No. 1 of heigouxiang is a quadrangle, facing three main rooms with three wing rooms on each side. There is a simple wooden sign at the gate: Dadi survey company.

The door of the courtyard was open. Chang Wen stepped into the courtyard and cried out, "sister Wang!"

Sister Wang came out of the main room, followed by five men.

Chang Wen can't help but frown. These five men are tall, fat and thin. They don't look so regular.

"Little brother, welcome to check your work. These are the five employees I recruited. Please introduce yourself to each of them."

Five men stood in a row. The first one stepped forward and said respectfully, "boss, my name is thin monkey. Because I'm thin, I can fly on the eaves and walk on the wall. I have a little lightness skill."

Chang Wen pointed to the main room and said, "can you fly up?"

The thin monkey turned around, took a lunge, climbed up the roof like a monkey, and jumped down.

Chang Wen gave a thumbs up and praised: "you are really good. You have opened my eyes."

The second man said with a smile: "boss, my head is bigger than the average person. It's called big head. My characteristic is that I know five languages and master 10 main dialects of China. In addition, my brain melon seed is also more clever. I can come up with a ghost idea in a blink of an eye, which is called Zhuge Liang second."

Chang Wen asked, "I've heard that there are different appellations for calling Ma everywhere. Can you call me some of the main dialects?"

Big head said in various dialects: "Mom, mummy, amah, Anning, mummy..."

Chang Wen burst out laughing and praised: "I've learned very much like him, very much like him."

The third man said, "my name is chameleon. As the name suggests, I know how to make up. What I'm good at is dressing up as a woman. I can confuse the real with the fake."

Wang Xiaoman suggested: "chameleon, you go to the room to put on a woman's dress and let the boss see if you look like a woman."

Chang Wen waved his hand and said, "come on, I think you look so beautiful. Once you wear women's clothes, you must be a little beauty."

The fourth man said solemnly, "my name is Hercules. Judo wrestling is my specialty. Moreover, I can travel a hundred miles a day with one person on my shoulder."

Chang Wen is surprised to ask: "you... You can still travel a hundred miles a day carrying a hundred jin thing?"

"Yes, absolutely not."

Chang Wen clapped his hands to express his appreciation.

Finally, a man took out a dart from his pocket and said, "boss, there is a sparrow on the eaves. Look at the dart!"

After a while, a flash of light shot at the eaves, and the sparrow rolled into the yard.

Wang Xiaoman said: "his name is the king of darts. He is not only good at using darts, but also good at using nails and stones. If he gets to his hands, he can hit 100 shots within 50 meters. This is a unique skill in cold weapons."

Chang Wen sighed: "these five investigators all have unique skills. Sister Wang, where did you come from?"

"Ha ha... I've been a detective for five years, and I know more about all kinds of people. Of course, I'm rich in financial resources, so I can bring in all kinds of talents with high salary."

Wang Xiaoman asked each of the five employees to go to work, and she took Chang Wen to inspect the circle.

"Little brother, there are six wing rooms on both sides, just one for each of us. The main room in the middle is the reception room, the computer room on the left and the technology room on the right.

"Sister Wang, it's really wonderful of you to be the general manager. It seems that I didn't choose the wrong person."

Wang Xiaoman is not modest and said: "my younger brother, in terms of talent, I am not under the general manager of Sherlock Holmes detective Institute, but I had no capital before, so I had to be subordinate to others. Now my younger brother appreciates me and enables me to display my ambition. In the future, I will devote myself to my younger brother."

Chang Wen asked, "why is it so cold and quiet to start business today, and there is not a congratulatory guest?"

"Little brother, you don't know something. We are in the field of investigation. We are wandering in the gray area. We all live with our tails in our hands. We can't make too much publicity. You see, I chose this alley as my office location to avoid the big trees catching the wind. "

At noon, Chang Wen had lunch in Dadi investigation company. After dinner, he received a call from Dousha.

"Chang Wen, the eldest son of Greenland company, asked me to go to the banquet tonight, saying that he congratulated me on being the general manager of Yongli company."

Chang Wen alertly said: "Xiaosha, this man is insidious and cunning, and has ulterior motives. You have to be careful when you attend his banquet."

"Chang Wen, I don't want to participate either. It's hard to refute his face. After all, we Yongli company still have to do business with Greenland company. If we fall out, the contract of 20 million yuan per year will be ruined."

"Xiaosha, which hotel is the dinner party in?"

"In Millennium Wanfu mountain resort."

Chang Wen was surprised. The Millennium Wanfu summer resort is 50 kilometers away from B city, and it's in a mountainous area. Although the scenery there is good, it's a bit dangerous to go to dinner at night.

"Xiaosha, it's a bit strange to choose the place of the banquet at the Millennium Wanfu summer resort."

"Chang Wen, I'll just pay attention. You wait for me under the office building at six o'clock tonight and take me to the banquet."

Chang Wen hung up and muttered to himself, "is it the Hongmen banquet?"

Direction of the father founded the green company, net assets of 1 billion, in B city is also a well-known enterprise.

Direction in the doting parents, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, is a typical child of eight banners.

He has been crazy in pursuit of Dousha, but Dousha keeps away from him. If it's not for the purchase contract of 20 million yuan per year, Dousha doesn't care about him.

Wang Xiaoman sighed at Chang Wen and asked, "little brother, tell me what's difficult.

"My wife is going to a party tonight. I'm afraid something will happen."

Wang Xiaoman suggested: "I'll let the thin monkey follow you and help you if necessary."

At 6:00 in the evening, Chang Wen drove his car to the office building of Yongli company on time.

Dousha got into the car.

The car drove towards the Millennium Wanfu summer resort, followed by a motorcycle.

There's not much traffic on the way to the suburbs, so the motorcycle that follows stands out.

Dousha asked, "Chang Wen, seems to have a tail."

"Ha ha... That's a friend of mine. I'm worried about your accident. I'll go to the banquet with you."

"Chang Wen, you worry too much. Although the direction is a man with no tools, he is not as bad as a overlord. "

"It's hard to say."

The direction stands at the gate of Millennium Wanfu summer resort to welcome Dousha.

"Dousha, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Direction, what I promised, I will keep my promise."

The direction disdained to take a look at Chang Wen, arrogantly said: "loser, you don't follow us, just wait in the parking lot."

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