Chang Wen said: "even if I love money, the sum of money that douye left me is likely to fail because Dousha is not allowed to be the general manager of douru."

Dou Mai Yin said: "brother Chang, I can help you get this sum of money, but I have a condition."

Doumai's condition must be: once Changwen gets the money, he has to marry her.

Chang Wen thought: there are still two years to deal with doumai, you might as well promise her first, let Dousha sit in the position of general manager.

Chang Wenming asked, "what are your conditions?"

"If I can make Dousha the general manager, you must break up with Dousha and marry me after five years."

"No problem, I can promise that."

Dou Mai stares at Chang Wen and says with a sneer, "you're trying to slow down again. Two years later, a golden cicada suddenly evaporates in the world, leaving me nowhere to look for you."

"I mean what I say."

"Brother Chang, I find that you have so many ghost ideas that it's hard to believe your promise. You have to give me a written guarantee."

Chang Wen refused: "if something written in black and white falls into the hands of Dousha, she won't forgive me. She will divorce me immediately, and I will end up with a chicken."

"Brother Chang, I'll deposit your letter of guarantee in the safe of the bank. It won't fall into other people's hands."

"Ha ha... Even if you are in the safe of Yama, there is a risk of leakage. I will never take this risk."

"How can I trust you if you don't even want to write a guarantee?"

"I can swear."

"Well, you say: if Dousha becomes the general manager, I will marry doumai in two years. If I break my promise, my parents, brothers and sisters and all my relatives will die."

Chang Wen laughed with exaggeration and said, "I'm an orphan. In this world, I don't even have half of Mao's relatives. Don't you want me to take this poison oath?"

Doumai said coldly: "brother Chang, I don't believe you are an orphan at all. Judging from all kinds of signs, you should be a rich second generation. Maybe your family is very large and complex, and you have a lot of intrigues. You are just kicked out of the family temporarily, but one day you will return to your family."

Chang Wen was surprised and thought to himself: this woman is really powerful. Maybe she accidentally shows her feet in her speech and behavior, which makes her suspicious.

"Ha ha... It's funny. If I were rich, I would still be my son-in-law?"

"A man can bend and stretch, and Han Xin is still a great general, even though he has got into other people's pants."

"Ha ha... I thank you for so flattering me. I'm flattered to compare me to Han Xin."

"Brother Chang, don't talk nonsense, just take a poison oath as I said."

Although Chang Wen is not superstitious, he is not willing to take such a poison oath.

"Dou Mai, don't you think it's empty cannon for me to make such a poisonous oath? It's not binding on me. It's better to say: if doumai can make Dousha the general manager, two years later, I will divorce Dousha and marry doumai. If I break my promise, I will be hit by a car when I go out, choked to death when I drink water, fell to death when I walk, choked to death when I eat... "

"Come on, don't sell your mouth to me. I'll let you take the poison oath. If you don't dare to take the poison oath, you have a ghost in your heart."

Chang Wen is forced to go to Liangshan. If he doesn't take this poisonous oath, Dou Mai will continue to pester him. Maybe there will be something wrong.

In order to appease doumai, and let doumai help, and let Dousha become the general manager of Yongli company, Chang Wen had to make this oath.

He had an idea and swore: "today, I swear in front of God: if Dousha can become the general manager of Yongli company in two years, I will divorce her and not marry doumai. If I break my promise, my parents, brothers and sisters and all my relatives will die."

Chang Wen played a trick. He spoke very fast, adding a "no" to the front of his marriage with Dou Mai.

Dou Mai never dreamed that Chang Wen would play this trick, because the "no" was very light and fast. He took it with him in one stroke and didn't let him hear it clearly.

Doumai said with satisfaction, "well, I'll be relieved."

Chang Wen asked, "now you are a mud Bodhisattva. You can't protect yourself. How can you help Dousha become the general manager

"Don't worry about that. I have my own way. Frankly speaking, I would have been the general manager if God hadn't set me up. "

"Yes, if soya bean milk became a vegetable last time, and could never wake up, then you would be safe in the position of general manager."

"Yes, it's really strange. Experts have come to the conclusion that grandma would be a vegetable even if she didn't die, but she woke up in a few days. I can only think that it's God who is against me and doesn't let me be the general manager."

Doumai naturally won't know that it was Changwen who saved dounai with the eight trigrams acupoint pointing technique. Only Dousha knows about this. Changwen has repeatedly told us never to tell anyone.

"Dou Mai, let me say something from the bottom of my heart. I think you are more suitable to be the general manager."

Dou Mai happily asked: "you also see that I am very capable of it."

"Ha ha... I think: being an official should be vicious and cruel. From this point of view, you are very suitable for being an official, and Dousha is out of reach."

"Brother Chang, are you praising me or belittling me? I don't think it tastes good. "

"Ha ha... Of course it's for you. As the saying goes, "no poison, no husband."

"Brother Chang, I will use 18 kinds of martial arts to help sister Dousha become the general manager. To tell you the truth, now I am not interested in the position of general manager of Yongli company, because I am engaged in finance and know the company's family background. Since my grandfather died, the company's efficiency has been worse year by year, and now the net asset is less than 100 million. Sooner or later, such a company will collapse."

"That's good. Let Dousha keep a mess."

Chang Wen not only successfully appeased doumai, but also instigated doumai to help Dousha become the general manager.

He knows: This is walking a tightrope, a little careless, once the bean wheat this little girl found something wrong, will be on him, on the bean sand under the hand of poison.

It's changed a little. Chang Wen's injured arm hurts faintly, which reminds him of Wang Xiaoman.

Wang Xiaoman is several years older than him. Chang Wen always treats Wang Xiaoman as his sister. A while ago, Wang Xiaoman donated 500cc panda blood to save him. Now, Wang Xiaoman's blood is flowing in Chang Wen's body.

This makes Chang Wen feel more intimate with Wang Xiaoman.

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