Dousha thinks that there is only one way, that is to let Zhuang Lu sleep at his home and rush back to the office all night.

Dousha left a note for Zhuanglu: Zhuanglu, I don't know why you should drink too much in the middle of the night. If you have any difficulties, please let me know. Maybe I can help you. When you wake up and leave my house, please lock the door

Dousha put the note beside Zhuang Lu's pillow and went to the company by herself. She slept on the sofa in the office all night.

At four o'clock the next morning, Zhuang Lu woke up. He opened his eyes and found that he was sleeping in a strange room.

Zhuang Lu gets up from the bed and finds the wedding photos of Dousha and Chang Wen on the wall. He also sees the note left by Dousha. He knows that he was drunk last night and meets Dousha. Dousha helps him back to her home.

In the past five years, Zhuang Lu has never looked for Dousha, but his heart is full of Dousha. He declined many matchmakers and never fell in love.

Three years ago, he heard that Dousha had been married and had been sleeping in bed for three days and three nights. Three days later, he finally got out of bed and secretly made up his mind to do something personal.

He has been in business for more than three years, but he has not made much money.

Last year, he went back to his hometown to attend a cousin's wedding. It was said that there were hundreds of acres of orchards in the village that no one contracted. So he moved his heart. With the support of his parents, he contracted 100 acres of orchards with his parents' 300000 savings.

He hopes to start a new business.

I didn't expect to encounter such a bad thing.

In the face of the compensation of 500000 yuan, Zhuang Lu was almost crushed. He really wanted to die and never have trouble again.

Zhuang Lu meets Dousha by accident, which makes him catch a life-saving straw.

He knew that Dousha had been the general manager of Yongli company, and he could certainly afford 500000 yuan.

Zhuang Road in desperate circumstances, had to make a phone call to Dousha.

"Dousha, I was drunk last night. Fortunately, I met you. Otherwise, I would lie down on the street. Maybe I would be killed by a car."

"Zhuang Lu, what's the matter with you? You have to get drunk. Are you drowning your worries by drinking?"

"Dousha, I'm in bad luck."

Zhuang Lu contracted his orchard and hired female workers to take medicine. Unfortunately, a female worker was poisoned, and she turned into a vegetable.

The family of the female worker asked him for 500000 yuan of compensation, otherwise, she would be taken to court.

After listening to Dousha, he promised to help Zhuanglu raise money.

In one day, Dousha raised 500000 yuan, and then personally sent it to Xiaozhuang village and handed it to Zhuang Lu.

Zhuang Lu gives the money to a Bao, and the two sign the agreement to end the poisoning case.

Zhuang Lu omitted the passage of meeting Dousha when he told Wang Xiaoman about the incident. He just said, "I met a friend who lent me 500000 yuan to compensate a Bao."

After listening to Zhuang Lu's narration, Wang Xiaoman asked, "your friend can lend you 500000 yuan. It seems that your relationship with this friend is unusual."

"It's my brother."

"Man? I don't think so. I think it's not necessarily the brothers who lend you the money. Maybe it's the sisters. "

Zhuang Lu explained: "yes... My male college classmate. In the past four years, we have been sleeping in the upper and lower bunks. We have a very good relationship."

Wang Xiaoman laughed and said, "Zhuang Lu, what's the name of your male college classmate?"

"His... His name is Li Wei."

Wang Xiaoman laughed and said, "Zhuang Lu, I didn't expect that you can make up stories. Unfortunately, you can't make it up. You said that this classmate sleeps with you in the University. As far as I know, there is no upper and lower bunk in your university, but a table below and a bunk above. "

Zhuang Lu was surprised and asked, "have you ever been to our school?"

"Yes, I often go to your university. I'm very familiar with it. I'm right. As early as ten years ago, there were no upper and lower bunks in your university."

"I just wanted to emphasize the relationship between me and this classmate, so I quoted the concept of upper and lower bunks. In fact, I mean: we are in the same bedroom."

Wang Xiaoman didn't expose Zhuang Lu's lies. He just said, "Zhuang Lu, your classmate is really not simple. I'm afraid there are very few students who can lend you 500000 yuan now. Besides, I'd like to lend you such a down-to-earth person. Maybe the 500000 yuan she lent can only be used to beat dogs with steamed buns."

"I will, I will."

"Ha ha... It doesn't have to be. Depending on your ability, you may not be able to turn over in your whole life. This debt may only be paid in your next life."

"You... You look down on me."

"Yes, I do look down on you. Am I wrong? You see, it's been several years since you graduated from University, and you can't even earn your own food money. "

Zhuang Lu was a little embarrassed. He bowed his head and said in embarrassment, "I've worked hard, I've struggled, but my luck is not good. I'll pay for what I do."

"Ha ha... I think luck is only one aspect, more importantly, you don't have a business mind."

Zhuang Lu is a little unconvinced, but it's useless for him to say anything now.

Today's era is based on the success or failure of the hero, you succeed, that is the hero, you fail, that is the bear.

Wang Xiaoman asked: "the student who lent you money, do you two often go out with each other?"

"No, it's more than five years since I graduated from college. It's the first time we've been together."

"Ha ha... You don't usually have any contact with each other. As soon as you do, you start to borrow money. It seems that you are forced to go to Liangshan."

"Yes, I'm really forced to go to Liangshan. If I can't raise 500000 yuan in three days, I'll be finished. I can only apologize for my death."

Wang Xiaoman said contemptuously: "a man, don't die one by one. It's really hopeless. Death is the simplest, but living is the hardest

"Elder sister, you're right. I'm awake now. No matter how hard the road ahead is, I will go forward bravely."

"Zhuang Lu, if a Hong doesn't become a vegetable, his elder brother a Bao just set a trap for you and cheated you of 500000 yuan, then what are you going to do?"

"I didn't think so, and I don't know what to do."

"Zhuang Lu, I want to do you a favor and help you investigate the current situation of ah Hong. I think: maybe she has nothing to do now, and she's jumping around."

"It's... It's impossible. When she was poisoned, she was convulsed and pale, not pretending."

"Ha ha... Maybe you don't know that many diseases can be pretended."

"I... I haven't seen it or experienced it. I just want to finish it earlier so that I can get back on my feet, manage the orchard well and make more money. I can not only repay the 500000 loan, but also repay the 300000 investment of my parents."

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