The dart king said: "Damei, you can find an excuse. It's said that Zhang Guihua and his wife once helped to take care of your aunt, and they had to invite someone to dinner to express their gratitude. In addition, you can say that I bought your stone paintings, which made you earn a sum of money. In the future, I will buy your stone paintings for a long time, and this human relationship has to be paid back, anyway, It's the minimum to invite someone to dinner. If your cousin agrees, when eating, advise your cousin to drink, as long as you let him drink two liang wine, maybe you will tell the truth. Even if I don't say it in front of us, I will tell you the truth when I get home. "

"Brother, you really have a way. I'll talk to my cousin tonight to see his attitude."

That night, Shi Hua came to the hospital after work.

Mother recovered quickly after the operation and was able to get out of bed.

Da Mei happily told her cousin: "my aunt walked in the corridor twice today. The doctor said that she would be discharged in two days."

"Great, Damei. It's hard for you."

"Cousin, I don't like to hear you say that. I take care of my aunt. I'm not an outsider. No matter how hard I work, I take it for granted."

"Damei, if it wasn't for you, i... I really don't know what to do. Our triumphant company has a rule that if you ask for leave for three days, you have to report it to the human resources department. If you ask for leave for seven days, you have to report it to the general manager of the company. Well, if you ask for too much time off, you may be fired. "

"Cousin, there are many rules and regulations in big companies. It's not so easy to do. I open a small Taobao shop. If I want to have a rest, I can't help it."

Shi Hua sighed.

"Cousin, this time my aunt was hospitalized, thanks to my sister osmanthus in the next hospital bed, who often helped me take care of my aunt, as well as her friends, who bought my stone paintings and made me more than 8000 yuan. I thought: we have to invite them to dinner to show our gratitude. This is human nature."

Shi Hua agreed.

"Cousin, when my aunt leaves the hospital, I'll find a good and cheap restaurant and invite them to dinner. Then you can come to accompany me."

Shi Hua said, "Damei, please invite them to dinner on behalf of me. I can't go to the scene. I can't drink and I can't socialize."

"Cousin, sister osmanthus helps take care of her aunt. If you don't show up, it's very impolite. It's strange for people to meet you."

"Yes, I should thank you face to face for taking care of my mother. Well, when you find a hotel, just let me know. It's better to be in the evening, so that you can have plenty of time."

"Cousin, of course, I have to invite people to dinner in the evening. In case of drinking, how can I go to work when I'm drunk?"

"You know, Damei, I never drink."

"Cousin, like you, I've never touched wine. However, when we invite people to dinner, we have to socialize. At least we have to drink three glasses of wine. Otherwise, people will say that we are not sincere and have a knot in our heart. Isn't it a pity?"

Shi Hua tightened his brows and said reluctantly, "well, it seems that I have to sacrifice my life to accompany a gentleman. I'm not good at social intercourse, and I hate it most. But I also know that sometimes I have to socialize."

"Cousin, that's right. As a white-collar worker in a big company, you should know these social rules and customs better than I do."

Shi Hua's mother was discharged from the hospital.

On the night after leaving hospital, he and Damei invited Zhang Guihua, chameleon and escort king to dinner at Happy Valley Hotel.

Da Mei specially asked for a bottle of Wuliangye. She filled everyone with wine and said, "on behalf of my cousin, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Thanks to the care of my elder brothers and sisters, I'd like to invite you to have a meal in this small restaurant tonight to express your gratitude. Come on, let's dry up the wine."

A glass of wine is half a Liang, but Shi Hua's face is red.

Zhang Guihua raised her glass and said, "brother Shihua, this time, your mother's successful operation is a great joy. I'd like to propose a toast to you and wish your mother a long life."

This speech forced Shi Hua to hold up his wine glass.

After the second glass of wine, Shi Hua's eyes are red. It seems that he is really a non alcoholic.

The dart king also raised his glass and said to Shi Hua, "brother, your mother has not only succeeded in the operation, but also the cancer cells have not been transferred to other organs. This is a great thing to celebrate. With this, I have to give you a toast. This glass of wine is also for your mother. I wish her good health.

Shi Hua couldn't get rid of the speech, so he took the glass, frowned and drank the third one.

Shi Hua's tongue rolled up and he couldn't follow his command. He stammered: "thank you. Thank you. I... thank you very much for your care when my mother was in hospital."

Shi Hua clenched his teeth and said, "I... I have to drink to you..."

Shi Hua drank the fourth glass of wine, and he couldn't sit still.

Da Mei shouts a taxi and asks the escort king and chameleon to help Shi Hua get on the taxi.

Da Mei sent her cousin home.

She helped her cousin lie down on the bed, gave him a cup of honey water, and asked: "cousin, I ask you: who borrowed the 80000 yuan for my aunt's operation?"

"Da Mei, why do you ask this?"

"Cousin, you must tell me, otherwise, I'm worried that if you borrow usury, you will fall into the pit of fire."

"No... it's not usury, it's... It's borrowed from a friend..."

"Cousin, you must tell me which friend you borrowed the 80000 yuan from."

"Da Mei, you... Don't ask. In fact, this money is not borrowed, it's... It's my reward..."

"Cousin, what have you done for others?"

"Don't... Don't ask, Damei. I'm... I'm sorry..."

Da Mei made another cup of honey water for her cousin and fed him to drink.

She asked: "cousin, tonight, you must tell me the truth, otherwise, I will not sleep."

"Da Mei, I've done something immoral..."

Shi Hua finished, snoring.

Da Mei pushed her cousin. He didn't move. Her snoring became louder and louder.

Da Mei sighed and left her aunt's house. As soon as she went out, she called darts king.

"Elder brother, I asked my cousin just now, and he finally told me the truth. He said that the 80000 yuan was not borrowed, but his reward."

As soon as the dart king heard this, he felt that it was not good. Shi Hua was just an ordinary white-collar worker. What skills could he have to earn extra money?

I got a reward of 80000 yuan at once, which is a lot of money.

"Da Mei, you should ask your cousin what he has done for others. How can he make 80000 yuan all at once?"

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