Dousha was surprised and asked in a panic: "how did Zhuang Lu provoke you?"

Chang Wen took out his mobile phone and took out the photo. He put it in front of his wife and asked, "can you explain it to me?"

Dousha looked at the photo, and his face turned red. He said, "Chang Wen, don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong between him and me. It's just a general courtesy."

"Xiao Sha, I heard that you and Zhuang Lu are college classmates. They once fell in love."

Dousha admitted: "there is such a thing, but it's all in the past."

"Since it's the past tense, why are you still dating? Why are you still so close? "

"Chang Wen, we haven't seen each other for three years. Ten days ago, we met for the first time in a teahouse. Yesterday, I met Zhuang Lu for the second time in the office of general manager Lin of Dafa real estate. He was very excited and shook my hand."

"Xiao Sha, as far as I know, you two didn't just shake hands."

Dousha lowered his head, thought for a moment, raised his head and said frankly: "yesterday, Zhuang Lu was a little excited and hugged me, but I didn't hold him back."

Since Dousha frankly told the meeting of Zhuang Lu twice, at least it shows that Dousha has no ghost in his heart.

It seems that Chuang Lu wants to take Dousha from Chang Wen.

"Xiaosha, you said: does Zhuang Lu want to revive with you

"Maybe he means it, but I have told him clearly that I will live a good life with you in accordance with my grandfather's will."

Chang Wen's heart is a little comfortable. At least Dousha doesn't lie and doesn't want to hide his private affairs, which shows that Dousha is loyal to marriage.

The next day, Chang Wen went to earth survey company to find Wang Xiaoman.

"Sister Wang, I didn't sleep well last night. Chuang Lu harassed my wife and tried to break up my marriage. Do you think I should fight a battle to defend my marriage?"

Wang Xiaoman said with disapproval: "according to my understanding of your wife, Dousha should be a more traditional woman and will not cheat easily. However, women are relatively weak, can not stand the men's hard and soft grind, a long time, perhaps there will be variables. So you really need to fight a battle to defend your marriage. "

"Sister Wang, I want to teach Zhuang Lu a lesson and let him know that peeping at other people's wives costs a lot."

"Little brother, you mean: let me send someone to beat him up? Or take off one of his arms and one of his legs? It's not going to kill him, is it

Chang Wen said thoughtfully, "I haven't thought about it yet, but I can't stand by and let Zhuang Lu pester my wife recklessly."

"Little brother, according to the photos of Zhuang Lu, I think he should be a person who knows self-respect and the truth of retreating in the face of difficulties. I think it's better to be polite before the soldiers. You might as well talk to him and exchange your views frankly. If Zhuang Lu doesn't know his face, you can make plans for the next step. "

"All right."

Chang Wen went to Dafa real estate. He knew that in recent days, Zhuang Lu helped Lin Xiaozhen in Dafa real estate.

Sure enough, Zhuang Lu was in Lin Xiaozhen's office, bending his head to copy a document.

Lin Xiaozhen is not in the office.

Chang Wen tapped the table with his fingers and asked, "if I guess correctly, you are Zhuang Lu."

Zhuang Lu raised his head and asked, "who are you? Are you looking for Mr. Lin? "

"I'm the husband of Dousha. I want to talk to you."

Zhuang Lu asked knowingly, "what do we have to talk about?"

Chang Wen took out his mobile phone, took out the photo, showed it to Zhuang Lu, and asked, "if I hold your wife's hand tightly, will you talk to me?"

Zhuang Lu looks at Chang Wen in surprise. He is stunned. Yesterday, he is so excited that he can't help himself. He not only grabs Dousha's hands, but also hugs Dousha.

At that time, there were only two of them in the room, and there was no third person. Who took this picture secretly?

Zhuang Lu was a little frightened. He looked around and thought: is there a camera in this office.

"Zhuang Lu, I heard that you are not married, and you have not talked about girlfriends. Imagine if you are married, but a man pesters your wife, what will you do?"

"I... I..."

Zhuang Lu was tongue tied. He knew he didn't pay attention.

Yesterday, he was so impulsive that he did some ridiculous things.

"Do you think it doesn't matter to have an affair with a married woman?"

"I was... I was wrong."

Zhuang Lu bowed his head in shame.

"A wrong sentence can solve the problem."

"What do you... What do you want?"

"I want you to write a promise that you will never pester my wife again from now on."

"This... This is not suitable. If something written in black and white falls into other people's hands, I will be disgraced."

"Ha ha... Do you care about reputation? However, this at least shows that you are a man with face and skin. Well, when your cousin comes, promise in front of your cousin that you will never pester my wife in the future. Is that right? "

"This... This..."

"Zhuang Lu, I am very restrained to you, but I also have a bottom line. If you do not change after repeated education, then I have to take other actions to safeguard my marriage and my dignity."

"I... I promise to never pester Dousha in front of my cousin."

Dousha returned to the office and was surprised to see Chang Wen coming.

Seeing her cousin's dejected appearance, she knew that the two men must have fought each other.

Chang Wen solemnly said: "little Zhen Mei, you have to be a witness. I want Zhuang Lu to promise in front of you: never pester my wife again."

Lin Xiaozhen sighed and said, "brother Chang, can't you let your wife go? Let her pursue her own love, just like a pigeon, don't shut it in a cage, let it soar freely in the sky. "

"No! I won't! Dousha is my wife, today is my wife, tomorrow is my wife, the day after tomorrow is my wife, and always will be my wife. "

The fury of Chang Wen shocked Dousha. She had never seen Chang Wen lose such a big temper.

"Cousin, since brother Chang insists on making you promise, you can promise it."

Zhuang Lu lowered his head and said in a heavy tone: "I promise: from today on, I will never entangle with Dousha again, and I will never make any extraordinary moves again."

Chang Wen said with satisfaction: "Zhuang Lu, the past has been written off. I have to warn you: if there is a similar situation again, I will fight back."

Lin Xiaozhen said: "brother Chang, it's all a misunderstanding. My cousin and your wife are college classmates. They fell in love again and have a certain emotional foundation. Now that we meet, we have some intimate actions, which should be excusable. Now that my cousin has promised that similar things will not happen again in the future, you two should stop pestering

Chang Wen stares at Zhuang Lu and leaves.

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