Zhuang Lu and Dousha were lovers in the past. This discovery made Lin Xiaozhen very excited.

Lin Xiaozhen told the news to her mother. She said quietly, "girl, you should create opportunities for Zhuang Lu and Dousha to meet each other and let them have more contact. I believe that the ashes will revive."

Lin Xiaozhen called Zhuang Lu and begged: "cousin, I've been the general manager of Dafa real estate recently, and I've been so busy that I've been spanked. Can you ask for a few days' leave to help me?"

Zhuang Lu agreed: "well, it happens that I have a week off, and I will come to Dafa real estate tomorrow to help you."

The next morning, Zhuang Road rode an electric car to Dafa real estate.

Lin Xiaozhen frowned and said: "cousin, your temper is too stubborn. My mother has long wanted to buy you a BMW, but if you insist on not, I can't understand. My mother is your aunt. What she gives you should be the same as what your mother gives you. Why don't you accept it?"

"Cousin, you don't understand my mind. I like to be self reliant and hate the gifts of others."

"Cousin, in that case, I'll do business with you. If you help me, I'll give you 10000 yuan a day."

"Ha ha... I'm not so valuable."

"Cousin, in my eyes, you are a talent like a giant panda. I give you 10000 yuan a day, but I underestimate you."

"Ha ha... Then I'd better be respectful than obedient. However, I only asked for seven days' leave. If I knew my daily salary was 10000, I asked for one year's leave."

Zhuang Lu is sitting in Lin Xiaozhen's office, helping to copy and make some suggestions, which is equivalent to a secretary.

That night, Lin Xiaozhen made a phone call to Dousha.

"Sister Dou, I've heard that you've been the general manager for a long time, but I haven't been able to congratulate you. You won't be surprised."

"Mr. Lin, thank you for being my little manager in your heart. I heard that you are very busy recently, and I dare not disturb you."

"Sister Dou, please come to my office tomorrow. I'd like to discuss the second quarter contract with you."

"Well, I'll be at your office on time at ten tomorrow morning."

At ten o'clock the next morning, Dousha arrived at Lin Xiaozhen's office on time.

Dousha saw Zhuang Lu at a glance and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Ha ha... My cousin is too busy recently. Let me help her for a few days."

At this time, Lin Xiaozhen has dodged, deliberately leaving them the opportunity to meet alone.

Dousha and Zhuanglu were chatting happily.

They chatted for an hour, but they didn't see Lin Xiaozhen back.

Dousha asked suspiciously: "Lin and I have made an appointment to meet at 10 o'clock to talk about the contract. Now it's almost 11 o'clock. Did she forget to talk about the contract with me?"

"Dousha, you can be at ease when you come. My cousin is very busy. Just wait for her here."

It was almost twelve o'clock before Lin Xiaozhen returned to the office.

She affectionately took Dousha's hand and said apologetically, "suddenly a guest came and delayed for two hours. Sister Dou, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time."

Lin Xiaozhen looked at her watch and asked, "I'm late and should be punished. Well, I'll treat you to lunch."

The three went to a nearby hotel and asked for a private room.

The meal lasted for three hours. During the meal, the three chatted happily.

After dinner, Lin Xiaozhen suggested: "let's talk about the contract at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I have a meeting this afternoon."

According to her mother's instructions, Lin Xiaozhen tries to meet Dousha and Zhuang Lu as much as possible, so as to revive their love.

In the evening, Lin Xiaozhen hummed a little song back home.

My mother sat quietly in the living room and asked with a smile, "girl, you look like you have won a battle."

"Mom, I asked my cousin to help me for a week. This morning, I called Dousha and asked her to talk with my cousin for two hours alone. After lunch, I found that my cousin and Dousha did have some signs of resurgence."

"Add fuel to the fire, girl."

"Mom, the fire is burning big enough. What oil can it burn more vigorously?"

Wen Jing pointed to the small paper bags on the tea table and said, "my daughter, my mother has prepared oil for you."

"What's this?"

Lin Xiaozhen picked up a small paper bag and looked at it.

"Girl, this is the aphrodisiac I specially got for you."

Lin Xiaozhen was startled and asked in a panic: "Mom, do you mean let me put these drugs in the drink, let my cousin and Dousha drink them, and then let them not control what happened?"

"Haha... That's what Ma means. Your cousin is old-fashioned and won't do anything out of line. Dousha is also a virtuous woman and won't cheat easily. However, if you take the aphrodisiac, you can't help them. Girl, as long as they have that kind of thing, they will give Chang Wen a green hat. Do you think Chang Wen can swallow it? "

"Mom, I think it's a little too hard."

"Girl, if you don't take strong medicine, you can't cure the disease of single Acacia."

Lin Xiaozhen bit her lip, thought about it, and finally made up her mind: "well, it seems that she has to play this game. Although she is a bit cruel, she has to do it."

At 3 p.m. the next day, Dousha arrived at Dafa real estate on time.

Lin Xiaozhen poured two cups of coffee in person. She mixed the aphrodisiac into the coffee, stirred it, and specially put an extra piece of sugar.

Lin Xiaozhen said: "suddenly there is another guest. I have to see her. Sister Dou, sit down first."

Dousha and Zhuanglu chatted while drinking coffee.

Lin Xiaozhen moved a square stool. She stood on the stool and peeped at the movement of the office from the high small skylight.

Dousha and Zhuanglu's face turned red, and the aphrodisiac began to work.

Zhuang Lu's throat was wriggling and his face was sweating. He kept wiping the sweat and his eyes were looking at the bean paste fondly.

Dousha's face is also red, she lowered her head, playing with her fingers, a restless look.

Suddenly, Zhuang Lu took Dousha by the hand and said: "Dousha, you have been in my heart for so many years, I miss you every day!"

"Zhuang Lu, I'm the same. I haven't forgotten you for so many years."

"Dousha, I heard that you and your husband didn't have the same bed for three years. I know that your heart is very bitter."

"Zhuang Lu, I also know that you still don't have a girlfriend, and your heart is very bitter."

"Dousha, do we have any hope?"

"Zhuang Lu, I'm... I'm married. We can only be together in our next life."

"Dousha, people have no next life. We should seize this life!"

"Zhuang Lu, I'm sorry for you..."

Two hands tightly together, two people's hearts are closer and closer.

Standing on the stool, Lin Xiaozhen took a picture with her mobile phone.

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