Zhao Daoteng stood up, patted the table fiercely, and said angrily, "this guy is too arrogant. He dares to bully the women of the bean family. Don't forget, I'm also a bean family."

"Cousin, bear this tone. Don't be beaten by him and run away like me."

"Well! You're a loser. I'm a hero. I don't believe it. Even if he has three heads and six arms, I'll make him kneel down in front of me and call my father and my grandfather. "

"Cousin, it's not that I underestimate you. I don't think you have any martial arts skills. Don't show off your ability. At the beginning, I didn't take that guy seriously, but he beat me to the ground with three punches and two legs. If I didn't run fast, I would be crippled by him. "

No wonder the bean family looks down on you. It turns out that you just can't get on the wall. I'm going to make that guy look for his teeth all over the place and call me granddad. "

"Cousin, there's a limit to your boasting. Be careful if you blow it up in the sky, you'll break your butt into eight pieces."

"I want you to understand my prestige. I'm not bragging. I'm a famous nanbatian in the village. Anyone who sees me will shiver."

"Cousin, if you really have such great ability, help doumai to teach that guy a lesson. I think: Doujia will admire you very much. At that time, if you become the general manager of Yongli company, Doujia will support you."

"Loser, take me to that guy right away."

"Cousin, I can only take you to recognize people, but I firmly do not advocate you to settle accounts with him."

"OK, you'll take me to recognize people right away."

Chang Wen drives a car to Zhang Wei's company.

By this time, it was already ten o'clock in the night.

Chang Wen prayed in his heart: "God bless me. I hope I can meet Zhang Wei tonight."

Just after praying, a man came out of the building. In the dim moonlight, Chang Wen recognized him at a glance. He was Zhang Wei.

"Cousin, this man is Zhang Wei."

Zhao Dao widened his eyes, fixed his eyes on Zhang Wei, gritted his teeth and said: "I know him, ha ha... Even if he changes his vest, I can recognize him."

Zhao Dao wants to get out of the car and beat Zhang Wei.

Chang Wen had locked the car door for a long time. He started the car and said, "cousin, I said, don't mess with him."

Zhao Dao kicked the door with his foot and said angrily, "you stop the car, I'll meet him."

"Cousin, don't bother me. You're here in my car tonight. If one of you has an accident, I can't get away with it. Anyway, you know Zhang Wei. As for when you want to meet him, it's your business, but not tonight. I don't want to touch the spark."

Zhao Dao roared and said: "you're such a loser. You're such a jerk. You've never seen a man like you."

Chang Wen took out a stack of RMB from under the cushion and handed it to Zhao Dao. He flattered Zhao Dao and said, "cousin, this is 10000 yuan. I'm filial to you."

Zhao Dao took the money, stopped scolding, and said with a smile: "you're a coward. You're very nice. No wonder you've been wronged in the bean family for three years. I heard that dounai has always wanted you to divorce Dousha, and the bean family would like you to leave soon. But you're just like a hero in Shangganling, sticking to the bean family's position under the bombardment of gunfire, You have the knack of being nice. "

"Ha ha... I can't compare with you, brother Zhao. I'm just a loser."

Chang Wen's method of arousing generals has completely angered Zhao Dao.

The next morning, Zhao Dao went to doumai's office.

"Cousin, I heard that there is a guy named Zhang Wei pestering you, and he beat the loser up."

Dou Mai was surprised and stammered, "who did you listen to?"

"Last night, Chang Wen invited me to the Regal restaurant for dinner. During the meal, he kept rubbing his waist and said that he was beaten by Zhang Wei."

Dou Mai is a little surprised. Why does Chang Wen invite Zhao Dao to dinner? Why lie that Zhang Wei beat him?

"Cousin, you... You came here specially to ask about it."

"Yes, I heard that Zhang Wei is too arrogant to say that there are no men in the bean family. Is Lao Tzu not a man? Damn it, I wanted to teach Zhang Wei a lesson last night, but he just didn't open the door. I almost kicked his car to pieces. "

Dou Mai's brain melon seeds are running at a high speed. She suspects that Chang Wen must be doing something.

"Cousin, you don't have to worry about my business."

Doumai doesn't like Zhao Dao very much. In her eyes, Zhao Dao is an intruder. Therefore, she doesn't want Zhao Dao to interfere in her own affairs.

What's more, Chang Wen has already dealt with Zhang Wei's affairs. Why do you have to do more.

Zhao Dao patted his chest and said boldly, "Dou Mai, with a cousin, no one dares to bully you. I want Zhang Wei to taste my fist, and let him know that there are men in Dou family."

That night, Zhao Dao came to Zhang Wei's company.

There was a snack booth nearby. Zhao knives ordered two small dishes, ordered half a kilogram of Baijiu, poured them from their own, and waited for Zhang Wei to eat and drink.

It was almost midnight when Zhang Wei came out of the office building.

He was a little tired and a little wobbly.

Zhao Dao quickly settled the bill and followed Zhang Wei.

When he came to a secluded street, Zhao Dao rushed up and gave Zhang Wei a kick in the butt.

Zhang Wei fell on a dog and chewed shit. He got up from the ground and asked, "who are you? Why kick me? "

"I'm Dou Mai's cousin. I've heard that you've been chasing my cousin like a pig."

Zhang Wei was surprised and explained, "that's the past tense. Now your cousin and I have completely broken up."

"Ha ha... You are also a soft guy. Do you dare to do it or not?"

"You... You dare to commit murder, I'll call the police!"

Zhao Dao snatched Zhang Wei's mobile phone and threw it to the ground. With a bang, the mobile phone was smashed to pieces“

"What are you doing?"

"I will teach you a lesson!"

Zhao Dao waved his fist and hit Zhang Wei on the chest. Zhang Wei fell on his back and hit the back of his head on the ground, bleeding.

"Ha ha... I thought you were a good boy. You turned out to be a poor boy. Get up and do some tricks with me."

"I... I'm a literati. I never fight. If you beat people for no reason, you should bear the legal responsibility."

Zhao Dao didn't expect Zhang Wei to be so careless. Moreover, his two fists made him soft.

At this time, Zhao Dao looked down on Chang Wen more and more. He was beaten to pieces by this soft guy and hurt his waist.

Zhao Dao grabbed Zhang Wei's collar, lifted him up from the ground, put him against the wall, and asked: "do you dare to pester my cousin?"

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