Chang Wen shrugged and asked, "did Xiaohua talk about her boyfriend?"

"Wrong guess."

"Did you threaten Xiaohua to stay away from me?"

"Wrong guess again."

"Well, I'm too lazy to guess. As long as you don't eat Xiaohua's vinegar, I'll be at ease."

"Brother Chang, I'd better tell you. It's a wake-up call for you."

Chang Wen asked curiously, "what's the matter with you

"Elder brother Chang, yesterday, I took Xiaohua to the hospital for a physical examination. I specially asked the doctor of Obstetrics and gynecology to give her a key examination. The doctor said: Xiaohua has not been Huanghua's daughter for a long time, and she has venereal disease."

Chang Wen quickly said: "then... Let the doctor treat her."

"Hee hee... I'm not so bad. I'm still a little compassionate. I asked the doctor to prescribe medicine for her. Fortunately, her venereal disease was cured. However, I have to warn you: it's an infectious disease."

"Xiaozhen sister, how does Xiaohua explain that she is not a big yellow girl?"

Chang Wen worries that Xiaohua confesses her experience in a foot bath shop.

"There's nothing to explain. She must have a boyfriend in the countryside, and she has been with her boyfriend in the haystack and field for many times. Unfortunately, her boyfriend must be a romantic. He's messing around outside, getting sexually transmitted diseases, and then infecting Xiaohua."

"Little Zhen Mei, I don't think you are very authentic. You are a bit of schadenfreude."

"Brother Chang, I just don't think Xiaohua is a big yellow girl, and she has sexually transmitted diseases. You will never have anything to do with her, ha ha... Maybe you don't believe it, look! This is hard evidence. "

Lin Xiaozhen took out a diagnosis from her pocket.

Chang Wen took a cursory look and said, "sister Zhen, Xiaohua is a poor girl. You have to be kind and urge her to take time to treat her illness."

"Of course, I'm afraid she'll infect me."

There is a knock at the door.

Lin Xiaozhen said, "please come in."

The security team leader came in with a bulletproof vest and reported: "Mr. Lin, this is the latest bulletproof vest. It's said that the bulletproof effect is very good, and it can also prevent stabs. It's a multi-purpose type, but it's a little expensive. It costs 5000 yuan for one."

Lin Xiaozhen said with indifference: "buy two pieces for the security guard on duty at the gate."

Chang Wen asked, "why do you buy this?"

"Brother Chang, haven't you heard? The security guard of a supermarket in B city was hit in the heart with a homemade pistol and died on the spot. I think we should also match the security guard on duty at the gate of our company with a bulletproof vest. "

Chang Wen picked up the vest and looked at it carefully, shaking his head: "it's quite heavy. It must be uncomfortable."

Lin Xiaozhen waved to the security team leader and said, "you can leave this bulletproof vest and buy two more."

As soon as the security captain went out, Lin Xiaozhen said to Chang Wen, "take off your coat and put on your bulletproof vest. This one is even for you."

Chang Wen said with a smile, "little Zhen Mei, you are really good at offering flowers to Buddha. You think Dafa real estate belongs to you."

"Of course, it's mine. The legal person on the business license is Lin Xiaozhen. Ha ha... Brother Chang, who let you be the boss, that's the end."

Chang Wen put the bulletproof vest on the sofa and said, "I don't want to wear this."

Lin Xiaozhen face a board, ordered: "brother Chang, from today on, except in summer, you have to wear this bulletproof vest every day, I will check every once in a while, if you don't wear, don't blame me impolite."

"Why do you want to be rude?"

"Ha ha... As long as you don't wear a bulletproof vest one day, I will give you a moth to make your backyard on fire. Believe it or not?"

Chang Wen, of course.

This pungent woman almost set his backyard on fire, and more than once.

"I believe it."

"Since you believe it, you can put it on me honestly."

"Little Zhenmei, do you think someone will kill me?"

"Of course, according to my analysis, there are more than three or five people who want your life."

"How can I see it?"

"My father once wanted your life. If I hadn't killed my father, you'd have 10 lives to pay for. Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are looking forward to your early death, and the old soybean milk is also looking at you as an eyesore. I also heard that there are several men pursuing your wife Dousha. These men have long wanted you to go to the West, So I can make room for my husband. "

"Ha ha... It seems that I am in danger when you say that."

"Brother Chang, maybe you don't think much of your situation, but I'm a bystander. I think you've been besieged."

Chang Wen sighed, took off his coat, put on his bulletproof vest, and said to himself, "I hope I didn't wear it for nothing."

The telephone on the desk rings. While Lin Xiaozhen answers the phone, Chang Wen leaves in a hurry.

He drove the car to a car washing spot beside the park, and while the workers were washing the car, he strolled along the road by himself.

Next to the car washing spot is a park with a hill.

Chang Wen looked up at the hill in the park and thought, "when can I get on the hill and have a bird's-eye view of B city?".

Just as Chang Wen is intoxicated with the picturesque scenery, suddenly, his left chest seems to have been punched fiercely, and then he hears a sound like a firecracker.

Chang Wen fell on his back. He felt a dull pain in his left chest. A flash of lightning flashed across his brain: finished, I was shot black, and the bullet hit the heart.

Chang Wen covers his left chest with his hand and thinks in horror: I... I may be finished soon!

After two minutes, Chang Wen felt that the pain in his left chest had disappeared. He raised his hand and saw that there was no blood on it.

Suddenly, he remembered that he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

"My God! Thanks for wearing a bulletproof vest today, otherwise, I'll see the king of hell! "

Chang Wen murmured. He took out his cell phone and called the police.

Ten minutes later, three police cars came.

After inspection, Chang Wen was indeed hit by a bullet in his left chest, and the bullet stuck on his bulletproof vest.

According to the trajectory of the bullet, it should be someone shooting a cold gun on the hill in the park nearby.

A large number of police rushed into the park and searched the hill.

Within an hour, a discarded homemade rifle was found.

At this time, the police received a call from a taxi nearby.

"Police, a suspicious man got into my taxi and asked me to go to the funeral home. The man foamed as if he was dying."

It turned out that, near the park, a man who was leaning around stopped a taxi.

He struggled to get on the bus and said, "go to the funeral home, I'm going to die..."

The driver almost scared his soul when he saw the man smelling of medicine and foaming. He opened the door, jumped out of the car and called the police as he ran.

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