"Brother in law, please, come on."

Doumai's words were sincere. It didn't seem to be a trap.

Chang Wen turned on the recording of his mobile phone and said, "Dou Mai, please let me move the cabinet again. I want to record this so that I won't be framed by you again."

Dou Mai said sincerely, "brother-in-law, please help me move the cupboard. It's two ten in the afternoon."

"OK, I'll be right there."

Half an hour later, Chang Wen came to doumai's office.

Dou Mai said with a smile: "brother-in-law, you are trapped by me."

Chang Wen's heart suddenly shrunk and said calmly, "I recorded your phone just now. I'm not afraid you set me up."

Dou Mai said triumphantly: "brother-in-law, you helped me get rid of the entanglement of my ex boyfriend. I want to thank you, so I specially invite you to the office to wash your feet."

Chang Wen looked down. There was a wooden basin on the ground, which contained most of the water.

"What are you doing for me? I'm not in the habit of letting people wash their feet. "

"Ha ha... Brother-in-law, please don't put on airs. I know: you like me to wash your feet most. I've washed your feet four times."

"When did I ask you to wash my feet?"

"Brother in law, do you think I'm a fool? I'll tell you: my wife's IQ is as high as 200. It can be said that she has never been before, and no one will come after her. "

"Ha ha... I don't understand you."

"Brother in law, please sit down."

"If you don't move the cupboard, I'll go."

Doumai rushes over and blocks the door.

She pulled the buttons off her coat and tore her vest.

Chang Wen was stunned and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Ha ha... Brother-in-law, you are a very smart person. Can't you see that I just want to frame you by doing this. If you sit down and let me wash my feet, nothing will happen. If you want to leave, as long as I shout for help and catch the bad guys, you will be ruined; To put it more seriously, my sister will leave you soon. "

Chang Wen never dreamed that doumai would come. He sighed and said, "doumai is cruel to you. Since you have to wash my feet, I'll be more respectful than obedient. But I hope you put on your clothes and don't tempt me. "

Chang Wen sat down helplessly.

Dou Mai tied the button on his coat and said, "brother-in-law, you are a master at playing tricks. The little lady is not a vegetarian. We are both a devil and a Taoist. I think you'd better not be a fool and listen to me."

Doumai squats down and helps Changwen take off his socks.

She clearly saw: Chang Wen's right big toe has a striking monkey.

Obviously, the mysterious man is Chang Wen.

While doumai helped Chang Wen wash his feet, he asked, "brother-in-law, I'll wash your shoes later. Do you still need me to polish my shoes?"

As soon as Chang Wen heard this, he knew that the matter of letting Dou Mai wash his feet had been revealed. He had to admit, "Dou Mai, I want you to wash my feet. One is to make a little joke, and the other is to solve the problem of debt repayment. Don't get me wrong."

"Brother in law, you did make a little joke with me, I think: this joke is very funny, so today I want to return this little joke to you."

Chang Wen knows that something is not good. He doesn't know how the little shrew will revenge herself next.

"Dou Mai, anyway, I've solved the problem of 60000 yuan for you. For this reason, don't be angry with me."

"Brother in law, I can't thank you enough. How can I be angry? unable. But today I'm going to return this little joke to you, which means you have to wash my feet later. "

Chang Wen was surprised and begged for mercy: "Dou Mai, how can a man wash a woman's feet? It's very unlucky. "

Bean wheat is not moved, just a basin of water: "come on, brother-in-law."

Chang Wen hesitated a little and said in a deliberative tone, "Dou Mai, I'll give you another 10000 yuan, and you'll get rid of the job of washing your feet."

"Brother in law, it's not a matter of money. Even if you give me a million yuan, I won't agree. I don't think you should delay. Wash my feet quickly, and we'll be clean."

Chang Wen, with a straight face, said, "I can't agree to your request."

Doumai said with a sneer, "brother-in-law, if you don't agree, there will be a tragedy here."

Then she picked up a pair of sharp scissors from the sofa, held her left chest, and threatened: "brother-in-law, please come and wash my feet, otherwise, I will commit suicide. I have written a suicide note, which will be sent to grandma's mailbox at five o'clock this evening. In that suicide note, I told Grandma: you once bullied me. As for how you bullied me, I made up a lot of lies in my suicide note. Anyway, I said that you were an unforgivable villain. "

Chang Wen was stunned and stammered: "doumai, you must calm down. Your scissors are too sharp. Once you poke them into your heart, there is no chance to save your life."

"Brother in law, since you know something about medicine, don't dally and wash my feet quickly."

Chang Wen had to compromise. He squatted down and washed his feet for Dou Mai.

Dou Mai giggled and said, "brother-in-law, you are so bad."

Chang Wen was a little sad and said dejectedly, "Dou Mai, I've done all I have to do. Please put down the scissors quickly."

When Chang Wen washed Dou Mai's feet, Dou Mai recorded a picture.

"Brother in law, you remember: if you tell others what happened here, then I will make the video public. I believe: my sister will divorce you after watching this video."

Chang Wen really admired the shrewd woman and said dejectedly, "doumai, I have convinced you."

That night, just after dinner, Chang Wen was washing the dishes when doumai and doumi came together.

Doumi said excitedly: "elder sister, I heard that my brother-in-law once worked in a foot bath shop. He has a good way to wash his feet, so I came here with my second sister tonight to show his foot washing skills."

Dou Mai also happily said: "elder sister, you are too selfish. How can you enjoy your brother-in-law's foot bath by yourself?"

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