Po took out the key and opened the door.

Chameleon let Zhang Guihua guard the motorcycle, he walked into the yard, close to the tile house.

Voices came from the tile house.

"Brother, where have you been?"

"Don't mind my business. These are some steamed stuffed buns I bought for you. You can eat them soon."

"Brother, you can't keep me in the house. I'll never run away again."

"Sister, I shut you in for the sake of you and us. That Zhang Guihua is not a good thing. She must have been sent by boss Zhuang. Boss Zhuang doubted that you have not become a vegetable, so he sent Zhang Guihua to scout and let her lure you back to Xiaozhuang village. In this way, he caught me cheating. Boss Zhuang would take you as evidence and take me to court to get back the 500000 yuan. We don't have the 50000. What will we eat and drink in the future? "

"Brother, I won't go with Zhang Guihua. I want to work in Africa. I heard that I earn a lot of money there. When I go abroad, boss Zhuang can't find me or your evidence. Then you can tell boss Zhuang that I'm dead."

"Ha ha... Sister, I can't believe what you said. Last time, if I hadn't made a quick decision, I went to the long-distance bus station and captured you. Now you have become the hostage of boss Zhuang."

"Brother, I promise I won't go back to Xiaozhuang village."

"Sister, it's useless for you to say anything. I'll lock you up for at least one year. I guess it will be all right after one year. Even if you met boss Zhuang at that time, I can also say that you just wake up recently."

Ah Hong begged for a long time, but it didn't work.

She asked, "brother, are we just sitting on empty seats like this?"

"Sister, I go out every day just to find a way to make money. You can stay at home. You can't be hungry anyway."

At about 5 p.m., Po went out again, got on his motorcycle, and bought a bottle of wine and several bags of pickles in the small town.

Before drinking, Bao locked the door from inside. He said with a smile, "sister, I'll be drunk later, and you won't want to run out."

Ah Bao poured and drank alone. After a while, he got drunk and slept in bed, snoring loudly.

The chameleon knocked on the window and cried, "ah Hong, open the window quickly."

Ah Hong asked, "who are you?"

"I'm a friend of Zhang Guihua. I'm here to save you."

Ah Hong asked suspiciously, "why didn't osmanthus come?"

"Osmanthus is coming. It's in the alley outside. If you don't believe me, I'll call her right away."

"Go and call osmanthus. I only believe her."

The chameleon called out a piece of osmanthus.

Zhang Guihua said eagerly: "ah Hong, open the window quickly."

Ah Hong opened the window for a long time and said anxiously, "it's over. The window can't be opened. I think it must be a dead window."

There are many dead windows in the countryside, that is, the windows that can't be opened, just for the sake of installing a few pieces of transparent glass. Such windows are safer and thieves can't get in.

Zhang Guihua said eagerly, "ah Hong, your brother is drunk. Open the door quickly."

"My brother locked the door from inside. I can't open it."

Chameleon quickly said: "ah Hong, your brother locked the door from the inside, which means that the key is on your brother. You quickly find the key and open the door."

Ah Hong suddenly realized that she was searching ah Bao's body. However, after searching for a long time, she only found a key to open the door from the outside.

A Hong anxiously said: "only one key was found, which opened the door from outside. My brother installed a lock inside the door, but where he put the key? I don't know."

Zhang Guihua said: "ah Hong, you look around the room, like on the door frame, cabinet, or inside your brother's shoes. If you look around, you will find it."

Ah Hong was rummaging in the room, but she couldn't find the key.

"I can't find it. What can I do?"

"What's the lock on the door?" the chameleon asked

"It's a pinball lock."

Chameleon quickly said: "you find a hammer, or a stone, hard hit a few times, this lock is very easy to break."

Ah Hong ran to the kitchen and took a kitchen knife. She beat the billiard lock with the back of the knife. After a while, she heard a crack and the billiard lock was broken.

Chameleon and osmanthus entered the room.

Zhang Guihua said, "ah Hong, hurry to clean up your clothes. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

The chameleon found the key of the motorcycle on Bao's body and said, "go quickly. It's not too late. When your brother wakes up, there will be trouble."

Zhang Guihua can ride a motorcycle. She rides a Bao's motorcycle.

Chameleon with a Hong, two motorcycles fast toward P county.

Once in P County, chameleon took a taxi and said, "we're going to B city."

The driver shook his head and refused: "at night, I dare not run a long distance."

The chameleon asked, "we are all women. What are you afraid of? Are you still afraid that we will rob you? "

The taxi driver shrugged and said, "although you three are all women, they are all five big and three rough. Look at me. Although I'm a man, I'm a small man. If you three go together on the way, I'm not the opponent of you three. When you kill me, I don't know how to die."

Chameleon looked around. There was no other taxi on the street, so he advised, "driver, let's take a picture of the three of us with your mobile phone, and then send it to your friend's mobile phone. If you have an accident, let your friend call the police. I think the police can catch us soon with the pictures of the three of us."

The driver thought about it, nodded and said, "that's a good idea."

The driver took out his mobile phone and took a group photo for the three of them. Then he sent it to some friends and specially explained: "these women are going to B city. If I have any trouble tonight, I must have been killed by these three women. You should call the police immediately and send the photos of these three women to the police."

The driver finally agreed to go to city B overnight.

The three of them got into a taxi and arrived at Dawan at last.

Wang Xiaoman is waiting in the hotel of Dawan town with skinny monkey and Hercules.

Wang Xiaoman looked at ah Hong and said happily, "it's great to wait for you at last."

She immediately took a few pictures of ah Hong, and then asked about her poisoning and how her brother Bao cheated Zhuang Lu.

Wang recorded the conversation and drafted a complaint. Then he took chameleon and Hercules to Daba town in P county.

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