"Xiaosha, I've learned massage for a while. Let me have a try. Maybe it will cure my mother's lumbago immediately."

Chang Wen points a few buttons at Ding Fei's waist, then massages it for a while.

Ding Fei exclaimed pleasantly, "my mother, my waist doesn't hurt at all."

Dousha exclaimed: "Chang Wen, your massage skills are really brilliant!"

Ding Fei said with disdain, "if you can massage, ghosts don't believe it. Even if you don't massage my mother, your waist won't hurt."

Chang Wen gave a wry smile without any excuse.

Ding Fei got up from the bed. She picked up the rope from the ground and said angrily, "the quality of this rope is too poor. I want to go to the supermarket to claim compensation."

Chang Wen quickly stopped and said, "Mom, you have to stay in bed for two hours. Otherwise, you will still suffer from lumbago."

Ding Fei was scared to sleep on the bed.

Dousha said, "Mom, don't play hanging again. It's so dangerous."

"I... I didn't act. I really committed suicide. When I'm ready, I'll commit suicide unless you promise to divorce me."

Chang Wen is really speechless. If she hadn't massaged Ding Fei herself, her waist would have hurt for at least ten and a half days. However, Ding Fei doesn't appreciate it at all. She still lets her daughter divorce him.

Chang Wen went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Dousha followed him in and said admiringly, "you are a good fortune teller. If you do that again, what method will my mother use to force us to divorce?"

Chang Wen said with a smile, "well, the secret can't be revealed. I can't say too much for the time being. I can only say one step at a time."

"Do you mean my mother will come up with ideas to force me to divorce?"

"Yes. But remember one thing: your mother is not a good actress. She often plays in different plays

To Chang Wen's surprise, it's not only Ding Fei's mother-in-law who performs the big drama of forced marriage, but also doumai, who is about to perform a big drama, which will ruin Chang Wen's reputation.

At this time, doumai is guarding near the office building of Dafa real estate.

Cousin Dousha signed a contract with Dafa real estate and became the deputy general manager of Yongli company, which made doumai very unconvinced.

If Dou Mai wants to be the general manager of Dafa real estate, he can also be the deputy general manager.

These days, she will stay near Dafa real estate office building every evening, hoping to meet general manager Lin Xiaozhen.

She's got her wish tonight.

A beautiful young girl came out of the office building of Dafa real estate. Doumai concluded that she was the general manager of Dafa real estate.

Dou Mai went up and called out: "Hello, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Xiaozhen was surprised and asked, "who are you? I don't seem to know you

"Mr. Lin, I'm Dou Mai, finance director of Yongli company. I've heard a lot about you. I'd like to know you very much. I'm here specially. I've finally met you today."

Lin Xiaozhen asked coldly, "what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Lin, I'd like to invite you to dinner

Lin Xiaozhen wanted to turn down Dou Mai's invitation, but then she thought that Dou Mai was Chang Wen's sister-in-law. Maybe, there was something that needed her.

"Well, I'd like to meet you, too. As the saying goes: one more friend, one more way."

Doumai was overjoyed and quickly invited: "I invite you to the Regal Hotel for dinner."

Bean wheat to a private room, and ordered 10 dishes, two snacks, two plates of fruit.

"Mr. Lin, what would you like to drink?"

"A 30-year-old French wine bar."

Bean wheat surprised, 30 years of French wine is often tens of thousands.

She clenched her teeth and said to the waiter, "a bottle of 30-year-old French wine."

After three rounds of drinking, doumai said servilely, "Mr. Lin, you are so beautiful and young that you became the general manager. It can be seen that you are a woman with both talent and appearance. I admire you so much."

"Ha ha... I heard that you are also a wise and ambitious woman."

"Hee hee... Compared with you, I am a toad and a grass."

"Doumai, I know something about Doujia. It's said that your cousin Dousha married a loser."

"Yes, you are really well-informed. My cousin Dousha is so unlucky that she married a loser. It not only humiliates my cousin, but also humiliates me."

"Why don't you let the bean paste kick off the loser? With the beauty of bean paste, it should not be a problem to find an ideal husband. "

"The problem is: sister Dousha's heart is too soft. She's so weak and shameless that she's pestering my cousin."

"Doumai, you should help Dousha get rid of this unfortunate marriage. I think: you should have this ability."

"This... This..."

Lin Xiaozhen joined Dou Mai: "if you can find a way to divorce Dousha and Changwen, I'll make you a friend."

Dou Mai patted his chest excitedly and said, "I have the ability to break them up."

That night, doumai "baked pancakes" in bed, racking his brains to think about how to divorce Dousha and Changwen.

Dafa real estate's Lin Xiaozhen gave her this question, she had to take out a satisfactory answer.

At dawn, doumai finally came up with a good idea.

At one o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Dou Mai made a phone call to Chang Wen. She pretended to be out of breath and begged: "Chang Wen, I... I suddenly feel chest tightness. Can you... Can you drive to the company and take me to the hospital..."

Chang Wen readily said: "you wait, I'll be right there."

He drove the car to Wynn's office building. Doumai's finance minister's office is on the first floor.

Chang Wen pushes the door of doumai's office. Suddenly, he is stunned.

See beans and wheat bare upper body, is scrubbing.

Chang Wen just wanted to quit doumai's office. He just heard doumai yell: "somebody! Catch hooligans! "

It is noon break, some people are playing cards or chatting, heard the call for help, ran out.

Chang Wen was blocked up in the corridor by several young men, and people were talking about it

"He is the poor husband of the deputy general manager Dousha. I didn't expect that he was a sex wolf."

"It's said that Dousha hasn't been in bed with him for three years. He must have been in a hurry to attack his sister-in-law..."

"This guy is so bold that he dares to insult his sister-in-law in the office..."

In short, we all think that Chang Wen bullied Dou Mai.

Chang Wen wanted to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was slapped in the face.

"Son of a bitch, you still want to quibble..."

"Beat him and let him be honest..."

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