Xu Xiaohui ran out of the management room and saw a little flat headed boy standing under Li Wen's window, raising his head and shouting.

Many of the windows on the upper floor were opened, revealing their heads. Someone said sarcastically, "you have no sincerity. You should buy 999 red roses."

Others urged: "you should put a candle in the shape of a heart, light it and stand in the middle of the candle to show your love. That's interesting."

Some people are dissatisfied with the cry: "it's so late, you shout what, have the ability, kneel down on one knee during the day, to someone else's love."

Xu Xiaohui scolded: "you come here at night and yell, affecting other people's sleep and study. Hurry up, or I'll call the security guard."

"Auntie, do you want to deprive a young man of his love? I'm here to show my love. That's my freedom. "

Xu Xiaohui is a gentle girl. Naturally, she can't use the means of thunder. She has to make a phone call to the thin monkey.

The thin monkey ran over, grabbed the collar of the small flat head, and said, "go with me to the security room. You have violated the rules and regulations of the school, and I have to punish you."

The thin monkey pulled the small flat head to the security room and trained him.

The next morning, Li Wen gratefully said: "elder sister, thank you for relieving me yesterday. That little Flathead pursued me vigorously, but I didn't like him at all. He pestered me and embarrassed me again and again."

"Li Wen, don't be afraid. I have a big brother in the security team, the man who took Xiao Pingtou away last night. Next time he comes back, let the school give him a punishment."

"Sister, you really have a way."

The next night, Xiao Pingtou ran to the bottom of the dormitory to show his love.

As soon as she called out, Xu Xiaohui ran out with a broom. She raised the broom and hit Xiao Pingtou.

He ran away with his head in his arms.

Xiao Pingtou no longer dare to run to the dormitory to show his love. He changed his strategy and blocked the door of the canteen every day. As long as Li Wen went to buy food, he stopped Li Wen and begged: "be my girlfriend, I will love you forever."

Li Wen didn't even dare to go to the canteen, so she had to ask her classmates to help her buy food.

Li Wen ran to Xu Xiaohui to complain: "sister, I can't be happy anymore."

Xu Xiaohui comfort way: "Li Wen, I have a way to let small flat head no longer dare to pester you, and see you will hide away."

"Elder sister, can you really subdue small flat head?"

"If you don't believe it, you'll see."

On that night, small flat head ran to the street to hang out, suddenly a masked man grabbed the collar, pulled to a small alley.

"What are you doing?"

"You tell me to be honest, you see, what's this?"

The masked man had a dirty rag in his hand. He put the rag under his flat nose and asked, "does it smell good?"

A fishy smell came to my face. Obviously, it was the dishcloth in the hotel.

"What do you... What do you want?"

"I warn you, don't cry for help. As long as you open your mouth, this rag will be put into your mouth."

"Brother, I didn't offend you, did I?"

"Ha ha... I tell you, although you didn't offend me, you offended one of my sister's best friends. I heard that you pestered my sister's best friend and ran to the dormitory downstairs to cry and howl at night, and even went to the canteen door to beg for love. I said: why don't you have any anger? People don't love you. Why do you beg for nothing to pester people?"

"I... I dare not pester her any more."

The masked man hit the belly of the little flat head with a fist.

"My God

The little flat head covered his stomach and squatted down in pain.

"Boy, I'll spare you today. If you keep pestering my sister's best friend, I won't feel so comfortable next time I meet you."

"I won't pester Li Wen any more, really."

The masked man slapped his little flat head two ears again, and then walked away.

Xiao Pingtou had never seen such a battle before and was scared to pee his pants.

He ran back to the dormitory, took a shower, changed his pants, and muttered: "I didn't expect that Li Wen's best friend helped her out. Who is this best friend?"

In Xiao Pingtou's impression, Li Wen has no friends. She is always on her own. She is a girl with a very lonely personality.

He doesn't want to be gagged by that piece of smelly rag and then beaten.

From then on, Xiao Pingtou took a detour when he saw Li Wen. Even if he met Li Wen, he lowered his head and pretended not to see Li Wen.

Li Wen finally got rid of this naughty dog. She is very grateful to Xu Xiaohui.

Early on Saturday morning, Li Wen ran to the management room and said to Xu Xiaohui, "sister, I'll invite you to a restaurant for lunch today."

"Yes, but I have to make it clear that we have AA system."

"Elder sister, I want to thank you for helping me drive away the small flat head, so that I can live a comfortable life."

"Ha ha... Li Wen, it's better to be respectful than obedient."

At noon, Li Wen and Xu Xiaohui went to a restaurant near the school and ordered four dishes and one soup.

Li Wen asked, "sister, do you drink?"

"I don't usually drink, but I do when I'm happy."

"Sister, I like you, usually never touch wine, happy to drink a few mouthfuls, today I am very happy, simply want 22 Baijiu, we drink together."

Li Wen was not able to drink. He had a small cup of Baijiu and his face became red and his tongue enlarged.

Xu Xiaohui asked, "Li Wen, who is in your family?"

"I only have a father."

"Does your father earn money for your studies?"

"Yes, my mother left when she was two years old. My father brought me up. My father worked very hard to earn money and was not in good health."

"Is your father ill?"

"I think my father is getting thinner and thinner. Every time I ask him, he says that he is not seriously ill and that it is better to be thinner in middle age."

Obviously, Li Wen's father concealed his condition of suffering from gastric cancer because he was afraid of his daughter's worry, which affected his studies.

"Li Wen, can your father make a lot of money?"

"Since I went to high school, my father has been working in the city as a small worker in the construction team."

"Li Wen, how is your father recently?"

Li Wen bowed his head, sighed and said: "half a month ago, my father came to see me. He said he would go to work and earn a lot of money there. But he has been there for four years. I can't get in touch with him in these four years. Let me not worry about him."

"Your father said he was going to work?"

"Yes, the strange thing is: my father asked me to change my mobile phone number, and said that I would not answer the phone calls of any strangers in the future, and I would not associate with any people from my hometown."

"Ah, what does your father mean?"

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