That night, Chang Wen and the three of them went to bed early. Before they went to bed, they said hello to the landlord.

Romantic ghost also pretended to sleep, he tossed and turned, until midnight, just secretly got up, lightly opened the door.

The landlord didn't sleep. He heard the door ring. He looked at the window and saw the romantic ghost sneaking out of the yard.

The romantic ghost touched the courtyard wall of the little widow's house. He looked forward and saw that there was no movement in the courtyard and no light in the house.

"Hee hee... The little widow must be asleep."

The romantic ghost turned into the yard and pushed the door of the little widow's house. He found that the door was blocked, so he whispered: "little widow, I'm here. I'm the one who came to collect Chinese herbal medicine today. Open the door quickly..."

The romantic ghost cried for a long time, but no one spoke.

"Little widow, I am the son of the village head. If you marry me, you will be popular and spicy..."

Before I finished, the door opened with a snap.

The romantic ghost was overjoyed and thought: during the day, the little widow still pretended to be serious. Unexpectedly, she came in the middle of the night and yelled a few times, then she opened the door. It can be seen that the little widow also took a fancy to him.

"Honey, I miss you so much!"

The romantic ghost pours on her and wants to hold her.

As soon as the romantic ghost's hand touches the other party, he discovers that something is wrong.

The other side is not a slim lady, but a man like an iron tower.

"Ah! Who are you

"I've come to wait for you!"

The other party grabbed the neckline of the romantic ghost and lifted him up, just like carrying a chicken.

The romantic ghost quickly begged for mercy: "brother, I just want to have a chat with the little widow

Only a bang was heard, and a fist was hit in the belly of the romantic ghost.

"My God

There was a scream from the romantic ghost.

The man like the iron tower threw the romantic ghost to the ground, then stepped on his back, untied his belt and pulled it out.

The sound of Pa Pa reverberated in the night sky, which was a little harsh.

"My God! It's killing me! Give me a break... "

The rascal yelled.

This iron tower like man was silent, just pumping wildly. After about 10 minutes, the little widow came out and said, "second brother, don't fight, be careful to kill him."

The man like the iron tower pulled the romantic ghost up, dragged it to the yard and tied it to a tree.

The little widow asked, "did you kill my big black dog?"

"It was... I killed it. Last night, I came here. As soon as I turned into the yard, it came over and almost bit my thigh."

"What do you... What do you want?"

"I... I like you..."

The man like the iron tower raised his belt and puffed it again.

Obviously, he thought that the romantic ghost had not learned his lesson, and he even dared to flirt with the little widow in his face.

"Brother, please forgive me. I don't dare to think of the little widow any more..."

The romantic ghost was tied to a tree. Until daybreak, the man like an iron tower ran to the owner's house where Chang Wen stayed and said, "the man in your group ran to bully my sister-in-law last night and was beaten by me. Tied to the tree, you have to take 1000 yuan to redeem him because he killed a big black dog in my sister-in-law's house."

Chang Wen thought of the village head's disgrace and said, "we don't have any money with us. We can't redeem him. Let's go back and ask his father to redeem him."

Chang Wen asks Hercules to report back to the village head.

Hercules leisurely walked back, he went straight to the village head's house, pretended to be panic and said: "no, your son committed a crime in the hillside village last night, in the middle of the night, he ran to harass a little widow, was caught by others, tied to a tree to smoke, let you go to redeem people."

"My son harasses the little widow in the middle of the night?" the village head asked in panic

"Yes, your son got up secretly in the middle of the night and touched the little widow's house. Unexpectedly, he startled his brother-in-law and beat him up. Only this morning did we know about it. We rushed back to report it to you. You should go as soon as possible. If you are late, I'm afraid you can't do it. "

The village head went to the hillside village in a hurry.

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon, the romantic ghost is aching and hungry, constantly calling.

The village head knew that it was his son who had done something wrong, so he had to be careful and said, "I have no way to discipline my son. Please forgive him for his first offence. Please forgive him."

The little widow's brother-in-law said, "it's a shame that you are still a village head and have such a scum son."

The head of the village said with a smile: "I... I should die."

The little widow's brother-in-law said, "your son killed a big black dog in my sister-in-law's house. It's worth 1000 yuan. You can redeem it with money."

The village head didn't expect the lion to ask for so much money.

When he went out, he only took 500 yuan.

The village head asked the skinny monkey, "do you two have money? Lend me five hundred dollars. "

The thin monkey shook his head and said, "I don't have a cent on me."

The village head looked around and asked, "boss Chang, why didn't you see him?"

Thin monkey lied: "often the boss was detained by the landlord, said to be jointly and severally liable."

The village head begged, "go to boss Chang and ask him to lend me 500 yuan. At least you can redeem my son."

The thin monkey went to the landlord's house and said with a smile, "the village head has come. He is in the little widow's house. He only has 500 yuan. He wants to borrow money from you."

Chang Wen said with a smile, "let's go. I've always wanted to go to see the excitement, but I'm afraid the village head's son will see through this. If he talks awkwardly, we'll be in trouble. Now the village head wants to borrow money from me, so he can just go and have a look at the spectacles. "

Chang Wen went to the little widow's house and met the village head. He pretended to be sad and said, "village head, I'm really sorry. Last night, I fell asleep too much. I didn't know your son ran to the little widow's house in the middle of the night. If I had known it would be like this, I would have stayed up all night and kept your son from going out."

The village head said helplessly: "boss Chang, it's only my fault that I didn't ask my son. When I'm out of the village, it doesn't matter. Ah! My son thought I could manage the hillside village. "

Chang Wen took out 500 yuan and handed it to the village head.

The little widow's brother-in-law untied the rope on the romantic ghost, put a foot on him, and scolded: "you are not allowed to come to the hillside village again in the future, and let me see you again. I'm not polite to you."

The thin monkey pretends to support the romantic ghost.

The romantic ghost couldn't walk at all. Chang Wen said, "let's put up a stretcher and carry him back."

It was late, so I had to stay in Shanyao village for another night.

At dawn the next day, a simple stretcher was put up to carry the romantic ghost back.

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