Zhu Cong's face turned white with fright. He never dreamed that such a wonderful thing would happen to him.

A girl she didn't know even came to call out to her affectionately. She also said that she had been sleeping with her for two years and that she had been pregnant twice.

"You're... You're a lunatic, you're a psycho..."

"Brother Zhu, I know: you are tired of playing with me, so you abandon me. I don't blame you, I don't blame you at all, because I have no money, I'm just a small worker, and my parents are also small workers. You look down on me, you are tired of playing with me, and it's natural for you to abandon me now."

"I can't understand what you said. I'll call the police."

Zhu Cong shakes his hands and takes out his cell phone.

Chameleon grabbed the mobile phone and said with disdain, "brother Zhu, don't act in front of your new girlfriend. Your trick can deceive your new girlfriend, but it can't deceive me. I know that you are a snob. You are a man who likes the new and dislikes the old. Today you abandon me, tomorrow you will abandon her, and you will play with one woman after another, Although the law can not punish you, but the moral court will let you show your true colors

Zhu Cong had never met such a thing before. He was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

There was a big circle of diners in the hotel, and people denounced it one after another

"This man is not a thing. He likes the new and dislikes the old. I don't know how many women he has wasted."

"Yes, you see, he made people pregnant twice and gave birth twice, then he abandoned them."

"Such a man is scum!"

Zhu Cong is condemned by the public and becomes a street mouse.

He stammered: "she... She framed me. I don't know her at all. Really, I'm telling the truth."

The chameleon turned to the poodle and said, "girl, you are too young. Maybe you have never talked about your boyfriend. I have to warn you: stay away from the scum man. If you don't listen to my advice, you will end up like me in the future. You will be pregnant, miscarried, abandoned, and everything that happened to me will be repeated to you. "

"Are you really Zhu Cong's ex girlfriend? Did he really get you pregnant twice? "

Asked the poodle.

"Sister, why should I pour dirty water on myself? Am I a fool? Do you think I'm a fool? "

"Elder sister, how many years have you been with Zhu Cong?"

"More than two years, at the beginning, he painstakingly pursued me, knelt down in front of me, vowed and repeatedly said: love me all my life, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, and he also said: for me, he is willing to give up his life. Sister, maybe he'll say the same to you. "

"Yes, he told me just now that he would give me flowers all his life. It seems that Zhu Cong is a scum who is good at deceiving women with sweet words!"

"Yes! He is the scum man, the scum man

Shimaogou threw the flowers in his hand on Zhu Cong's face and scolded: "you... You are an asshole! I was almost fooled by you. Fortunately, I met my elder sister and let me see you clearly. From then on, we went our separate ways. "

Zhu Cong pleaded: "you... You've been cheated by her. What she said is all lies. I... I've never cheated a woman in my life, let alone let any woman get pregnant or miscarry. Nothing she said is true. You have to believe me."

The chameleon took out a stack of photos from his satchel, handed them to the poodle and said, "he said I have no evidence. These photos are conclusive evidence."

Shimaogou took this pile of photos and looked at them one by one. In the photos, there were pictures of Zhu Cong and chameleon, some of them in the beach; Some are in the flowers of the park; Others are on the sofa at home.

Zhu Cong and the chameleon embrace, kiss, hand in hand

All in all, these photos are intimate photos of chameleon and Zhu Cong.

In fact, these photos were synthesized by Wang Xiaoman.

Looking at these pictures one by one, her face became more and more grim.

"Zhu Cong, what else do you have to say?"

When Zhu Cong looks at these photos, he is stunned.

He didn't know the woman who suddenly appeared, let alone take a picture with her.

Where do these pictures come from?

Zhu Cong suddenly realized, he hysterically cried: "these photos are fake, are synthetic, some people framed me, some people slandered me, some people want to kill me!"

Shimaogou said angrily, "Zhu Cong, why don't people frame me up? Don't you stigmatize me? Don't you put me to death? It seems that you don't give up when you get to the Yellow River and don't cry when you see the coffin. From now on, I don't know you

With that, shimaogou hurled the pile of photos on Zhu Cong's face, turned around and left.

Just after a few steps, she came back and said to the front desk attendant, "cancel my private room."

"You... You don't leave. I'll call the police. I'll let the police deal with today's business."

"You let me go. If you don't, I'll sue you for harassment."

Chameleon walked away with a sneer. Before he left, he threw Zhu Cong's mobile phone at his feet.

Zhu Cong said angrily, "who are you? Why are you doing this to me? You can't go... "

Zhu Cong wants to hold the chameleon.

At this time, Hercules gave Zhu Cong a hard push and said, "you are tired of playing with others and abandoning them. Now, what do you want to do? You bastard, you've just lost the face of all the men in the world. "

The chameleon got into a taxi and left.

Hercules slapped Zhu Cong in the face.

Zhu Cong was slapped in the face. He was confused. He covered his face with his hands and murmured, "what's the matter? What's the matter? "

No one answered him. What came into his ears was a voice of abuse: "scum man! This guy is a scum

"This kind of scum who plays with women is going to take him to court."

Some people salivate at Zhu Cong, and others throw raw eggs at Zhu Cong.

Hercules sneered and left the hotel.

Zhu Cong squatted on the ground, holding his head in both hands, and kept saying, "I'm wronged... I'm wronged!"

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Don't know how long, Zhu Cong finally stood up, he slowly left the hotel.

Walking on the open street, Zhu Cong murmured to himself, "it's all like a dream. Am I still dreaming?"

Zhu Cong put his hand into his mouth and bit it. He felt a pain in his hand.

"It's not a dream. It's true. There was a woman, a woman I never knew, who said that I had been talking with her for two years, and she had two pregnancies and two abortions. What's the matter? Is that woman mad, or is she wrong? "

No one gave him an answer.

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