A flower said with a smile: "Mr. Shi, I'm not here to borrow money from you."

Shigu asked suspiciously, "what are you doing here in the morning?"

"Mr. Shi, yesterday, you lent me 5000 yuan, but I was in charge of a big business. I borrowed some from others, collected 100000 yuan, and remitted it to my mother. Last night, my mother had an operation, and the operation was very successful, which also has your credit."

Shigu looked at a flower and asked, "did you come here to thank me?"

"Yes, I'd like to treat you to dinner."

"Where to eat?"

"Mr. Shi, as you know, my cooking skills are extraordinary. The cooks in the restaurants in the town can't catch up with me, so I'm going to cook a delicious meal at home this noon. By the way, I've also prepared a bottle of Wuliangye."

"Who else did you invite?"

"No one invited you alone. I know you don't like the excitement."

Shigu asked suspiciously, "don't you borrow money from several people? Why do you only thank me?"

"Mr. Shi, in our village, you are the only one willing to lend me money. I borrowed the rest from other villages."

Shigu nodded and said happily: "well, it seems that you are still a person who knows good and bad. To tell you the truth, I met you. If someone asks me to borrow money, I won't lend him a cent. Now there is a saying: you can borrow anything, but you can't borrow money. Money is life. If you borrow money from others, it's life-threatening. "

"Ha ha... Of course I heard, so you are willing to lend me 5000 yuan. I will remember your good one."

"Well, I'll come to your house for lunch."

"Mr. Shi, I'll go back and cook."

Chang Wen came over and said deliberately: "a flower, you invite my uncle to dinner, don't you find a companion?"

"I don't want to invite an outsider to dinner," he said with a frown. "No one will lend me a cent except Mr. Shi. I can't eat my food!"

Chang Wen joked: "a flower, who let you not borrow money from me? As long as you open your mouth, I have to lend you ten or eight yuan even if I have no money."

"Go away. I don't care about your money. You think I'm a beggar. I'll send beggars for ten or eight yuan."

A flower twisted his waist and walked away. Chang Wen pretended to be angry and said, "this little girl is not funny at first sight. Uncle, you have to be on guard against her."

"Ha ha... I have a way with women. Son in law sun, I don't mean you. You've been married to Dousha for three years, but you haven't been in the same room yet. Are you too incompetent

"Ha ha... Uncle, I'm stupid."

"It's light to say you are stupid. I think you are a fool."

"Ha ha... Uncle, you can take time to teach me some skills. I really can't deal with women."

Shigu turned his eyes at Chang Wen and said, "son in law, if you want me to teach you some skills, you have to listen to me and act according to my will."

"Uncle, of course I'd like to listen to you. Your words are the imperial edict."

"I don't think so. Sometimes you turn your elbow out. If you don't say anything else, just say this two scabies. He comes to my house repeatedly to steal things, but you always plead for him, which makes me very unhappy."

"Uncle, I'm not turning my elbow out, but my heart is too soft to see others beaten."

"Well! Son in law sun, I don't think you are soft hearted. You don't like me. Do you think I'm too overbearing? "

"No, I don't have this feeling. My uncle is very good. You see, yizhihua's mother is ill. You immediately generously gave up and took out 5000 yuan. If you want to put it on others, you must be reluctant to lend it out."

Shigu asked, "son in law, how do you deal with ER laizi?"

"I think we'll have to starve him for three days and nights, and then he'll be honest."

Shigu nodded and said with satisfaction: "yes, I love what you said. I'm just going to make Er laizi hungry for three days and three nights. At that time, I'm not afraid that he won't confess. I just want him to confess. On that night two months ago, did he come to my house to steal? What did you steal? All of them have to be explained clearly. "

Chang Wen asked curiously, "uncle, why did you bother that night two months ago? Did we lose something valuable that night? "

"I didn't lose anything. I found him, yelled and he ran over the wall. However, I don't like people playing tricks in front of me. If he doesn't confess, I can't spare him."

Chang Wen followed shigu's words and said, "yes, if Er Biaozi is not honest, he will be rude to him. He will not only starve him for three days and three nights, but also smoke his thirty belts to let him taste the pain of skin and flesh."

"Well, son-in-law sun, three days later, if Er laizi is not honest, you'll give me thirty belts."

"No problem. I'll have enough to eat and give him a good beating."

Shigu smile on his face, satisfied with the said: "son-in-law, that's right, we are relatives, relatives can't elbow outside, everything must be one mind."

"Uncle, I know. If there was anything wrong before, please forgive me."

"What time is it?" shigu asked

"Uncle, it's more than ten o'clock now."

"Oh, then I have to wash my face, change my clothes and go to yizhihua's house for dinner. The little girl has a good cooking skill. The fried food is delicious, better than the chef in the hotel. Eating her fried food is a kind of enjoyment."

Shigu washed his face, changed his clothes, and went out of the door in high spirits.

Yizhihua specially fried eight dishes.

As soon as shigu entered the yard, a fragrance came to his nostrils.

He cried out: "a flower, I'm coming. My mother, I didn't expect that it was the smell of vegetables that welcomed me. I'm sweating when I smell the smell."

A flower walked out of the house and said with a smile: "Mr. Shi, it's my honor to have you. To tell you the truth, although my food is well fried, few people in the village have eaten it. I don't like to treat. Why should I treat? It's unnecessary."

"That's true. Most people in the village are poor. If you invite them to eat, they will only take a mouth with them. When they finish eating, they will leave."

"Mr. Shi, you're right. These poor people only know how to take advantage of others, but they don't have any money. But then again, they don't have any money."

"Ha ha... You are such a snob. You know that I am the richest man in the village. You have to marry me. Ha ha..."

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