Dousha complained with a crying voice: "grandma, I've thought of all the ways I should think of, and I've done all the things I should do. Last night, I went to two uncles' house to borrow money, but I didn't get any money. I'm going to borrow it from my classmates' house this evening."

"Dousha, I'm counting on you now. I'll give you another three days. In three days, you have to send two million yuan to the villa."

Soybean milk under the ultimatum, bean paste suddenly anxious like ants on the hot pot.

In the evening, Chang Wen cooked a meal, but he couldn't eat a mouthful of bean paste.

"Wife, you are not a bank or a money printer. Since you can't raise money, forget it."

"Chang Wen, grandma has given me an ultimatum. If I can't raise another two million yuan in three days, I'm afraid I'll take off my general manager's black hat."

"To tell you the truth, if you take off your general manager WuShaMao, I'm afraid you can't find a successor. Now, doumi and doumai have left Yongli company, can doumilk let an outsider be the general manager?"

"Maybe soymilk will be the general manager again."

"Ha ha... I don't think so. Soymilk's body is getting worse every day. Besides, she has been used to the leisurely life now. It's impossible for her to come back to the company to be busy again."

"Chang Wen, you can think of some ways to let me pass this level. I want to jump now."

"Ha ha... Is jumping from a building a reserved program of your bean family?"

"Chang Wen, I didn't tell a joke. I really want to jump out of the building. Once I jump out of it, there will be no worries."

Chang Wenyou said: "wife, I have a clever plan to let you get rid of trouble."

"Say it

"I said, you may not be willing to do as I said."

"Chang Wen, tell me quickly. As long as it's a clever plan, of course I'll do it."

Chang Wen seriously said: "wife, you say, among the three granddaughters, who is the most afraid of soy milk?"

"Of course, I'm most afraid of doumi. She's going to jump off the building. There's nothing she can do with doumilk."

"Yes, since jumping is a good way, why don't you jump?"

"You... You want me to jump off a building like doumi?"

"Ha ha... I mean: you can also use suicide to scare grandma. You see, as soon as doumi jumps off the building, dounai will compromise. In fact, doumi doesn't really want to jump off the building, she just scares people."

"You... You want me to learn from doumi and go to the top of Yongli's office building tomorrow?"

"It's doumi's trick to jump off a building. If you follow suit, I'm afraid you don't look like it. Don't be too tepid at that time. Instead, you'll smash your own feet."

"So... What do you mean?"

Chang Wen lowered his voice and said something like this.

Dousha surprised and said: "I... if I do this, how can I do if I scare the soymilk?"

"The nerve of soymilk is very strong. How can it be scared? It won't be. At most, it will be a surprise."

"I don't want to scare grandma."

"If you don't want to scare grandma, you will be forced to be a psycho by grandma. Think about it. If you think it through, do it as I say

Dousha hesitates. She doesn't want to do it according to Changwen's clever plan.

The next morning, just after breakfast, soymilk called Dousha.

"Granddaughter, a day has passed. Have you made any progress in raising money?"

"Grandma, I've tried my best. I can say I'm at the end of my tether."

"Granddaughter, I don't care how difficult you are. In two days, you have to send 2 million cash to the Regal Garden Villa."

Soymilk finished and hung up.

Dousha tears, murmured: "grandma is trying to kill me."

Chang Wen shrugged his shoulders and said, "wife, I've shown you a way. You don't want to go. You can't think of any other way. I think soymilk may call you ten times a day to urge you to raise money."

Dousha bit his teeth and said, "Chang Wen, do as you say. I can't stand it any more. I feel I'm going to be driven crazy by grandma."

Chang Wen immediately calls Wang Xiaoman and tells her his clever plan.

"Sister Wang, you should make arrangements first. At ten o'clock this morning, Dousha will follow my clever plan."

Wang Xiaoman said with a smile: "little brother, you are really funny. I am convinced that you can come up with such wonderful ideas."

Chang Wen sent the bean paste to the company and immediately went to the earth investigation company.

Wang Xiaoman put a sleeping pill bottle on the table and said, "this is the prop you want. There are more than ten pills in it."

Chang Wen smilingly put the sleeping pill bottle into his pocket and said, "sister Wang, we have to make the play more realistic. Don't show it."

"Don't worry, little brother. I've always been in a stable position."

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chang Wen went to Dousha's office. He opened the bottle of sleeping pills, sprinkled more than ten sleeping pills on the ground, and then said, "wife, go to sleep quickly."

Dousha said: "Changwen, you... You are forcing me to act. If you fail, you have to wipe my bottom."

"Don't worry, it's all set up."

Chang Wen waited for Dousha to lie down on the ground. He immediately cried out, "come on! Dousha committed suicide

The Secretary ran in and saw the bean paste lying on the ground with white foam in his mouth and exclaimed, "Mom! What's to be done? "

Chang Wen picked up his cell phone and pretended to dial a number: "are you 120? I'm Yongli company. Someone here has committed suicide. Please send an ambulance as soon as possible. "

Chang Wen just shot a shot in the air. Shortly after the call, an ambulance flashed its warning light and drove to the gate of Wynn.

Two doctors jumped out of the car and rushed into the building with stretchers.

At this time, the whole office building of Yongli company has been a sensation. Everyone knows that the general manager Dousha committed suicide by taking poison.

Two doctors carried Dousha to an ambulance and sent it to a hospital.

This hospital is very familiar with Wang Xiaoman. Wang Xiaoman has said hello to the emergency room of the hospital and told them: This is a play.

The ambulance was sent by this hospital.

The news of Dousha's suicide soon spread to Fuli garden villa.

Soybean milk scared six gods have no master, quickly call Chang Wen: "Sun son-in-law, how is the bean paste?"

"Grandma, Dousha is in the emergency room. The doctor said that she took at least half a bottle of medicine. It's very dangerous."

"Son in law sun, you... You ask the doctor to rescue Dousha at all costs."

"Grandma, don't worry. I've already told the doctor that everyone will receive a red envelope of 10000 yuan. I believe: the doctor will try his best to rescue it. "

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