A knife hurried to the door of the hospital. There were several non-staple food shops at the door of the hospital. She ran into the nearest shop and asked the salesperson, "do you have any bread?"

"There are several. Which one do you want?"

A knife said, "as long as it's bread, give me five."

It seems that a knife looks very anxious. Maybe she wants to buy bread quickly and then go back to her daughter.

The salesman took five loaves, put them in a plastic bag and handed them a knife.

After paying for a knife, he turned and walked out.

Chang Wen made a gesture. Hercules hurried into the shop from outside and hit him with a knife.

A knife faltered, almost fell, Hercules quickly held a knife.

Although a knife didn't wrestle, the bread in his hand fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground.

A knife said angrily: "are you blind? How can you hit me? "

Hercules bowed to a knife and said apologetically, "Granny, I'm really sorry. I'm in a hurry to go into the store and buy things. I didn't see you."

"You... What do you call me?"

"I call you granny."

"Am I... Am I that old? I think your eyes are really blind, even people can't recognize the old and young. I tell you: I'm only in my forties, and I'm just a big sister at best. "

"When I call you grandma, I respect you."

"Open your eyes. Am I grandma?"

Hercules exaggerated up and down looked at a knife, muttered: "how do I look at you like an old granny, you have a lot of wrinkles on your face, your skin is black, and I hit you lightly, you almost fell down, in short, in my eyes, you are like a person over sixty years old."

A knife angrily said: "you are really blind, I ask you: are you wrong with your eyes?"

"No problem. My eyes are both 3.0, which is very good“

Hercules asked a middle-aged man next to him, "uncle, do you want to see if she looks like an old granny?"

Uncle is a joker, he said with a smile: "I look like Grandma, at least 90 years old."

Hercules said with a smile: "Granny, I'm right. You really look very old."

The uncle said half jokingly: "grandma, you are so old, you should walk with a stick."

A knife jumped up, angrily yelled: "you want to play me as a monkey, I want to call the police!"

A knife out of the cell phone will call the police.

Chang Wen walked over and said, "elder sister, there's no need to be angry with them. I think they just want to make a joke with you. In my opinion, elder sister is only in her thirties at most."

A knife grinned and said, "this handsome guy has eyes. I'm only in my early 40s this year. In our village, everyone says I'm young."

Chang Wen flattered: "elder sister, in my eyes, the most you can see is 35 years old, young."

A knife was happy, turned a white eye to Hercules, and asked, "you hit my bread on the ground, you have to pay for my bread."

Chang Wen said to Hercules, "this young man, you bumped your elder sister and made fun of her. I think you have to pay not only for her bread, but also for her spiritual compensation."

A knife also yelled: "yes, he insulted me and said I was an old woman, which greatly stimulated my spirit. Now I'm going crazy."

Chang Wen, like a judge, said, "young man, you have to buy ten loaves for your elder sister. This is called two for one fall. In addition, you have to give your elder sister a spiritual compensation of 500 yuan."

Hercules pretended to be discontented and said: "let me pay ten loaves, no problem, but let me pay 500 yuan for spiritual compensation, which is unreasonable."

"Why, it's unreasonable. The elder sister is only 40 years old, but you say she's 60 years old and 20 years old more. Obviously, it's a great spiritual stimulation for her to say so. Maybe she won't be able to eat and sleep for three days and three nights, and the damage to her body is certainly not small. It's the minimum amount to compensate 500 yuan."

Hercules explained: "this gentleman, you are partial to the elder sister. You must know this elder sister. Maybe it's her relative. You're partial."

"Young man, I think you look like a white-collar worker with a monthly salary of no less than 20000 yuan. You can tell me what it is to compensate 500 yuan for a meal."

Hercules sighed, pretended to be wronged and said: "it's bad luck for me. I accidentally bumped into my elder sister and lost more than 500 yuan. I... I can't pay the bill with my wife when I go back."

"Young man, I'll tell you a way. You go back to your wife and say that today you hit a man on a bicycle. It's estimated that he's broken. You should have paid 20000 or 30000 yuan, but you only let him pay 500 yuan. I believe your wife will not blame you and praise you when she hears you say that. "

Hercules deliberately turned his worries into happiness and said happily: "this elder brother is really good at speaking. That's it. I'll spend 500 yuan with my elder sister. But I don't have any cash. I have to transfer money. "

Chang Wen asked a knife: "you tell this young man the bank card number and ask him to transfer money for you."

A knife shook his head, said: "I am a countryman, no bank card, only a credit union passbook."

Hercules spread his hands and said helplessly: "it's not my fault. This elder sister doesn't even have a bank card."

Chang Wen then asked, "sister, do you have wechat?"

"What wechat?"

A knife, a blank face.

Chang Wen laughed and said, "elder sister, let this young man transfer 500 yuan to my bank card, and then I'll go to the bank to get 500 yuan for you."

A knife nodded and gratefully said, "that's the trouble, handsome boy."

Hercules operated on his mobile phone and transferred 500 yuan to Chang Wen's bank card.

Chang Wen said, "elder sister, let's go to the bank to get money."

There was no bank near the hospital. Chang Wen and a knife walked for half an hour and finally found a bank.

Chang Wen took 500 yuan and gave it to a knife.

A knife thanks, took the money, said with a smile: "handsome boy, if it wasn't for you, I would be bullied by that young man today. Fortunately, you pleaded for me and asked for 500 yuan compensation for me."

Chang Wen forthrightly said: "I love to fight against injustice. If I see something unfair, I will come forward to deal with it for others. Elder sister, what's the matter with you coming to the hospital?"

"My daughter is suffering from hysteromyoma. I took her to the hospital to take a film."

"Oh, I heard that it doesn't matter. An operation will be done."

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