Haotian didn't know how rich sister got so angry. He took a taxi and rushed to her home.

As soon as she entered the door, rich sister said: "son of a bitch! You kneel on the washboard for me. "

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Haotian took out a washboard from the back of the door, knelt on it and said, "baby, if you want me to die, you have to die to understand."

Rich sister like to let Haotian call her baby, usually, rich sister angry, as long as Haotian call a few more little baby, rich sister's gas will disappear.

Sister Fu took out her mobile phone and opened the video. She put her mobile phone in front of Haotian and said coldly, "have a look for yourself."

Be not a little bewildered, "as like as two peas, I am the same person as I am."

Rich sister raised her hand and slapped Haotian in the face.

"Hard evidence is in front of you. You dare to argue. I really underestimate you."

Sister Fu threw a slipper on Haotian's face and ordered, "slap yourself in the face until you confess."

Hao naive do not understand, who is the man sleeping in the middle of two women? Although he looks like himself, he is definitely not himself.

When he woke up this morning, there was no one around him, let alone two women sleeping by his side.

Haotian slapped himself in the face with his slippers and explained: "little baby, i... I really don't understand. What's the matter?"

"I think you are a dead duck. You have a hard mouth. If you don't hit Nanshan, you don't look back. Now, you've hit Nanshan, but you don't look back! I can't beat you any more. Get out of here! By the way, you've spent a lot of money for more than a year, and I'll keep an account of it. "

Sister Fu took out a book from the drawer, opened it and said, "on February 13th, I bought you a suit for 12000 yuan; On March 2, I bought you a gold ring for 5200 yuan... A total of 280000 yuan. I limit you to return my money within three days, otherwise, I can't spare you. "

Haotian unwilling to say: "little baby, I am wronged, it must be a prank made by someone, I swear: since I met you, I have never touched other women."

"You son of a bitch, it's useless to say anything. Pay back the money as soon as possible. I'll tell you: if you want to break the debt, I'll let you taste my power."

Rich sister's words can't be understood any more. If she doesn't return 380000 Yuan in three days, she will send someone to clean him up.

"Baby, I'm wronged!"

Sister Fu stood up and took a tickle from the wall. She said fiercely, "if you don't go away, I'll break your head."

Haotian got up from the washboard and ran away.

He thought about it and immediately called Chang Wen.

"Brother, did you catch the train on time last night?"

"It's very dangerous. I almost missed the bus. Now I'm back in a city. Brother, I saw that you had drunk too much last night. I'm not at ease. I'm just going to call you. "

"Brother, I'm in bad luck!"

"What's the matter? Don't worry. Take your time

"Brother, as soon as you left last night, I drank all the rest of the wine and was so drunk that I didn't wake up until 10:00 this morning. What's strange is that when I woke up, I found myself sleeping in a private house. There was no one in the room, so I dressed and left. Sister Fu asked me to go to his house and showed me a video. In this video, I was naked and two women were sleeping next to me. Rich sister insisted that I was cheating, beat me up, and drove me out of the door. Looking at her appearance, she was really angry and ordered me to return 380000 Yuan spent on me within three days. Brother, I'm just like a dream. I still don't know what's going on? "

Chang Wen pretended to be surprised and said, "my brother, you must have been drunk last night, and when you were staggering home, these two women helped you home and slept with you all night."

"Ah! If that's the case, I'll be wronged to death. "

"Brother, you are so blessed."

"Brother, aren't you schadenfreude? I'm a lost dog now."

"Brother, I don't think this rich elder sister is very good to you. I just take this opportunity to leave her. There are many rich elder sisters in the world, not only her."

"Brother, I finally met a rich elder sister. Where can I find the second rich elder sister?"

"Since you are nostalgic for the rich elder sister, I'll give you an idea. I'll just ask for a apology."

"Brother, how can I plead guilty?"

"You have to be tied up with a belt in your mouth and go to the rich elder sister's house to let her beat you. That's a plea for mercy."

Haotian is desperate. He is not willing to leave the rich sister, and he can't pay her 380000 Yuan.

He begged a friend to tie himself up with a whip in his mouth, kneeling at the door of rich sister's house.

Haotian knelt down for two hours before sister Fu came out. She looked at Haotian coldly and said with disdain, "I've known for a long time that you're a man with no guts. You've been with me because you've taken a fancy to my money? Originally, I think as long as you are loyal to our love, you can spend my money, but now, you are taking my money to go out to have fun, which I will never allow

"Baby, please forgive me once. I was drunk last night. I was dragged away by the street girl in a drunken state. In fact, I didn't do anything, really. "

"Ha ha... I haven't done anything. I don't believe it. It's no use saying anything now. Go and raise money quickly. "

Haotian begged: "you know, my monthly salary is 8000 yuan. Besides eating and drinking, I can only save 5000 yuan. It will take several years to repay your 380000 Yuan."

"I don't have the patience to wait for a few years. I only give you three days. I remember: your parents still have a house. They can sell it and pay me back."

Haotian knew that rich sister had made up her mind and would never associate with him again.

He went back to his parents.

Parents only have a house of more than 50 square meters, which can only be sold for about 400000 at the market price.

Parents only have this house. If they sell the house, they will only live on the street. He can't bear to sell his parents' house.

The deadline of three days arrived. On the fourth day, Haotian was stopped by several gangsters as soon as he walked out of the house.

A little gangster grabbed his collar and asked: "have you raised the 380000 you owe others?"

"I can only pay back 5000 yuan a month."

As soon as the words were finished, they were beaten and kicked by these little gangsters and fell to the ground.

He begged, "stop fighting. I can't stand it."

"If you can't bear it, pay it back. If you don't, I'll beat you up every day."

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