Chang Wen continued: "aunt Qian, do you always think that the abandoned girl is dead?"

"Yes, I always thought that the baby girl I abandoned must have been taken away by wild animals. I didn't expect that she was still alive."

"How do you know that the baby girl you abandoned is still alive?"

Aunt Qian sighed and said, "just half a month ago, the boatman came to me again."

"What is he looking for? Do you want to kill you? "

Aunt Qian recalled the night half a month ago.

That night, aunt Qian went to the little widow's restaurant to ask for some meat buns. She went home to steam them. Just as she was about to eat, suddenly, the boatman burst into the house.

Aunt Qian was startled and asked in a panic: "you... You still won't let me go?"

The boatman said, "dead woman, I'm not here to kill you tonight. I want you to see a picture."

The boatman took out his mobile phone and took out a picture. He took the mobile phone to Aunt Qian and asked fiercely, "open your eyes wider and have a closer look. Do you know this birthmark?"

Aunt Qian widened her eyes and looked at her mobile phone. She immediately shivered.

There is a picture on Qian's mobile phone, which is a pair of women's feet.

There are two birthmarks on the center of the foot board of this pair of feet, one is like a Phoenix, the other is like a dragon.

Aunt Qian faltered and almost fell to the ground. She stammered and said, "this is the baby of dragon and Phoenix! Where did you... Where did you get this picture from? "

"Dead woman, you don't care where my picture comes from, you look carefully, is this the birthmark of dragon and Phoenix?"

Aunt Qian rubbed her eyes and looked at them carefully. She said, "yes, this is the birthmark of dragon and Phoenix."

The boatman asked, "is this the birthmark in my daughter's heart?"

Aunt Qian looked at it carefully and said in horror, "these are your daughter's feet. I remember clearly that there is a red dot on the Phoenix, and a piece of tail is missing on the dragon. These feet are your daughter's feet."

"Are you right?"

"I'm absolutely right, because I carefully looked at it several times and confirmed that it was the twins. In this way, I made up my mind to throw your daughter away. You know, I don't dare to be a bit rash when it comes to life. "

Hearing this, Chang Wen asked eagerly, "aunt Qian, are you sure the photo on the boatman's mobile phone is the girl you abandoned?"

Aunt Qian nodded and said with certainty: "no mistake, absolutely no mistake. People with dragon and Phoenix birthmarks in the world may not have a second one."

Obviously, the boatman rescued Caixia in the Qingjiang River that day. He suddenly found that there were birthmarks on Caixia's feet, so he thought of her abandoned daughter.

The old boatman told a lie and asked to stay in the stone family for one night.

That night, Shi Xiaogu saw the boatman standing in front of the coffin for a long time. He also saw the boatman raising Caixia's feet, as if taking a picture with his mobile phone.

It seems that Shi Xiaogu is right.

The boatman took a picture of Caixia's foot, then let aunt Qian identify it, and determined that Caixia was her abandoned daughter.

So, Qian told his twin daughters about it.

The twin daughters went to Shijia village and stole Caixia's body on a stormy night.

In order to revenge the Shi family, the twin daughters dressed up as ghosts and wounded the Shi family and their son, leaving them in a mess to escape into the city.

Now, the whole story is more and more clear.

Chang Wen asked, "did the boatman let you see the birthmark photo of her daughter's sole heart?"

"I didn't say anything. At that time, I asked: boatman, where did you take this picture? This girl is your own daughter. The boatman, with a gloomy face and without saying anything, turned and left

Chang Wen feels a little strange. It is said that the boatman found his daughter, but she committed suicide by jumping into the river. He will surely spread his resentment on Aunt Qian. That night, she should be killed.

"The boatman didn't kill you?"

"No, but when he came to the door, he looked back and said," you dead woman, if I hadn't promised in front of the landlady, tonight would be your death. "

Chang Wen understood that the boatman must promise not to kill aunt Qian in front of the landlady.

When the landlady does this, she is also worried that the boss of the boat will be in trouble on the spur of the moment, and her family will be ruined.

Chang Wen asked, "how did the landlady die?"

"Oh! The landlady is a good person. As soon as she gave birth to her daughter, her husband fell ill and died. She had been widowed and brought her to adulthood. When she was 20 years old and was about to get married, she suddenly fell ill and died. "

"When the landlady died, she gave the hotel to her daughter?"

"Yes, the landlady is the only girl, but she is also pitiful. She became a family when she was 20 years old. The next year, her husband went out to buy materials and was killed by a car, so she became a little widow."

Chang Wen sighed and thought, "don't you say that good people have good rewards?".

The original landlady has done a lot of good deeds, but how can she not die well.

Perhaps it has fulfilled an old saying: a good man's life is not long, but a thousand years of disaster.

Now, the mystery of Caixia's death has been basically solved, but it has yet to be verified.

Chang Wen thinks: if the twin daughter of the boatman steals her sister's body back, she will be buried in Xiao Li Zhuang's ancestral grave.

We have to go to the ancestral grave of xiaolizhuang. If there is a new grave, we can draw a conclusion.

Chang Wen comforted aunt Qian and went to the hotel in front of her.

Seeing that Chang Wen came out of the backyard, the little widow asked, "has aunt Qian calmed down?"

"Much better. I don't think I'll commit suicide again."

"Handsome, how did you persuade her?"

"I asked her about the situation, and then said to her: if you want to die, don't die in the restaurant where the boss's wife is. If you hang yourself to death, people will think that the boss's wife is not good to you. It's not a disgrace to others."

As a matter of fact, Chang Wen told a lie, and he had seen it for a long time. Aunt Qian was hanged on impulse. With this experience, she would never commit suicide again.

"Ha ha... Handsome guy, you are good at persuading people. I am very moved by your understanding of me."

"Landlady, I think it's not enough just to persuade aunt Qian. We still have to do the ideological work of Dani and Erni, so that they don't force aunt Qian any more."

The little widow sighed: "those two sisters are stubborn, especially Ernie. They can't listen to people's advice at all. It's hard for you to do their ideological work."

"Landlady, in order to make aunt Qian survive, I have to try."

"What do you want to do with the twins' ideological work?" the little widow asked

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