The rich woman patted the sofa beside her and said, "handsome boy, come here and sit next to the elder sister."

Zhu Cong went over and sat beside the rich woman.

"Handsome boy, I'm not a tiger. What are you afraid of? Sit next to me. "

Zhu Cong moved his ass.

The rich woman touched Zhu Cong's thigh and said with a smile, "handsome man, do you think I'm old, so I don't think it's right for you?"

"No, elder sister, you are not very old. You look like you are in your early 30s, just a few years younger than me."

The rich woman burst out laughing, stretched out her hand, gently twisted her hand on Zhu Cong's face, and said with a happy smile, "handsome boy, you are very shy. You are just in the business. I ask you: how old is this year? "

"Sister, I'm 26 years old."

"Ha ha... It's so tender!"

The rich woman twisted Zhu Cong's face again and said with a smile: "you see, I twisted it gently, and then it came out of the water."

"Elder sister, you are well maintained. There is no wrinkle on your face. Look at me, I already have eye wrinkles. I look older than you."

"Ha ha... I'm very happy to say that I'm young. Although I know you're lying, I'm very comfortable."

"What kind of wine would you like to drink, elder sister?"

The boss's wife told Zhu Cong that his task is to accompany him. He must make the customers order good wine and drink more. Every wine accompanying man will get a 20% commission from it. This is a big number.

Zhu Cong took a look at the price of wine. Generally, wine costs three or five hundred yuan a bottle. Even if you order a bottle of wine, the accompany can get dozens of yuan.

"Hee hee... Handsome boy, if I have you to drink with me, I will certainly drink the best wine."

The rich woman snapped her fingers and called for the waiter. She said carelessly, "give me a bottle of your French wine. I'll take it for five years."

Five years of French wine, a bottle is more than 1000 yuan.

Just a bottle of wine, Zhu Cong can get a rebate of more than 200 yuan. It's a lot of money.

The waiter brought a bottle of French wine.

"Handsome boy, come on, let's have three drinks when we meet for the first time."

After three glasses of wine, Zhu Cong's face turned red.

The rich woman stroked Zhu Cong's face and said greedily, "handsome boy, you are so tender. When I was your age, I was also a famous beauty. However, even Xi Shi could not stop the passage of time. Now, I'm half old Xu Niang. My husband doesn't like me any more. He bakes several mistresses outside. Ah! I can't manage that much, and I don't want to manage it. Anyway, as long as he gives me money. "

Zhu congshun said: "elder sister, it's true that men get worse when they have money."

"Handsome boy, you don't have money now, so you can't get worse. When you have money, like my husband, it's not a good thing."

The rich woman said, stretched out her hand and twisted Zhu Cong's thigh.

Zhu Cong called "ouch".

"Ha ha... Handsome boy, did I hurt you?"

"It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all. It's itchy."

Zhu Cong said against his will.

He knew that those who were engaged in the trade of accompany wine would have to be servile and humble, otherwise they would lose their jobs.

Zhu Cong is a screenwriter. He once talked with the wine girls. The wine girls said, "on the surface, we women are wine companions, but in fact we are laughing. These men just want to get us drunk, and then touch our bodies. Some even want me to sleep with them."

Zhu Cong is now in the same situation as those wine girls, who have to endure the abuse of rich women.

The rich woman twisted Zhu Cong's thigh again.

Zhu Cong shivered in pain, but he did not dare to shout, for fear of offending the rich woman.

Not only dare not cry pain, but also accompany smiling face.

"Elder sister, you are so gentle."

"Ha ha... Handsome boy, I really look down on you. I thought you were a rookie and didn't understand the rules of this line. If I tugged at you a few times, you would run away. Maybe you would cry for help, but you were very sophisticated and said I was gentle."

The rich woman said, took out a stack of hundred yuan bills from her satchel, threw them on the table and said, "handsome boy, if you serve me well tonight, this money will be yours."

Zhu Cong looked at the stack of 100 yuan banknotes and estimated that it was at least 5000 yuan.

Mom, even if you drink a little wine with me, you can get a tip of 5000 yuan. It's too easy to get the money.

The rich woman said to Zhu Cong, "you hold me."

Zhu Cong is startled. The baffle of this card seat is only half a person's height. If he holds a rich woman, the whole bar will see it.

Let him this little handsome guy hold a half old Xu Niang, this scene should be how sad.

If someone takes a picture and sends it to the Internet, they will get at least a million hits.

"I... I..."

"Handsome boy, you think I'm old, so you don't want to hold me?"

"No... no, I'm..."

Zhu Cong looked around and found that no one paid attention to the place, so he tried his best to hold the rich woman in his arms.

"Ha ha... Handsome boy, you are so interesting."

Zhu Cong felt that his face was as if he had a high fever.

He had never held a woman before. Unexpectedly, the woman he held for the first time was an old woman.

Suddenly, Zhu Cong shivered.

He found two men in the bar, one is the curator of the cultural center, the other is the deputy curator.

They went into the bar and sat down in the card seat by the door.

This card seat is not far from Zhu Cong, only about ten meters at most.

Although the light in the bar is dim, you can see people's faces.

Zhu Cong quickly moved his butt and turned his back to the curator and deputy curator.

Rich woman is a smart person, she asked with a smile: "handsome boy, did you meet an acquaintance?"

"Yes, the two men who just came in are my old leaders."

"Ha ha... It turns out that your leaders have come to this place, ha ha... Now, there is no good leader. They are very respectable in the unit. After work, they all become demons."

Zhu Cong did not dare to speak out for fear that the curator and deputy curator would hear him.

"Don't be afraid, handsome boy. I tell you: as long as you have money, you will have courage. You make 5000 yuan a month in your class, but you can earn 5000 yuan a night with me. Where can you do well

"Here, of course."

"Handsome boy, my husband will go on a business trip tomorrow. He will go there for ten and a half days. During this period of time, I want you to accompany me."

Zhu Cong was startled. The rich woman meant to make him a lover.

This is difficult for Zhu Cong to accept, but he didn't dare to express his opposition and said, "OK, elder sister, I can be on call."

Zhu Cong thought: as long as I earn 5000 yuan tonight, I will have no worries about food and clothing for at least two months. After working tonight, I will never come again. I have to find a serious job.

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