Ding Fei and Dou Dagui are in high spirits. Suddenly, Chang Wen pushes the door and comes in.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry I'm late."

Ding Fei's eyes were wide and round. There was a trace of panic in her eyes. She asked: "you... You're not dead?"

Dou Dagui also opened his mouth and stammered: "you... How did you come back alive? The gangster didn't kill you

Chang Wen explained: "I subdued the gangster and gave it to the police. Just now, I went to take notes, so I came back late."

"You subdued the gangster?"

Ding Fei sneered.

"Coward, the gangster's dagger is on your neck. I see your face is white and your legs are shaking. Can you subdue the gangster just like a coward? Ha ha... You can really boast. I think the police must have subdued the gangsters and rescued you. "

Chang Wen has nothing to say.

When Dousha heard Changwen's voice, she ran out of the bedroom and threw herself into Changwen's arms.

"Husband, you are back at last!"

Dousha hugged Chang Wen tightly and burst into tears.

Crying is like the water that opened the gate, surging and unstoppable.

Chang Wen patted the back of Dousha and comforted him: "wife, I have to come back all the time. I should be happy."

"Husband, you almost killed me."

Dousha beat Chang Wen on the chest and cried, "you are stupid. You don't have long legs. Can't you run when you meet a gangster?"

"I... I..."

How to explain it?

He can't say that in order to save Lin Xiaozhen and Xu Xiaohui, he took the initiative to replace them.

He couldn't say anything, so he had to murmur and explain, "I... I want to run, but my legs are too weak to run."

Ding Fei turned a white eye to Chang Wen and said with disdain: "you are a coward. You are born to be a soft bone. If my daughter is hijacked by a gangster, you will surely run for your own life."

Bean big expensive also disdain of say: "wretched waste, my daughter marries you, is really a flower inserted in the dog excrement, no, you than dog excrement is inferior."

Ding Fei sighed: "you're a loser. Why did the gangster let you go? Maybe he saw that you were a loser and killed your dirty hands. "

"Yes, a loser who doesn't want to kill a gangster. What's the point of living? If I were you, I would have been killed on the wall."

Chang Wen's stomach is very hungry, but he is embarrassed to eat the food made by his father-in-law. Besides, now his father-in-law and mother-in-law seem very angry to see that they have come back safely.

"Wife, let's go outside."

Chang Wen hugs Dousha and goes out to a small restaurant.

Chang Wen ordered four dishes and said, "wife, it's thanks to you that I can escape from death. I think you are protecting me from the evil hands of the gangsters."

Tonight, Dousha calls for her husband for the first time, and Changwen calls for her wife for the first time, which is a good omen.

They are eating when Chang Wen's mobile phone rings. It's Lin Xiaozhen.

"Brother Chang, you bastard, you are out of danger. Why don't you give me a safe call? Just now, after watching the TV news, I knew that the gangster had been arrested and you came back safely. "

"I went to the police station to introduce the situation and take notes. I just finished."

"Brother Chang, fortunately you came back alive. Otherwise, I'm afraid Xu Xiaohui won't survive tonight."

"What happened to her?"

"She cried and fainted several times. She was in the hospital. She also threatened that if you died, she would follow you to the underworld. Brother Chang, tell me honestly, what's the relationship between you and Xu Xiaohui? "

"As I said, I was trapped in Chang's home. We were both drunk and put on the same bed. It was me who implicated Xu Xiaohui. I owe her this relationship."

"Brother Chang, you and she were drunk that night. You two slept together. Did you do that?"

"Sister Zhen, I've been drugged and passed out. What can I do?"

"It's hard to say, I think: you two must have a story, otherwise, you will not be so determined to help Xu Xiaohui, Xu Xiaohui will not cry to follow you to the underworld."

"Even if you don't believe it, I don't have the time and energy to explain these boring things to you."

"Brother Chang, you cheated me. You're an asshole!"

Lin Xiaozhen angrily hung up the phone.

Dousha asked, "whose phone is this? How can you talk like a quarrel? You are muttering

"Nothing, a nanny in the boss's house."

"What do you have to do with the boss's nanny?"

"I give the boss a contemporary drive. I go in and out of the boss's house all day. Naturally, I know the nanny. The nanny is a 25-year-old girl. Ignore her."

After dinner, Chang Wen sent the bean paste home and said, "the gangster broke the boss's car. I have to send it to the repair shop."

Chang Wen went to the hospital.

Xu Xiaohui is lying on the hospital bed, her eyes are red and swollen, and she is still looking at the ceiling.

"Xiaohui, are you ok?"

Xu Xiaohui's eyes widened, as if she didn't know Chang Wen. After staring at Chang Wen for a long time, she murmured, "are you really Chang Wen?"

"Yes, I am a regular writer."

Chang Wen holds Xu Xiaohui's hand.

Xu Xiaohui jumped up from the bed and threw herself into Chang Wen's arms.

Chang Wen, it's really you

"It's me. I'm out of danger. The gangster has been taken."

Xu Xiaohui holds Chang Wen tightly, as if for fear that Chang Wen will be hijacked by gangsters again.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhen entered the ward.

"Hello! What are you two doing? This is a public place. Pay attention to the influence! "

Xu Xiaohui relaxed his hand, lay back on the bed, shyly said: "I lost my manners, I'm sorry."

Lin Xiaozhen said unhappily: "sister Xiaohui, you are too shameful. How can you hold brother Chang? Brother Chang is my future husband. I don't allow other women to seduce him. "

"Xiao Zhen Mei, I'm sorry. Seeing that Chang Wen came back safely, I couldn't control myself for a moment, so I lost my temper."

"Sister Xiaohui, I hope this is the first time and the last time. I've already announced that no woman is allowed to seduce brother Chang."

Chang Wen reprimanded: "little Zhen Mei, please pay attention to your words. I'm not your husband. I'm not now and I won't be in the future."

"Brother Chang, you are my future husband. You are not now. You will be in the future."

Chang Wen was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Xiaozhen, and said, "Xiao Hui, you can keep it at ease and leave the hospital when you are well."

Chang Wen went to help Xu Xiaohui pay the hospitalization expenses, and then left the hospital with Lin Xiaozhen.

Lin Xiaozhen angrily asked: "brother Chang, you cheated me."

Chang Wen looks at Lin Xiaozhen and doesn't speak.

"Brother Chang, I can forgive your past mistakes. Even if you and Xu Xiaohui did that night, as long as you have the courage to admit it, I can forgive you."

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