Chang Wen received several messages on his mobile phone. When he opened it, it was all from Lin Xiaozhen

"Brother Chang, you are so bad that you pretend to be drunk and deceive me."

"Brother Chang, you can run away. The monk can't run to the temple. Tonight, you slip away. Don't forget, there are tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow..."

"Brother Chang, I hate you. I hate you to death!"

Chang Wen turned off his cell phone and sighed.

Lin Xiaozhen's infatuation with Chang Wen is hot and rough, which makes him shudder.

The next morning, as soon as Chang Wengang sent the bean paste to Yongli company, he received a strange phone call.

"Hello! You look back and there is a white van behind you. You come here and I have something to ask you. "

This man's voice is very familiar. Chang Wen thinks about it a little and then remembers that it's Lin Datou, Lin Xiaozhen's father who called.

Chang Wen turned around and there was a white van 50 meters behind him.

He walked over nervously.

When the door opened, Lin said solemnly, "get in the car.

Chang Wen looks into the van and finds that Lin is the only one in it.

"Chang, don't worry. I won't kidnap you today."

Chang Wen looked around and saw that there was no one nearby. Then he got on the bus and asked, "uncle, what can I do for you?"

"Chang, you promised me that you would not seduce my daughter, but you broke your promise."

"Uncle, I didn't break my promise. I really didn't seduce your daughter."

"I ask you, did you run Dafa real estate? Why do you want to hire my daughter as the general manager? "

"Uncle, I hired your daughter as the general manager just to let her have something to do, so as not to pester me all day. You are also a person who lives on the scene. You should know that the general manager is very busy. If you are busy working all day, how can you afford to fall in love? "

"Chang, if you let my daughter be the general manager of Dafa real estate, you'll have a chance to get in touch with each other. I ask you: do you want to marry my daughter?"

"Uncle, I swear, I don't want to marry Lin Xiaozhen at all. It's not that your daughter is not good, but that I already have a wife and I love her very much."

"Chang, how can I believe you?"

"Uncle, I have already vowed that if I break my promise and let me go out, I will be killed by a car. You see, after so many days, I still live well. What does that mean? That means I'm not breaking my word. "

Lin Dadou warned: "Chang, this is the last time I talk to you. If I find you break your promise, I will kill you without hesitation. Next time, I won't give you an opportunity to explain."

Chang Wen vowed: "uncle, I have a suggestion: now that Lin Xiaozhen has graduated from college, it's better for her to go abroad to study. In this way, five or six years have passed. During this period, Lin Xiaozhen will know a lot of excellent men and naturally forget herself."

Lin nodded and said thoughtfully, "you can take this suggestion."

That night, Lin Datou specially waited for her daughter in the living room of the villa. Until 11 o'clock in the night, Lin Xiaozhen dragged her tired body back home.

"Girl, what are you up to? It seems to be harder than my big boss. "

"Dad, I'm now the general manager of Dafa real estate. I have to worry about everything. Oh! I'm too tired to speak. "

"My daughter, I suggest you travel abroad to relax."

Lin Datou dare not immediately put forward to let Lin Xiaozhen study abroad, but first from abroad tourism, step by step.

"Dad, now I walk in three steps and two steps, and I eat in three and two. I don't have time to travel."

"My daughter, you are not busy with our property. Instead, you meddle in other people's affairs. Is it necessary to make wedding clothes for them?"

"Dad, I'm not meddling in other people's business. I'm helping my husband with his career."

Lin Datou said angrily, "my daughter, Chang Wen has been married for three years. Besides, he has no feelings for you. Why do you want to fall in love with him wishfully?"

"Dad, you don't understand love. I don't have the same language with you. Anyway, one sentence: don't hurt Chang Wen. If he has any problems, I'll go to hell with him."

Lin Da tou sighed and said, "girl, I think you are bewildered. What's good about this regular article? I look left and right, and I don't see anything special about him. "

"Dad, I can't tell you clearly. Anyway, I've never been married in my life."

Lin big head hit a nail, sighed back to the bedroom.

The wife quietly leans on the bed to read the magazine and asks: "husband, what's the sigh?"

"I don't know what's wrong with my daughter. She just takes a fancy to that smelly boy Chang Wen, but he doesn't want to marry him. I want my daughter to go abroad to study, so as to get rid of this smelly boy, but she refuses. You're his mother. You have to take charge. You can't watch your daughter jump into the fire pit. "

Wen Jing said with a smile, "husband, I think you are blinded by one leaf. I think Chang Wen is a good young man. He is qualified to be our son-in-law."

Lin asked in surprise: "wife, you always have a good look at people. You say: what's good about Changwen?"

"Husband, don't you see that there is a sense of wealth in Chang Wen's heart and a sense of pride in his eyes."

"How can a son-in-law, a loser, pour urine cans for his mother-in-law all day and polish his shoes for him? It's a big joke. "

"Ha ha... Husband, I gave the car to Chang Wen. According to the Secretary, he is very skilled in driving. Obviously, he has driven a luxury car. When you put him into a sack to sink, he offered to return a reward of 500 million yuan. It can be seen that Chang Wen regarded money as dirt, and he must have seen a lot of money. The most important thing is: instead of squandering 500 million yuan, he founded Dafa real estate and photographed the most valuable piece of land in B city. Do you think ordinary people have such insight and courage? "

"Damn, at the beginning, I also wanted to bid A20 plot, but after more than ten rounds, only my daughter and I were left. Do you think I have the heart to fight each other with my daughter? I had to give up the A20 plot, Grandma's. maybe this Chang Wen knows that I am the opponent, so he let his daughter be the general manager of Dafa real estate, and intentionally let our father and daughter meet in a narrow way. It's really vicious. "

"Ha ha... That's the brilliance of Chang Wen. Husband, I think we should fix up our daughter's marriage. "

"Wife, do you have a fever? Chang Wen got married three years ago. They hold on to his wife. Do you want your daughter to be Chang Wen's second wife

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