Wang Xiaoman and Chang Wen seriously discussed the specific details of the plan.

"Little brother, you'd better tell Zhang Guihua about it, otherwise, Zhang Guihua will hate you."

"Sister Wang, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Guihua remembers to hate me or not. I think it's better for you to say that you should do the favor."

"OK, but I'll make it clear to Zhang Guihua. That's what you mean."

That afternoon, Wang Xiaoman returned to the company.

He knocked on the chameleon's office door.

Zhang Guihua ran to open the door, embarrassed to say: "Mr. Wang, i... i..."

"Osmanthus, I have something to do with you. Come to my office."

Chameleon thought that Wang Xiaoman wanted to criticize Zhang Guihua, and quickly explained: "Mr. Wang, I asked Zhang Guihua to come. I have a little pain in my waist. Let her give me a massage."

"Ha ha... Chameleon, Zhang Guihua is your fiancee. It's natural for her to come to the company."

Zhang Guihua followed Wang Xiaoman to the office. She asked uneasily, "Mr. Wang, have I made any mistakes?"

”Osmanthus, sit down. "

Zhang Guihua sat down with her buttocks down and her head down, waiting to be criticized.

In the past two days, Zhang Guihua has been sticking to the chameleon. She also feels a little inappropriate, which seems to affect the chameleon's work.

"Osmanthus, I heard: the day before yesterday you asked boss Chang to borrow money."

Zhang Guihua said unhappily: "yes, I heard that boss Chang is very rich, so I asked him to borrow a million yuan, so that Longge could buy a second-hand house and a second-hand car. In this way, I could explain to my mother, otherwise, my mother would not agree with me to marry Longge."

"Osmanthus fragrans, the meaning of boss Chang is: I want you and brother long to undertake an important task. If you complete this task, the company will award you a bonus, which is enough for you to buy a suite and a car."

On hearing this, Zhang Guihua jumped up with joy and said happily, "boss Wang, no problem. We promise to complete the task assigned to us by the company, but we don't know if we have the ability."

"Osmanthus, this task requires you to play the leading role. Whether the task is completed well depends on your ability."

"Can I?"

"Osmanthus fragrans, you did a good job in Xiaozhuang village last time. I'm very satisfied. I believe that you will be able to accomplish this task. "

"Sister Wang, I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Wang Xiaoman gave such an account, and finally told: "Osmanthus fragrans, you have to adapt to circumstances, grasp the opportunity, everything depends on you."

Zhang Guihua said thoughtfully, "Mr. Wang, I will try my best to complete this task."

The next day, Zhang Guihua and chameleon began a special task.

The chameleon, dressed up as a driver in his overalls, drives a regular French car and sits in the front seat with Zhang Guihua.

Zhang Guihua dressed up as a noble lady, wearing earrings, gorgeous clothes, two inch high heels, carrying a brand bag worth 200000.

Wang Xiaoman specially dressed up for Zhang Guihua.

The car arrived near the city cultural center and stopped at the side of the road.

Wang Xiaoman is riding an electric car, following behind the car. She is staring at the gate of the cultural center.

Around 8:30, Zhu Cong rode an electric car to the cultural center.

Wang Xiaoman immediately called Zhang Guihua: "Guihua, not far in front of you, there is a man riding a red electric car. This man is Zhu Cong. You recognize him."

Zhang Guihua fixed her eyes, turned her lips and said with disdain, "this guy's name is Zhu Cong. I thought he was a great man. After working for a long time, he was not amazing."

The chameleon shrugged and echoed, "Yeah, this guy doesn't look as good as me."

"Brother long, you are much more handsome than him. Look at him, his hair is thin, his eyes are as small as a line of sky, his height is not high, and he walks with a bump. He looks like a man without grade."

Chameleon smile, said: "osmanthus, your vision is really high ah, you can take a fancy to me, really let me lucky."

Zhang Guihua rolled a white eye to the chameleon, pretending to be angry and said: "you, you are just cheating me. It's my bad luck to meet you, a big liar."

"Ha ha... My deception is not high. I remember the first time I met you, you said that my feet are like men, and I swear like men. It seems that your eyes are very poisonous."

"Well! My mother's eyes are poisonous. I can say that I never forget them. As long as I take a look at this person, I will keep it in mind. Even if he burns to ashes, I know him. "

Zhang Guihua is a very smart girl, she has many specialties, including one can recognize a person at a glance.

Zhang Guihua recognized Zhu Cong.

Zhu Cong got off the electric car and pushed it into the courtyard of the cultural center.

Zhang Guihua walked out of the car carrying a famous brand bag and entered the cultural center.

Zhu Cong has locked his electric car and is preparing to step up the cultural museum.

Suddenly, he heard a woman behind him calling, "ouch.".

Zhu Cong looks back and finds a gorgeous girl lying on the ground, as if she had sprained her foot.

The girl asked for help and said, "brother, can you... Can you help me?"

Zhu Cong quickly ran over, helped the girl up, and asked with concern, "is your foot not sprained?"

"I... my feet hurt so much. It seems that I was sprained. Brother, you... You help me out of the yard. My car is parked outside. I have to go to the hospital to have a check."

Zhu Cong found that the young lady was very beautiful, and she looked like a noble lady according to her dress. He said politely, "Miss, does your electric car park outside? Can you drive to the hospital by yourself with your foot twisted like this? Well, you sit in the back of my electric car and I'll take you to the hospital. "

"I... my French car is parked at the gate of the cultural center."

Zhu Cong was startled and asked: "Miss, are you driving a French car?"

"No, I didn't. I had a driver."

Zhu Cong was surprised again. This young lady is not only beautiful, but also rich.

She drives a French car and has a full-time driver, which is not the treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

"Miss, are you... Are you a rich second generation?"

This girl is Zhang Guihua.

Zhang Guihua said casually: "my father started a fortune 500 company in the world, and my family's assets are 100 billion, all over the world."

"Ah! So you are miss Wan Jin

Zhang Guihua frowned and corrected: "there is only the name of Miss Qianjin. Where is Miss Wanjin?"

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