Doumai asked: "Mr. shavin is really far sighted, and I feel the same way. At present, people pay more and more attention to appearance. Beauty is really a sunrise industry. Frankly speaking, I have long wanted to leave Yongli company, because I am not interested in building materials. I sacrifice my time and energy for my family business."

"Ha ha... It seems that Mr. shavin's analysis is correct. He expects that you will accept his suggestion."

"Yes, Mr. shavin and I are heroes. We have the same ideas. I totally agree to be the general manager of the beauty chain store. Here, please convey my thanks to Mr. shavin for his appreciation and trust in me."

"Ha ha... Since miss doumai has agreed to be the general manager of the beauty chain store, please sign this agreement."

Doumai looked at the agreement and signed his name happily.

Thin monkey wants to come to doumai's bank card number and says, "my task is finished. I have to go back to Mr. shavin."

Doumai asked suspiciously, "why hasn't Mr. shavin shown up all the time? Last time, he gave us a generous dowry. I don't know who Mr. shavin is looking for? "

"Ha ha... I don't know. I work under Mr. shavin. He has made a rule: work more and ask less questions."

"Well, I'll abide by this commandment, too. I just ask you to say hello to Mr. shavin and convey my request: I hope to see Mr. shavin soon."

"OK, I'll give it to you."

The thin monkey put the agreement into the package, stood up and said, "goodbye!"

Doumai looked at the back of the skinny monkey and muttered, "this Mr. shawen must have taken a fancy to me. He wants to marry me. Now, let me be the general manager of the beauty chain store to investigate my working ability. Ha ha... I will let him know: I am a capable woman, worthy to be his wife."

An hour later, ten million yuan of money was put on doumai's bank card.

Doumai was overjoyed. She showed off to her parents: "Mom and Dad, I want to report a great news: Mr. shawen invested 10 million to open a beauty chain store in B city and hired me as the general manager."

Dou Er Fu asked pleasantly, "this is not a pie falling from the sky."

Ding Xiu also said with a smile: "my daughter, the general manager is a small matter. The problem is: through this, it shows that Mr. shawen is interested in you. He wants to marry you."

Doumai said triumphantly: "ha ha... Of course I know. Mr. shawen is after me, and the high price bride price is also for us."

Dou Er Fu could not hold his breath and said, "in that case, I'll go to the villa in the Regal Garden and ask for the dowry

Ding Xiu also echoed: "yes, now the matter has come to a conclusion. The bride price is for our family, so we should go and ask for it."

Douer Fu pondered and said: "it's not just the bride price. The villa in Regal Garden belongs to Mr. shawen. Since we are Mr. shawen's father-in-law and mother-in-law, we should live in Regal Garden Villa, not the eldest family."

Ding Xiu discontented said: "yes, the eldest family has lived in Regal Garden Villa for more than a month. It's just a bird's nest. No, we have to put things right and move into Regal Garden Villa."

Doumai dissuaded: "Dad and mom, although Mr. shawen is after me, not sister Dousha, since my uncle and aunt have already lived in the Regal Garden Villa, don't drive them out. It seems that we are too mean. I think you two can just move in. As for me, before I got married, I still lived in my old house, which made me elegant. "

Dou Erfu said: "well, girl, you'll be wronged for a while. Your mother and I moved out first. To tell you the truth, I've long been greedy for the villa in Regal Garden. That's the real villa. You see, compared with that villa, this villa of our Dou family is a slum."

Dou Er Fu and Ding Xiu packed several bags of luggage, specially hired a small truck and went to the Regal Garden Villa overnight.

As soon as Dou Er Fu entered the villa, he yelled: "housekeeper, please send some people to help me carry my luggage in."

Housekeeper asked: "excuse me: who let you move in?"

Dou Erfu said boldly: "this evening, Mr. shawen wrote a letter to my daughter, saying that he hired my daughter to be the general manager of the beauty chain store. What does this show? It shows that Mr. shawen has a crush on my daughter, that is to say, Mr. shawen is my future son-in-law. Tell me, shouldn't our future father-in-law and mother-in-law live in a villa? "

The housekeeper said coldly, "I haven't received Mr. shavin's instructions. I can't let you move in."

Dou Er Fu said with pride: "you are really not smart. I've said this. Can't you understand me? I tell you: you can't afford to offend me. In the future, I'll let my son-in-law fire you in a word. "

"I'm sorry, I didn't receive the instruction from Mr. shavin. Please be conscious and leave the villa as soon as possible."

Ding Xiu jumped up and said: "you... You dare to let us go? You are too arrogant. Aren't you just a little housekeeper? To put it bluntly, you are the big nanny. "

The housekeeper took out his cell phone and made a call. After a while, four security guards came.

A security guard said sternly to Dou Erfu and Ding Xiu, "don't make trouble here, please leave the villa immediately, otherwise, we will call the police."

Douer Fu and dingxiu still want to make trouble. Dounai comes down from upstairs and asks, "what's the matter? It's noisy."

Dou Er Fu said: "Mom, today I found out that shawen loves my daughter, so I have the right to live in the villa of Regal Garden. However, the housekeeper didn't know her face and didn't let us live in it."

Soymilk asked the housekeeper, "you'd better call Mr. shavin and ask about it."

The housekeeper said coldly, "I haven't received the instruction from Mr. shawen. Mr. shawen has an order in advance. I'm not allowed to contact him without permission. If anything happens, Mr. shawen will naturally inform me."

Bean milk said: "second, since Mr. shawen doesn't mean to let you live in the villa, you can go back. Don't make trouble here. You don't have nowhere to live. Why do you have to squeeze here?"

"Mom, the problem is: I should live here."

"Second, who said you should live here? Has the final say that you should not live here? "Has the final say," he said.

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