Dou Mai happily said hello to Zhang Wei: "you're early. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. There's a traffic jam on the road. I almost can't get through. "

Zhang Wei stammered: "this... This car belongs to your boyfriend?"

"Yes, it's the only car imported from France in B city. It's more than 10 million yuan. My boyfriend is a rich second generation, and his family's assets are tens of billions, ranking second to none in B city."

Zhang Wei felt that he was a little short, and timidly asked: "you... You're not bragging, are you?"

Chang Wen stops the car and comes over while making a phone call.

"Secretary Zhang, I'll treat you at the Regal restaurant tonight. You can settle the bill for me later. By the way, tomorrow morning, you will take back the key to the villa in the lake view garden. This is my wedding room. It must be decorated before October 1. I can't delay my wedding. "

Chang Wen hung up and said with a smile: "brother Zhang, I'm sorry. Look at me. I forgot to send a car to pick you up. Did you come by bus just now?"

"I'm... I'm here by taxi."

Chang Wen pointed to Zhang Wei's shoes and said, "you have feet print on your leather shoes. I thought you were coming by bus. At this time, the bus was packed like sardine canned food."

Zhang Wei did come by bus.

Now he works as a white-collar worker in a company with a monthly salary of more than 10000 yuan. He has to live frugally in order to buy a house.

"Brother Zhang, please come in. I've got a private room with a minimum cost of 30000 yuan. Isn't that a butcher? Fortunately, I don't care about these two small coins. If the ordinary people can afford a private room."

Zhang Wei knows that the Regal restaurant is the most upscale hotel in B city. He also knows that the per capita consumption here is more than 1000 yuan.

Zhang Wei seemed to feel that he was short again. His legs were shaking and his waist was soft.

Sitting in the elegant seat, Chang Wen asked the waiter, "bring a bottle of the best wine here."

The waiter respectfully asked, "Sir, the most expensive wine here is 30 years of French wine, 12000 yuan per bottle."

"Take one bottle first, not enough."

Zhang Wei is so scared that he sticks out his tongue. A bottle of wine is 12000 yuan, which is equal to his monthly salary. Plus the money for meals, he is only afraid of 40000 or 50000 yuan.

It seems that doumai didn't lie. Her boyfriend is a rich second generation.

Zhang Wei licked his dry lips and asked: "brother, last time you said that you pinched the feet of a rich woman in a foot bath shop and dressed the dead in a funeral home, were you kidding me?"

"Ha ha... I'm a little humorous. I like to make a little joke. Don't take it seriously."

"That's... That's right. As soon as I see your dignified appearance, I know it's extraordinary. It's really extraordinary. I... I congratulate you on your early marriage."

Chang Wen didn't expect that Zhang Wei would be defeated so soon. He patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and said, "brother Zhang, thank you for your blessing. I also wish you a satisfactory girlfriend as soon as possible."

"Thank you, thank you."

Zhang Wei did not know what to eat, and then left the hotel in a daze.

Doumai said admiringly, "brother-in-law, I found that you have the ability to act in drama. You look like a rich second generation. Your temperament and demeanor are absolutely lifelike."

Chang Wen thought to himself: I am a rich second generation. Can I still wear clothes? My temperament and demeanor are brought out of my womb.

"Brother in law, thank you very much. Tonight, Zhang Wei gave up completely. I don't think he has the courage to pester me any more."

"Yes, he's not on the same level as me."

Dou Mai said half jokingly: "fortunately, Zhang Weigang came back from abroad and didn't know that there was a poor son-in-law in the Dou family. Once he knew, he was afraid that he would be laughing or crying."

"Ha ha..."

Changwen sends doumai to the door of the villa. Doumai suddenly hugs Changwen and kisses him on the forehead.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother in law, this is my thanks to you. You helped me get rid of Zhang Wei's entanglement and spent a lot of money for me. However, if my uncle and aunt knew about these things, they would have to skin you. Brother in law, I have to remind you: don't tell anyone or your cousin about tonight. "

"Ha ha... I see."

Dou Mai reluctantly said: "brother-in-law, how do I think you are more and more intelligent now, and more and more mysterious, how can a person like you be willing to be a loser son-in-law?"

"I'm a poor son-in-law."

"Brother in law, through my in-depth contact with you, I found that: you have a lot of doubts, you seem to be a tiger in the water, what is your real identity?"

"My real identity is obvious, or the bean family's son-in-law."

"No! I think: your real identity is very suspicious, very suspicious, maybe you are a rich second generation, because of some reason, you were driven out of the house

Bean villa door opened, bean rice out of the door, she suddenly saw the car, exclaimed in surprise: "loser, how did you come?"

Doumai stepped down from the car and leisurely replied: "tonight, I asked my brother-in-law to act as my boyfriend and meet my ex boyfriend. They had a fight. Finally, my ex boyfriend was defeated."

Doumi stooped to look in the car, smacked his lips, and said, "you're so stupid. You're wearing a suit and tie tonight. You look like a dog. I thought you were prince charming."

Chang Wen didn't say anything. He just laughed and stepped on the gas. The car flew away.

Doumi looked at the car and said, "second sister, I feel like a loser. Today I am a different person. In the past, he always bowed his waist and drooped his head. Tonight, his waist is straight and his head is raised. Is it because I was dazzled?"

Bean wheat pun said: "loser is a chameleon, God knows who he is."

Doumi said doubtfully, "second sister, I think you have made a 180 degree turn in your attitude towards the loser recently. Did you fall in love with him?"

"Don't talk nonsense. He's my brother-in-law and we're my sister-in-law. How can I dig my sister's corner? Besides, who would be interested in a loser?"

Doumi sighed and said: "the appearance of the loser tonight is extraordinary. I suddenly feel a little heartbeat. Just now, my face is still hot. Do I like the loser tonight?"

"Don't be nervous, or you'll be heard."

"Hee hee... I just said what I thought. Frankly speaking, the loser tonight is really cute. I'm a little moved."

Doumai is not in such a mood. In the past two days, she has contacted Changwen several times, and her impression of Changwen has greatly changed. She faintly feels that she likes Changwen a little.

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