Zhu Cong's eyes darkened. He quickly held the wall.

After a long time, his eyes finally returned to normal vision.

He muttered to himself, "what's wrong with me? Why is my life so miserable? "

He took out his cell phone and called 110.

When the police came, Zhu Cong, with tears in his eyes, told the story of his being cheated.

"We will start the investigation immediately and we will inform you when we have the result," the policeman comforted

Zhu Cong was cheated of 50000 yuan, but he didn't even have any evidence. He knew very well that the money was thrown into the water.

He walked aimlessly in the street until it was dark, and then suddenly found that he had gone to the suburbs.

There was no one around.

There is a pond by the side of the road. The lotus in the pond blooms and gives off a fragrance in the moonlight.

Zhu Cong stepped down from the pond. After a few steps, the water flooded his neck.

He suddenly felt cold, seemed to wake up from a dream, muttered: "I can't die, I still have a glimmer of hope, if the princess married me, then I will become a trillionaire."

He paddled the water with his hand and went ashore.

A truck came along the road, and the bright light dazzled his eyes.

He stood in the middle of the road and reached out to stop the car.

The driver poked his head out of the cab and scolded, "you want to die. You want to hang yourself. Why do you want to run to the middle of the road and hurt our driver?"

"Master, please take me to the city."

"Get out of the way. If you don't get out of the way, I'll break your dog's head."

The driver jumped out of the cab with a stick in his hand.

Zhu Cong turns around and runs.

The driver didn't catch up, but just yelled: "you psycho, don't let me run into you again."

The car's gone.

Zhu Cong stepped onto the road again.

After a while, a car came. He stood on the side of the road, holding out his thumb.

When the car stopped, a man put his head out of the cab and asked, "Hello! Where are you going? "

"Master, I'm going to the city. Please give me a lift."

"Why do you stand alone in the wilderness?"

"I was... I was cheated and left here."

"Get in the car."

There was a man sitting in the co pilot's seat.

Zhu Cong opened the door of the back seat and got on the bus while saying thanks.

The man sitting in the co pilot's seat said unhappily, "Hey, what's the matter with you? It's like you've been fished out of the water. At night, when you're alone in the field, people think you're a ghost."

"I'm not a ghost. I'm a human. I work in a cultural center."

The driver shrugged his shoulders and said: "ha ha... There is no such handsome ghost. You see, although he is wet all over and looks like a mess, he still reveals a literary atmosphere. Handsome, I ask you: who cheated you? "

"By a young woman, a damned young woman."

The driver sighed and said: "handsome boy, you don't know that. Young women are the most lethal, especially for you handsome boys who are not gloomy about the world. That's a big killer."

The man in the co pilot's seat sneered: "handsome man, do you have a crush on that young woman? I don't think you've ever been in love or touched a woman, so as long as someone seduces you, you'll get hooked. "

"No, no, she didn't seduce me. She took my money."

The driver laughed and said, "handsome man, you are so funny. A young woman has made you crazy. Not only people have been taken away by her, but also money has been taken away by her. This young woman is really good at cheating money and sex."

Zhu Cong couldn't tell them clearly, so he didn't want to say more.

The car into the city, the driver asked: "handsome, where do you live, I give you a ride."

The man sitting in the co pilot's seat said: "handsome man, remember later: don't get weak when you see a woman."

"Stop here. Thank you, master."

Zhu Cong got out of the car. He didn't want to stay in the car and listen to these sarcastic remarks.

He walked for another hour and finally came home.

Zhu's mother opened the door, and when she saw Zhu Cong, she was startled and asked, "son, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Cong lied: "just now a sprinkler passed by me and drenched me with water."

Mother Zhu asked curiously, "this is strange. Why do you still have water plants on you?"

"Mom, the sprinkler must be sucking water in the pond, so there must be some water plants."

Zhu Cong ran back to his bedroom, took some clothes to change, and rushed into the bathroom for a shower.

He didn't eat all day and was so hungry that his back was close to his front belly.

Zhu's mother had already warmed up the meal and urged: "son, I don't think you've had dinner yet, so you'd better make a cushion."

Zhu's father asked: "where are you today? You stay at home all day."

"I stayed in the hospital with Xiao Liu all day."

Zhu's father suddenly said, "when will Xiao Liu's father have an operation, I'll go and see him then."

Zhu Cong was startled and quickly said, "Dad, don't go. The hospital is in the suburb. It's far away. Besides, Xiao Liu's father still has an infectious disease. If he infects you, it will be troublesome."

"What infectious disease does Xiao Liu's father have?"

"There's something wrong with the liver."

"Oh! Liver diseases are the most contagious. Forget it, you can take a message for me to say hello to his father and wish him a speedy recovery. "

"Dad, OK, I remember."

After dinner, Zhu Cong ran into his bedroom and fell asleep.

He felt that life was like a dark night in the Arctic Circle, too long to see the end.

At this time, he had a lot of bad luck. He thought that fortune would turn for the better. He not only found a job, but also made a fortune to buy the original stocks. Unexpectedly, the dream of a good fortune was shattered as soon as it started.

Now he has no money in his hand and owes his father 20000 yuan.

What should we do?

He felt that he was hopeless, and he thought of death.

All of a sudden, he felt a glimmer of dawn in his brain, which was the princess.

Although he lost 50000, it was only a small sum of money.

As long as he can marry the princess, he will become a multimillionaire.

The princess is his last hope and his only straw.

Thinking of this, Zhu Cong quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a wechat to the Princess: dear, good night.

At the moment, Zhang Guihua and chameleon are having a snack at a big food stall. After drinking a box of beer, they still feel like they are not finished.

After receiving Zhu Cong's wechat, Zhang Guihua happily said to the chameleon, "you see, Zhu Cong is missing me again."

Chameleon full of jealousy, said: "Grandma's, he's in love again, this guy is really not a fun, sweet scented osmanthus, I have to remind you: you have to keep a distance from him."

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