Chang Wen and Wang Xiaoman helped each other to the guest room on the second floor.

As soon as he enters the guest room, Chang Wen grabs the phone and asks the hotel to send another bottle of wine. At the same time, he asks for some pickles.

They drank again.

Chang Wen wants to get drunk. Only when he is drunk, can he not know what he has done.

Wang Xiaoman drinks more than Chang Wen. Although she is a little drunk, she is still sober after all.

"Little brother, drink more."

Wang Xiaoman keeps persuading people to drink.

Chang Wen drank one cup after another and said, "sister Wang, I'm going to get drunk today. When I get drunk, you'll help me to bed..."

"Drink, my sister won't let you sleep on the ground."

A bottle of wine has been drunk again. Normally, although Chang Wen doesn't drink much, he doesn't drink much. Generally speaking, he can't get drunk with wine.

Maybe, Chang Wen wanted to get drunk, so he got drunk.

Chang Wenpa said on the table, "I... I want to drink Baijiu, I... I want to drink a bottle, no, I... I want to drink two bottles..."

Chang Wen talked nonsense for a while, then he didn't say a word. After a while, he began to snore.

Wang Xiaoman said with tears: "little brother, don't blame my sister for forcing you. I can't help it. It's hard to disobey my mother's life. Tonight, let sister sorry you once, only once. "

Wang Xiaoman helped Chang Wen to the bed.

The next morning, Chang Wen woke up.

He opened his eyes, looked around and found that he was the only one in the room.

He struggled to sit up and cried, "sister Wang!"

He called several times in a row, but no one answered.

Chang Wen found: in addition to his own clothes beside the bed, did not see Wang Xiaoman's clothes.

Did Wang Xiaoman leave last night?

Chang Wen opens the quilt and finds some stains on the sheet.


He sighed, shook his head, muttered: "sister Wang is sorry, she avoided me, is afraid of my embarrassment, perhaps, she does not want me to have a sense of guilt."

Last night, he must have slept in the same bed with Wang Xiaoman, and did that.

The stains on the sheets prove it.

Chang Wen didn't want to admit it, and he didn't dare to admit it. He murmured to himself, "no, last night, sister Wang must have served me to sleep, and then she went home. She couldn't sleep with me in the same bed."

Chang Wen grabbed the pillow towel and put it on his nose. He smelled the fragrance of jasmine.

Wang Xiaoman likes to use Jasmine Bath liquid, so her hair always sends out a light jasmine fragrance.

The fragrance of jasmine on the pillow once again proves that Wang Xiaoman did sleep in the same bed with him yesterday.

"No, definitely not. It must have been sister Wang who helped me to bed yesterday when her hair touched the pillow towel. That's why the pillow towel smells of jasmine."

Chang Wen refuses to admit that he slept in the same bed with Wang Xiaoman last night.

The stains on the sheets were made by herself. The jasmine fragrance on the pillow towel was also sister Wang's hair. She accidentally touched the pillow towel.

Anyway, he was sleeping alone in this guest room last night.

Chang Wen got up tired and put on his clothes.

He wanted to call Wang Xiaoman, but suddenly he felt embarrassed.

He took a few deep breaths and seemed to miss the fragrance of the room.

Perhaps, he has long fallen in love with Wang Xiaoman, but the moral defense line in his heart does not allow him to love.

Chang Wen left the hotel, a person walking in the street, an idea is always entangled in the mind: I... did I do something I shouldn't do?

A voice encouraged him: "Chang Wen, don't regret it. You didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, you did a right thing because you saved a person's life."

Another voice sneered at him: "Chang, you are a hypocrite. You say you love Dousha all day, but you are entangled with countless women. You are a playboy."

Chang Wen grabbed his hair and said, "I'm not a playboy. Although I know many women, these women and I are innocent."

The voice appeared in my mind again: "ha ha... How dare you say you are innocent with those women? Who did you sleep with last night

"I... I slept alone in the hotel last night. This morning, when I woke up, I was alone, and, in my memory, sleeping alone in the hotel."

"Chang, you are a real hypocrite. I tell you: last night, you were sleeping in the same bed with Wang Xiaoman. Maybe you have made Wang Xiaoman pregnant."

"No, I don't admit it. I don't admit it. I was drunk last night. Even if I did something, it wasn't my subjective will."

"Surnamed Chang, you are so hypocritical. You deliberately intoxicated yourself and indulged yourself. Now, you dare to do it or not. You are really a coward."

Chang Wen angrily scolded: "you are a devil. You come to fight me. I... even if I slept with Wang Xiaoman last night, can you manage it? I'm trying to save Wang Xiaoman's mother's life. It's a great kindness. "

"Chang, you can defend yourself. Ha ha... You can only fool yourself."

Chang Wen hugged a tree and hit it with his head. He said angrily, "I'm going to kill you, the devil. Do you think I can't help you if I run into my head?"

Chang Wen bumps into a tree. Suddenly, he wakes up and finds blood dripping on his head.

"Ah! What's wrong with me? I... am I nervous? "

Fortunately, there was a health center nearby. Chang Wen ran in and asked the doctor to bandage him.

This time, Chang Wen became the master of wounded soldiers.

The white gauze wrapped his head and made him look like a defeated soldier from the battlefield.

He took a taxi and went home.

Dousha has gone to work. He is lying on the bed. The wound on his head is dull and painful, which makes him unable to sleep.

When the mobile phone rings, it's Wang Xiaoman.

"Where are you, little brother?"

"Sister Wang, I'm going home."

"Little brother, are you sober up?"

"Wake up, I'm fine."

"Little brother, in the morning, I let you drink a cup of honey water. I saw that your breathing was very even. I thought you were OK, so I left the hotel. Just now, I suddenly felt a little uneasy, as if something had happened to you, so I rushed to the hotel and heard the waiter say that you had already left. "

"Sister Wang, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Wang Xiaoman listened to Chang Wen's words, not only did not rest assured, but more worried, she immediately asked and Chang Wen wechat video.

Chang Wen wants to refuse, but he thinks that if he refuses, it will make Wang Xiaoman more suspicious.

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