Zhang Guihua suddenly covered her stomach and called.

"What's the matter with you?"

Small pick panic of ask a way.

Zhang Guihua frowned, embarrassed to say: "I... I did not how drop."

"If you have a stomachache, do you eat moldy food? You rural people don't care about hygiene. I heard that when you eat fruit, you don't wash it at all, and you eat it with your hands. Besides, you never drink boiled water, and you drink water from the well."

Zhang Guihua turned a white eye to Xiao CuO and said, "rural people don't pay attention to hygiene, and their health is not worse than urban people."

"Xiao CuO retorted:" you see, you must have eaten something dirty, so you have a stomachache

"I didn't eat dirty food, I just had a myoma in my uterus."

"Ah! Do you have a myoma in your uterus? "

"Yes, half a year ago, I had a stomachache and went to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that I had a leiomyoma growing in my uterus, which was relatively large. He asked me to have an operation, but I had no money in my hand. I thought: after talking about my boyfriend, let him pay for the operation."

"Ah! What kind of operation does the doctor want you to have? "

"Let me take off the uterus. The doctor said: the tumor in your uterus is very big. You have to take off the uterus."

Xiao CuO's face suddenly became black and blue, he said angrily: "you... You have something wrong in the womb, you can't give birth, are you still dating outside? Don't you harm men? "

"I grew myoma in the womb, cannot blind date, which law stipulates?"

"You... Why are you married when you can't have children?"

"Hello! I've heard that many people are now able to bear children, but they don't want to. This is called the DINK. "

"I'm not a DINK. My parents want me to get married early. They just want me to have two grandchildren for them. No, my parents also said that they can have as many as they can. If they are fined, they will pay for it."

Zhang Guihua curled her lips and said, "I have myoma in my uterus and can't bear children. Then again, even if I have no problem, I'm not going to have a baby. I'm an authentic DINK."

He stood up and said angrily, "this introducer is really not authentic. He didn't tell me such a big problem. Isn't he taking me for a fool? I'll... I'll settle with the introducer. "

Xiao Ke said, stood up and left.

Zhang Guihua yelled: "handsome boy, don't leave. I've taken a fancy to you. I want to marry you. It's better to get married within three days."

Xiao CuO didn't even look back and ran away.

Zhang Guihua burst out laughing, laughing back and forth, and her stomach ached.

She immediately took out her mobile phone to call chameleon: "husband, just now I was married to a small pick, ha ha... I said that I have hysteromyoma, and I'm going to have an operation to remove the uterus. This small pick was scared to run away, faster than a rabbit."

"Wife, I have the ability to come up with such an immortal idea."

"Ha ha... No wonder people say you are smart. It's true."

"Wife, don't be complacent. There is a third blind date. I've told general manager Wang Xiaoman about your blind date. She has promised Hercules to accompany me. We will threaten the third blind date and let him retreat. "

"Husband, come quickly. Maybe my aunt will let me meet the third blind date tomorrow."

"Well, Hercules and I will be here early tomorrow morning."

Zhang Guihua returned to Aunt Biao's home.

A knife asked: "girl, how about a blind date? Are you satisfied with this man? "

"Mom, what's the use of being satisfied? The key is to be satisfied. He is a civil servant, and I am a country girl. I am very satisfied with him because of the great disparity in status. However, people may not be able to take a fancy to me. "

Aunt Biao said with a smile: "osmanthus, don't underestimate yourself. Although you are a country girl, you are beautiful and young. That civil servant is nearly 30 years old. You are ten years younger than him. He is lucky to find a wife like you. "

Just then, aunt Biao's mobile phone rang.

The other side's voice was loud. Obviously, they were very angry.

"Hello! Your relatives are ill. I heard that they have hysteromyoma. How can you hide such a big problem? "

"Ah, what are you talking about? You say my relatives are ill. How can I begin? They are very healthy. They don't even have a cold once a year. "

"You still want to hide it. Your relatives have confessed that she has uterine fibroids and is about to have an operation to remove the uterus. In this way, she will have no fertility. A woman can't even give birth to a child. It's mean of you to introduce her to the people in the city

The other side said, angrily hung up the phone.

Zhang Guihua's aunt was at a loss and muttered to herself, "what does this mean? Why does he slander Osmanthus fragrans? He even says that Osmanthus fragrans has uterine fibroids and is about to have an operation to remove the uterus. Isn't this a curse? "

A knife also heard the conversation on the phone and said angrily: "this guy is just spitting blood. I have to make it clear to him and ask him to apologize to us!"

Zhang Guihua burst into tears. She was pretending to cry.

A knife startled, quickly asked: "is not just with your blind date man bullied you?"

"Mom, I want to tell you one thing. I do have hysteromyoma. The doctor asked me to remove the uterus immediately. Otherwise, it may turn into cancer."

A knife face is scared white, panic of ask: "daughter, you don't talk nonsense, you... How can you suffer from uterine fibroids?"

"Mom, it's true. I didn't tell you. I was afraid you were worried, so I wanted to hide it first."

"Girl, how could this be? You have always been in good health. You have never had a cold since you were young. How can you get such a serious disease all of a sudden? "

"Mom, if people eat cereals, how can they not get sick? Besides, there are many women suffering from hysteromyoma, not just me. When I went to the hospital, many women had this disease. The doctor said, as long as the operation is done, it doesn't matter. At best, it's just that you can't have a baby. "

A knife wiped tears and said: "girl, your life is really bitter. I thought that if I could marry you to the city, I would enjoy happiness all my life. I didn't expect that you had this disease. It's a fatal disease."

"Mom, the doctor said, as long as the operation, it's OK."

"Girl, I mean: if you have this problem, a man won't marry you."

"Mom, men don't want to marry me, so I live alone. Now many women don't want to marry. I think it's good to live alone."

A knife slapped his thigh and began to wail, whining and nagging: "my life is so hard. I finally gave birth to a beautiful girl, and I was expecting her to exchange betrothal gifts for my son. Unexpectedly, I got this kind of disease..."

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