don't know if these dishes are to your taste."

"My mouth is so hot that I can eat anything."

"Ha ha... It seems that we are very similar in this respect. I'm never picky about food, and no matter what dishes I eat, they are delicious."

"It's better not to be picky. Otherwise, you won't get fat."

Chang Wen looked up and down at fan Ya and said, "you're not fat either."

"I have a mind. Of course I can't grow fat."

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