The third victim is Jing Jing, a 30-year-old worker in Kaixuan electronics factory.

She had a birthmark on her face, about the size of a copper coin.

In the evening, Chang Wen went to Kaixuan electronics factory. He leaned against a big tree near the gate and watched the workers off work.

A middle-sized girl, pushing a bicycle out of the factory door, has a birthmark as big as a copper coin on her left face. This woman must be quiet.

Chang Wen immediately got on a bike sharing and followed quietly.

Quiet riding fast, full ride for half an hour, came to the outskirts of a slum.

She stopped at the door of an old courtyard, pushed open the door and went in.

Only one person came to the height of the courtyard wall. Chang Wen stepped on the gap of the courtyard wall, climbed up to the top of the wall and looked into the courtyard.

This is an old courtyard. The courtyard is very busy. There are four girls under a tap. Some are washing clothes, some are washing vegetables, and they are chattering.

When they saw that Jing Jing had come back, they called out with one voice, "sister, you are back!"

Quietly park the bicycle in the yard, put the bag into the house, and walk towards the gate with a plastic bag.

Chang Wen quickly hid to one side.

He walked quietly and hurriedly up the street

Chang Wen followed her slowly.

Not far away is a market. At this time, it is almost dark, and the vegetable farmers begin to close their stalls.

Quiet didn't buy vegetables, but picked up the vegetable gang and rotten vegetable leaves peeled off by the vendors.

After a while, she picked up a plastic bag and began to walk back.

Chang Wen's nose is sour. Unexpectedly, the girl is so thrifty, but she gives her 200000 yuan to a liar.

Quiet into the yard.

Chang Wen doesn't talk up people rashly and quietly. According to experience, ugly women have a kind of defensive psychology. Because they are ugly, they are discriminated against, which naturally leads to a kind of world weariness, and they are not easy to contact with strangers.

Chang Wen returned to the hotel.

Thin monkey asked: "boss, do you have a hook with quiet?"

"No, I just found out where she lived today."

Thin monkey asked suspiciously: "boss, you look depressed. Did you hit a nail?"

"Ah! I think it's really bad to pick up rotten vegetable leaves at the market with a plastic bag after work. I just thought, how can Ding Hansheng be such a liar? Such a poor working girl has been cheated by him for saving 200000 yuan. "

"If a liar had a conscience, he would not be a liar."

Chang Wen looks at the skinny monkey, and suddenly he has an idea.

On the body and appearance, quiet is not ugly. In fact, she is ugly because she has a birthmark on her face.

Chang Wen heard that modern medicine can remove birthmarks.

Skinny monkey is just a little skinny, but he has the ability and is decent.

Quiet, if you can marry a thin monkey, they are a perfect couple.

Thinking of this, Chang Wen said: "thin monkey, tomorrow evening, let's go and stare at the quiet tip."

Thin monkey wry smile for a while, said: "boss, I am not good at dealing with women, maybe I look too ugly, women see me will be tired of, I follow you to follow, will only be bad."

"Ha ha... Not necessarily. You will go with me tomorrow. I will give you a signal when you need to show up."

"Boss, what's the code?"

"I pull my ear with one hand, and that means I want you to show up."

"All right."

In the evening of the next day, Chang Wen and thin monkey each rode a bike and stood by the gate of Kaixuan electronics factory.

Quietly pushing a worn-out bicycle out of the gate, she stepped on the car and rushed to the rental house.

The quiet face was a little gloomy.

In front of the courtyard of the rental house, four women gathered at the door, and they were making a lot of noise.

Stop quietly and ask in a loud voice: "Xiaojuan, why did the landlord drive us out?"

A girl with short braids replied: "sister an, the landlord wants to increase the rent. It used to be 600 yuan a month, but now it has to be 1000 yuan. If we don't do it, the landlord will throw our things out and let us go."

Quiet angry said: "all of a sudden from 600 to 1000, this is too cruel."

"Yes, the homeowner intentionally drove us away, but he just made an excuse."

Quiet angry said: "I go to the owner, ask a clear."

Speaking of this, a 60 year old man came out of the courtyard. His face was full of flesh, triangular eyes and a flat nose. At first sight, he was not a good stubble.

"Who's looking for me?"

The owner asked fiercely.

Quiet quality asked: "uncle, people next door around the rent did not rise, why do you want to rise?"? And it's going up so much. "

"I'm the master of my house. If I want to go up, no one can control it. If you are not satisfied, call the police."

"Sir, you are unreasonable!"

"I'm not reasonable. What can you do?"

Several girls said: "you want us to talk about friends with your son, you don't see, your son is lame, who would like to marry the lame."

"Yes, you don't want to see. Although we are poor, we are all beautiful. Who would like to marry a lame man?"

The old man said angrily, "you working girls just don't appreciate it. Although my son is lame, my family has money. With such a large yard, more than ten rooms belong to my family. In two years' time, the house will be demolished. I can divide it into seven or eight new houses. If one of you is my daughter-in-law, who will be popular in the future, who will drink spicy food and live in high-rise buildings, won't it be

"Even if you give us a golden mountain, we don't want to marry a lame man."

The old man looked at the silence coldly and asked, "xiao'an, look at you, you have a birthmark on your face. You are so ugly that you don't want to marry my son? To tell you the truth, I'm worried about the birthmark on your baby's face. "

"You... You can't insult me. Although I have a birthmark on my face, my heart is beautiful."

"Ha ha... Who can see the beauty of soul? What people see is whether your face is beautiful and your figure is beautiful. Xiao an, I said, "if you are willing to be my daughter-in-law, I'll let you live for free and take care of your breakfast and dinner."

"Don't dream. I already have a boyfriend. My boyfriend is a rich second generation, or a promising entrepreneur. In the future, I will still be popular, spicy and live in high-rise buildings."

The old man looked up and laughed, ridiculed: "xiao'an, don't dream, just like you, let alone the rich second generation, even the poor second generation don't look up to you."

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