Soymilk asked: "this bodyguard also lives in our villa?"

"Grandma, he is my bodyguard. Naturally, he wants to protect me 24 hours a day. If he doesn't live in our house, he can't protect me. Grandma, this bodyguard is very powerful. He lives in our house. He can not only protect me, but also protect you. "

With a smile, douru said, "I'm old enough to protect myself. Even if I drive crane to the west, I don't have any regrets."

"Grandma, you have to hold your grandson. You must live a long life."

Soymilk asked: "grandson, does Dousha sleep with you every day?"

"Yes, she sleeps together every day. Dousha said that she wants to get pregnant early so that you can have a great grandson."

Soybean milk happily said: "that's right. It's only my old brain that doesn't understand. I knew that today, it's better to let Dousha be with you three years ago. In this way, my great grandchildren are all over the ground now."

"Granny, don't worry. It's fast."

Chang Wen asked the housekeeper of the villa to move a small bed and put it in the outer room. He said to the king of darts, "you just sleep here. If you need anything, just say it."

The dart king asked suspiciously, "boss Chang, your father-in-law and mother-in-law live on the first floor, and you and your wife live on the second floor. It seems like that..."

"Ha ha... It's soymilk that makes us live on the second floor. We can't help it. It's hard to be gracious."

Two people are saying, Ding Fei shouts in the downstairs: "wretched waste, you come down, I have something to ask you."

Chang Wen ran downstairs and asked respectfully, "Mom, what can I do for you?"

"It's too shameful of you to live on top of my head. It doesn't make sense."

"Mom, it's not that I want to live on the second floor, it's grandma who forced us to live on the second floor. Otherwise, tell Grandma and let us move downstairs."

Ding Fei curled her lips and said discontentedly, "soya bean milk is too old to let the younger generation surpass us. It's too wrong for us. If it's not for her old age, I have to make a theory."

Dou Dagui came out of the room and said, "wife, don't worry about it. It's good to live on the first floor. It's grounded."

"Good what? I don't get angry when I think of being a loser living on top of my head. "

Dou Dagui said: "wife, maybe you don't know. My uncle has been bailed out from the detention center by my son-in-law. I heard that my son-in-law entrusted an acquaintance and had already agreed to give my uncle a probation. You said that my son-in-law has made such a great contribution, shouldn't he still live on the second floor?"

Ding Fei was surprised and asked, "uncle has been released?"

Dou Dagui said with a smile: "wife, you'd better be polite to our son-in-law in the future. Don't always shout one by one. Now, our son-in-law is not what he used to be. Maybe after a while, we'll have grandchildren."

Ding Fei frowned and asked: "you're a loser. You still have so much ability to get your uncle out of the detention center. I really belittle you. Well, since soymilk has a crush on you, I'm not hard to help you. Ah! Why can't you be a bit promising? You're still a contemporary driver, and people look down on you. "

Dou Dagui explained to Chang Wen, "I can't blame my son-in-law. I only blame the soybean milk for needing money. My son-in-law borrowed a sum of money from the boss and had to drive to pay off the debt. In fact, my son-in-law has long been the deputy general manager of Yongli company and is in a high position."

Ding Fei glanced at the flying escort king and asked, "who is he? What are you doing here? "

Chang Wen explained: "this is the bodyguard assigned by my boss. He protects me 24 hours a day."

Ding Fei was startled and asked: "son-in-law, your value is getting higher and higher, and you even have bodyguards. I said that our bean family is also a little rich. Since our father, we have never had bodyguards. You... You are really a drag."

"Mom, it's not me, but the boss thinks highly of me for fear that something might happen to me, so he spared no effort to spend a lot of money to provide me with a bodyguard, which can also protect you."

As soon as Ding Fei's face changed, he asked harshly, "you... You say I'm an old man. I'm only fifty years old. How can I become an old man? Do you want me to grow old and die early so that you can be the king of the bean family? "

Chang Wen quickly explained: "Mom, I'm honoring you. I can't call you little beauty."

Ding Fei said: "I'm dancing outside. Many people think I'm only in my thirties. There are still people calling me little beauty."

Dou Dagui squinted at Ding Fei and sneered: "wife, don't pretend to be young, and don't look in the mirror. The wrinkles on your face are like old bark. If someone thinks you are only in your thirties, that person must be highly myopic."

Ding Fei was startled and asked: "do I have so many wrinkles on my face? I have to go and see. "

Dingfei turned and ran into the bedroom.

Chang Wen smiles at Dou Dagui and goes upstairs.

By this time, it was evening.

Chang Wen wants to call Dousha and ask her if she can go back to the villa for dinner at night. Then he thinks, forget it, Dousha must be very busy. Maybe she is still in a meeting.

At this time, Dousha is on the way to the hotel.

The kidnapping in these two days made Dousha uneasy all day.

She thought about it carefully and thought Chen Gang was suspicious.

Recently, only Chen Gang and she have been the closest.

When he was in high school, Chen Gang always pestered Dousha and wrote several love letters to him, but Dousha didn't reply.

One day after the college entrance examination, Chen Gang hid behind a big tree at the door of Dousha's house. Seeing Dousha out of the door, he caught up with him and asked, "Dousha, we both graduated from high school. We are going to separate soon. I want to confirm the relationship with you."

"What's the relationship?" Dousha asked

"I want you to be my girlfriend, and we'll get married when we graduate from college."

Dousha was startled and ran back to his home.

Since then, Dousha hasn't been out alone for a summer vacation.

Once, she went shopping with her mother in the supermarket and saw Chen Gang following her.

Dousha was very afraid. She held her mother's arm tightly and did not dare to let go for a moment.

At that time, in Dousha's eyes, Chen Gang was a gangster, a naughty dog.

Just at the end of the summer vacation, douye bought a villa and the whole family moved there.

On the day of moving, Dousha saw Chen Gangwei running with the moving car, but no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't run the car.

Chen Gang's figure became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared on the horizon.

Since then, Dousha has never seen Chen Gang again.

After graduating from University, Dousha met a girl classmate from high school. When chatting, she heard that Chen Gang entered his father's company after graduating from University, talked about a girlfriend and was about to get married.

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