Ding Fei said aggressively: "the bean milk has been released. As long as Dousha is divorced from you, she will be appointed as the general manager of Yongli company. Since you are dedicated to the good of Dousha, now is the time to test you."

Chang Wen's heart suddenly hung up. It was obvious that the father-in-law and his mother-in-law were forcing the palace.

"I really want to make the bean paste better, but I love it."

Dou Dagui said angrily, "if you really love Dousha, you will divorce her immediately!"

Chang Wen bowed his head and said nothing.

Ding Fei said angrily: "you're a loser now. You have to go to divorce Dousha tomorrow."

Just then, there was a quick knock on the door.

Dou Dagui opened the door and asked in surprise, "second and third, how did you two come here?"

As soon as Dou Er Fu and Dou San Wang entered the door, they yelled, "big brother, you're on fire now. You're as stable as a bronze statue."

Dou Dagui asked: "what happened?"

Dou Sanwang said anxiously: "my mother is going to let Zhao Dao be the deputy general manager. Next, she will let him be the general manager. Yongli company is going to change!"

Dou Er Fu stamped his feet and said, "brother, if you don't cut the mess quickly and divorce Dousha and wunang waste, our Doujia will be defeated by you."

Ding Fei said angrily: "it's not that we let Grandma promote Zhao Dao. Why do you two come here to ask for the blame?"

Pointing to Chang Wen, Dou Erfu said angrily, "brother, you have been accommodating this wunang waste, which makes our mother disappointed in Dousha. Then Zhao Dao, the nephew, is invited. For the sake of the family's ancestral business, you must divorce wunang waste and Dousha."

Dou Sanwang also jumped to his feet and said, "brother, you can't go on making mistakes any more. You must drive the loser out of Dou's house immediately!"

Ding Fei frowned and said, "second brother, third brother, your elder brother and I are mobilizing for a divorce. We are just as anxious as you."

Douer Fu raised his leg and kicked Chang Wen. He said fiercely, "I'll limit you to divorce Dousha in three days. Do you hear me?"

Chang Wen bowed his head and said nothing.

As soon as the second and third year came, Chang Wen knew that it was Dou Mai who was behind the scenes.

Doumai falls in love with Chang Wen and wants him to divorce Dousha. He not only instigates his father-in-law and his mother-in-law to force him to divorce, but also helps his father and uncle.

Chang Wen understands the poison of doumai, but he can't fight back because doumai's motive is to marry him.

Dou Sanwang took off his belt from his waist and said viciously, "don't pretend to be deaf and dumb. Do you agree to divorce Dousha?"

Chang Wen still hung his head and said nothing.

Dou Sanwang raises his belt and draws it from Changwen.

Chang Wen was beaten so that he shrank into a ball.

The rattle of the belt reverberated in the living room: "if you don't agree, I'll kill you!"

The beating startled the Dousha in the bedroom. She rushed out and protected Chang Wen with her body. She cried and said, "if you want to fight, even me."

Dou Sanwang raised his belt and threatened: "Dousha, be smart. Don't let this loser delay your future. If you don't listen to my uncle, I'll smoke with you today."

Ding Fei rushed over like a female wolf and pushed Dou Sanwang to a stagger.

"If anyone dares to move my daughter's finger, I will fight with him!"

Dou Dagui said angrily: "third, you are too much. This is not the place for you to spill."

Dou Sanwang put away his belt and said, "brother and sister-in-law, I'm just bluffing Dousha. I won't smoke her."

Ding Fei kicked Chang Wen and said, "you're a loser. Do you want Dousha to be wronged with you? If you really love Dousha, divorce her as soon as possible. "

Dou Er Fu suddenly rushed into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, put it on his neck, and said: "our brothers are all straw bags. I see that the ancestral property of the Dou family is about to be taken away by the Zhao family, but there is nothing I can do. I have no face to live in the world. Dad, I'll accompany you."

Dou Dagui rushes up, grabs the old used kitchen knife and scolds: "what are you doing? If you die, our bean family will be even weaker. "

Dou Sanwang suddenly jumped on the windowsill and yelled, "I don't want to live anymore. Yongli company has changed its surname. What's the strength of my life?"

With that, I'm going to jump downstairs.

Dou Dagui lunged at Dou Sanwang and grabbed his leg.

Ding Fei also ran in the past and dragged dousan wanglian down from the windowsill.

The bean family made a mess of porridge.

Dousha just cried, and her throat was hoarse.

No matter how it goes on, the beans don't know what will happen.

Chang wennaoguazi turned around and said, "I agree to divorce Dousha, but you have to give me a week to prepare."

The three brothers of the bean family asked suspiciously, "do you really agree to divorce?"

"I agree. I want Dousha to be the general manager of Wynn. I want Dousha to be happy."

Ding Fei Yin Yin asked: "wunang waste, you will not be playing a delaying strategy?"

"Seven days later, I will go to divorce with Dousha."

Dou Dagui said happily: "well, I didn't expect that you are still open-minded. If you don't divorce Dousha again, the Dou family will be dark."

A storm is finally over, Dou Er Fu and Dou San Wang left happily.

Dou Dagui and Ding Fei go back to bed.

Dousha asked: "Chang Wen, do you really want to divorce me?"

"Wife, you've seen the farce tonight. The second uncle wants to wipe his neck and the third uncle wants to jump off the building. If it goes on, I'm really afraid that your parents will have something wrong. I think: I'd better promise to divorce first, and at least calm down the storm tonight."

Dousha sighed and said, "Changwen, i... I don't want to divorce you, but I'm really miserable by my parents and two uncles. I can't live this life."

Chang Wen's promise to divorce in a week is a delaying tactic. He wants to use a week to come up with a complete solution, which can not only save the marriage, but also prevent the bean family's property from falling to the Zhao family.

In the evening, Chang Wen didn't sleep all night. When it was almost dawn, he finally came up with a good idea.

The root of the problem is in dounai's nephew Zhao Dao, so Chang Wen decided to attack him.

In the morning, Chang Wen sent the bean paste to the company, and then immediately went to the earth survey company.

Wang Xiaoman is calling a morning meeting. When he sees Chang Wen coming, he announces, "the meeting is over."

"Little brother, your eyes are black. You must not have slept well last night. You must have been scratching your head."

"Sister Wang, I'm a trapped animal now."

"Ha ha... It's not that serious. Let me hear what happened."

Chang Wen told Wang Xiaoman about the storm last night, and then talked about his own ideas.

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