Lin Xiaozhen asked eagerly: "aunt, what's the matter with my cousin? When I called him just now, he said that it was still dark, and his speech was vague, as if he was drunk. "

"Xiao Zhen, Zhuang Lu was really drunk last night. He didn't come back until one o'clock in the morning, and he didn't get up in the afternoon. I don't think he woke up yet."

Lin Xiaozhen nervous said: "aunt, bad thing, cousin drunk last night, maybe hit a person, the police will soon come to catch him."

"Ah! No way

"Auntie, go home quickly, and I'll be right with you."

Lin Xiaozhen starts running.

When she arrived at her aunt's house, a police car stopped at the door of her aunt's building.

Two policemen escorted Zhuang Road and got into the police car.


Lin Xiaozhen rushed over, but, a step late, the police car has left.

Aunt wailed: "this... What's the matter? My son is honest and honest. He's afraid of stepping on ants when he walks. How can he hit people on purpose? I... I don't believe it... "

Lin Xiaozhen comforted her aunt and called her mother: "Mom, my cousin was arrested by the police. My aunt is crying. Please come quickly."

Lin Xiaozhen's mother rushed to her sister's house and asked about the situation. She said in doubt: "with my understanding of Zhuang Lu, he is unlikely to hit someone intentionally. There must be some misunderstanding here."

Lin Xiaozhen told her mother: "according to Chang Wen's description, the person who hit him was riding a blue electric car, wearing a red helmet, wearing a white coat and black trousers. These characteristics are consistent with his cousin. I think it's very strange. Is there anyone in the world who is dressed the same as his cousin?"

Wen Jing asked, "is there a festival between Zhuang Lu and Chang Wen?"

"It's not because of the bean paste. Yesterday, Chang Wen taught Zhuang Lu a lesson and asked Zhuang Lu to promise in front of me that he would never entangle the bean paste again."

Wen Jing affirmed: "this matter is Zhuang Lu's fault first. Chang Wen asked him to make a promise, which is not out of line. It is said that Zhuang Lu can't hate Chang Wen so much, so he will kill him."

"Yes, even if Chang Wen beat his cousin, he won't take revenge on Chang Wen. I believe in his character."

Quiet said: "there must be misunderstanding here, let's wait for the police investigation results."

"Mom, if someone wearing the same clothes as my cousin bumps into Chang Wen, I'm afraid my cousin will take the blame. Are there still few people who have been wronged?"

Wen Jing thought about it and said, "let's imagine that Zhuang Lu did it first. How can we deal with it?"

"Mom, if it's really my cousin who hit me on purpose, I think: if Chang Wen can write a reconciliation, it can turn the big thing into the small one and turn the small one into the small one."

Wen Jing agreed: "that's right. This is the best solution."

Zhuang Lu's mother said impatiently, "Xiao Zhen, please go to ask Chang Wen to write a reconciliation letter. Don't pursue Zhuang Lu's responsibility any more."

"Well, it's up to me."

Lin Xiaozhen rushed back to the hospital immediately.

Wang Xiaoman is feeding Chang Wen.

Lin Xiaozhen asked discontentedly, "Chang Wen, where's your wife? Why doesn't she come to serve you? "

"I didn't tell my wife that I was injured. I just lied and said that the coach would take me a week to come back."

Lin Xiaozhen frowned and said: "brother Chang, at the critical moment, you dare not even tell your wife the truth. What else can such a wife want to keep? I think you'd better get divorced earlier. "

Wang Xiaoman is displeased to blame a way: "small Zhen younger sister, you talk to pay attention to a point, don't fluff."

Lin Xiaozhen put her hands on her hips and said, "Hello! What are you? It's not brother Chang's elder sister. Don't look like an elder. Little lady doesn't like it. "

Chang Wen said: "one of you is my sister, the other is my sister, so don't fight in the dark."

Lin Xiaozhen took out a stack of paper and a pen from her satchel, patted her on the bed and said angrily, "brother Chang, after you have finished your meal, you should write a reconciliation immediately. You should write: Zhuang Lu bumped into me, but I'm willing to forgive him. I don't want to investigate his responsibility. I hope the police will release him immediately."

Chang Wen frowned and said, "little Zhen Mei, it's so light of you to say that I broke a rib and lost a lot of blood. I almost lost my life. Now you ask me to forgive the troublemaker. Is it wrong to take my life for granted?"

"Elder brother Chang, if you are killed, I won't spare my cousin, but you're fine now. You'll be fine if you sleep in bed for a few days."

"Sister Zhen, it seems that you and your cousin are related by blood after all. His weight is much heavier than mine."

"Brother Chang, if you are killed by my cousin, you must be heavier than him. But now you are alive and kicking, but my cousin is squatting in the detention center. You say, who should I consider?"

"Little Zhen Mei, I think: your request is too much. Should I be hit by him? I deserve this? Should I have nearly lost my life? "

"Brother Chang, you've already made a mistake for my cousin. Do you want to make a second mistake for him?"

"I... I'm sorry for your cousin?"

"My cousin and your wife were lovers in the past. They were devoted to each other. If their parents hadn't stopped them, they would have been husband and wife. Even if they were separated temporarily, they might have a chance to get back together in the future. However, you got married to Dousha like lightning, which made my cousin lose his chance. Don't you say, "I'm sorry for my cousin?"

Chang Wen said with a smile and a smile: "little Zhen Mei, your logic is really wonderful. According to you, I'm still wrong?"

"Of course you are wrong. At the beginning, when douye betrothed you to Dousha, you should ask for Dousha's advice. However, you married Dousha no matter what. Is it a bit immoral?"

If you think about it carefully, there is something wrong with Chang Wen.

At the beginning, when douye was married, Chang Wen didn't expect to ask for Dousha's advice.

Chang Wen fell in love with Dousha at first sight. When he saw douye pointing out his marriage, he was only happy, but didn't think of the feeling of Dousha at all.

Chang Wen sighed and said, "I... how do I know that Dousha is not happy? I saw that she agreed immediately. I thought she was full of joy."

"Shit! You are not a fool. Can't you see the reluctance and helplessness of Dousha? "

Chang Wen bowed his head and said nothing.

Lin Xiaozhen said aggressively: "brother Chang, today, you have to write if you don't write, even if it's against your will."

"If I don't write, what can you do to me?"

Lin Xiaozhen took out a pair of scissors from her satchel and said, "brother Chang, if you don't write, I will die with you."

Wang Xiaoman steps forward and takes the scissors from Lin Xiaozhen.

Lin Xiaozhen sprang to Wang Xiaoman with teeth and claws. Wang Xiaoman ran out of the ward with laughter and said: "sister Zhen, if you can hold me, I'll give you back the scissors."

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