"Grandma, I listen to you."

Dounai took Dousha by the hand and said, "if you hadn't married wunang, I wouldn't have dismissed you as the general manager. In recent years, you've been living with a wunang. I've really wronged you."

"Grandma, Chang Wen is a very good person. I don't feel aggrieved."

Soymilk was surprised, but Dousha talked for the first time.

"Granddaughter, do you like to be a loser?"

"Grandma, in fact, Chang Wen is a very talented person, it just contains but does not show, does not like to be in the limelight."

"Ha ha... I didn't see that. Granddaughter, since you have a good feeling for wunang, I won't force you to divorce. Ah! I'm really sorry for you. Even if this loser has talent, he doesn't have a family background. If you marry Chen Gang and the Dou Chen families unite, the family business will become more and more prosperous. "

Dousha bowed his head and said nothing.

Douru patted Dousha on the shoulder and encouraged him to do well. In the future, the burden of Yongli company will be borne by you

Dousha returned to the office, doumi sneaked in and asked, "sister, you haven't packed up yet?"

Dousha puzzled asked: "what do I pack?"

"Didn't grandma sweep you out?"

"No, grandma just said," let me do a good job. "

Doumi Du said: "I can see through it. Grandma always protects you. My second sister and I only asked for three days' sick leave, and grandma demoted us to Deputy posts. You didn't come for four days, but Grandma didn't punish you and encouraged you to work hard. It's really unconvincing."

Dou Mai also came and inquired, "elder sister, how does grandma punish you?"

"Grandma didn't say anything, just let me do it well."

Doumai coldly said: "grandma is really cunning. She wants to alienate our three sisters. Grandma punished us, but didn't punish you. She just wants us to alienate ourselves and make us quarrel, so she can make a profit."

Doumi said with a mouthful: "ginger is still spicy. Forget it, we can't fight grandma."

Bean wheat coldly said: "grandma is more powerful, her age is placed there, this year she is 78 years old, I don't think she can live for a few years, when grandma dies, our three sisters should unite as one, and drive Zhao Dao out of Yongli company."

Doumai hoped that grandma would die soon, which surprised Dousha.

"Zhao Dao is just the director of the office, and he doesn't understand business. I heard that he is only a junior high school graduate, and it won't pose a great threat," Dousha said

Doumai squinted at Dousha and said with disdain, "elder sister, you are a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. You always think of people for the better. I'll tell you: sooner or later, you will suffer a lot and you will end up dead."

Doumi said: "second sister, it's not so serious. I think Zhao Dao is very kind. He always smiles when he sees people."

"The man who hides a knife in a smile is more powerful. As the old saying goes," a dog that can't bark will bite, but a smiling tiger is the most dangerous. "

Soybean milk let his nephew Zhao Dao as the office director of Yongli company, caused a big storm, the result is: two sons and two granddaughters are out of luck.

Only the eldest family is safe, thanks to Chang Wen's advice.

If we dig from the root, the culprit of this disturbance is doumai.

Doumai instigates his father to unite with his uncle and uncle to attack his mother.

Bean wheat a plan failed, and together with cousins and cousins to put off, give grandma a problem, did not expect that these tricks are empty.

As the saying goes: misfortune never comes alone.

During this period of time, doumai seems to have left Mecheng. A few days ago, her college classmate Zhang Wei came to pester him again.

Dou Mai and Zhang Wei fell in love for a period of time in college. After graduating from college, Dou Mai felt that Zhang Wei's parents were working class, so he began to alienate Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei went to the UK for postgraduate study and returned to China a few days ago.

As soon as Zhang Wei returned home, he came to find doumai.

He said happily: "Dou Mai, I don't miss you every day when I am abroad, but the overseas telephone is too expensive to contact you often. Now I have finally returned home, and we can meet every day."

Dou Mai frowned and said, "why do we meet every day? Make it clear that we are just classmates. Is it necessary to meet each other every day? "

Zhang Wei said angrily: "Dou Mai, don't forget, when I was in college, I squeezed 2000 yuan from my teeth every month to give you. You promised that as long as I got my master's degree, I would marry me. Now I finally got my master's degree. Don't you mean what you said?"

"I was just joking. Don't take it seriously."

"Dou Mai, we have also vowed that we will love each other all our lives and never change our mind."

"Zhang Wei, you are so naive. You can't take the oath of those rotten streets seriously."

"Dou Mai, you're kidding. I'm serious."

Seeing that Zhang Wei was a dead hearted man, Dou Mai lied and said, "I've got a boyfriend and I'm engaged. To tell you the truth, I'm his man."

Zhang Wei was surprised and retorted: "you... You lie. I heard several classmates say that you don't have a boyfriend at all."

"Can I beat gongs and drums to let people all over the world know that I have talked about my boyfriend?"

"Dou Mai, if you really have a boyfriend, let me meet him."

"Well, then I'll find a chance to meet you two."

Dou Mai was eager to get rid of Zhang Wei, so he came up with such a bad idea.

How can she make this lie come true?

Dou Mai wants to rent a boyfriend, but he thinks that the person he rents is unreliable. If he says something wrong, he will ask for trouble.

She thought over the familiar men and found that none of them could be trusted.

Just when she was disappointed, three words popped out of her head: "loser".

Yeah, you can make a loser pretend to be her boyfriend.

The loser looks very respectable. As long as he dresses better, he will look like a dog.

The mouth of the loser is also very tight, and he won't talk about it everywhere.

Doumai makes up her mind to let Chang Wen pretend that her boyfriend meets Zhang Wei, and let Zhang Wei die to pursue her.

That evening, Chang Wen went to pick up Dousha.

As soon as his car stopped at the gate of Wynn, doumai came over with two cups of coffee.

"You are early. You have half an hour to go off work."

"I'm afraid of traffic jams. I'll come early so that I won't let Dousha wait in a hurry."

"Ha ha... You're a loser. You look like a model husband. Come on, I'll buy you coffee. "

Chang Wen is a little surprised. Although a cup of coffee is not worth a few dollars, doumai invites him to have coffee, but the sun comes out from the West.

Usually, Dou Mai meets Chang Wen with a haughty look, not a nose, not a face. Today, he is so friendly to him, which makes Chang Wen suspicious.

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