Doumi ran to the living room, turned on the surveillance camera and saw that his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

”He's a ghost

Nanny asked: "doumi, is this man a villain?"

"He's... He's a ghost from hell. Get rid of him

Nanny is a 50 year old woman, heard that standing outside the door is a ghost, scared all over shiver up, trembling to ring the alarm.

The alarm bell of the villa is connected with the security room of the community. After a while, two security guards ride their motorcycles to the door of Dou's house.

The baby sitter said shivering in the loudspeaker: "quickly... Quickly get rid of the ghost at the door!"

The security guard pulled out the baton from his waist, pointed to haotianzhi and asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a girlfriend."

The security guard raised his baton and threatened: "you've come here to pick up girls. Get out of here!"

Haotian was so scared that he ran away. The security guard followed him on his motorcycle and watched him leave the villa.

Doumi is still shaken. She takes out her cell phone and calls Changwen.

"Brother in law, Haotian has become a ghost. He came to my house just now."

As soon as Chang Wen hears it, he knows that it's bad. It must be Haotian who is driven away by rich sister and wants to make up with doumi again.

He gritted his teeth and muttered, "this son of a bitch is just a rascal!"

"Brother in law, I'm... I'm afraid..."

Chang Wen is afraid to tell the truth of the matter. He is worried that it will stimulate doumi.

Can imagine, a woman was betrayed by a man, and was cheated by a man, it is a sad thing.

"Doumi, don't be afraid. It's less than 49 days since Haotian died. His ghost will wander around. Maybe he wants to see you and comes to you. My suggestion is: don't go out for nearly a week. After 49 days, he will go to the underworld."

"Brother-in-law, I went to Haotian's grave to mourn him, but I provoked him to the door. Did he become a devil?"

"Haotian is a good man. He is a good ghost when he dies. He won't hurt you. He will show his face today and never come again."

"That's good. My heart is still bouncing. My nanny is too scared to sit on the ground and can't get up."

"Ha ha... Don't be afraid, just find some yellow paper and burn it in the yard."

Doumi said to the nanny, "go to find some yellow paper and burn it in the yard. The ghost will never come again."

The nanny struggled to get up, took out some yellow papers from the drawer, ran to the yard and burned them.

Chang Wen went to the earth investigation company in a hurry and said to Wang Xiaoman, "hurry up and call Hercules. Doumi's ex boyfriend Haotian runs here. It seems that he has been kicked by rich sister and wants to reunite with doumi's old dream. Hercules knows Haotian and asks him to hurry to doumi's bieshu community and guard at the gate of the community. If he sees Haotian, he will teach a lesson, Let him go back to Chongshan city and never come to B city, let alone pester doumi again. "

Wang Xiaoman said with a curl of his mouth: "this man's head is very good. Unfortunately, with your brother-in-law covering doumi, his plot will not succeed."

Wang Xiaoman immediately informed Hercules, let him rush to the bean villa community, guard at the gate of the community.

Hercules arrived at the villa community on his motorcycle. At a glance, he saw a man hiding behind a big tree in the woods diagonally opposite the community, peering at the gate of the community.

Hercules took out his telescope and saw that the furtive man was indeed Haotian.

He made a circle and approached Haotian from behind.

Haotian stretched his neck and looked at the front gate of the villa. He said to himself, "doumi, if you have a heart, hurry to the front gate..."

Hercules grabbed the collar of Haotian's back coat and pulled it back, which made him fall.

Hercules grabbed Haotian's front collar, lifted him from the ground, raised his arm and slapped him in the face.

"Who are you? Why did you hit me? "

"Grandma, I hit you. I asked you: where were you just now? Who are you looking for? "

"I... I just went to see my girlfriend."

"What's your girlfriend's name?"

"I don't care what my girlfriend's name is!"

Hercules raised his arm and slapped Haotian a dozen times.

Haotian's nostrils shed blood, he wiped a hand, timidly said: "I... my girlfriend's name is doumi."

Hercules raised his fist and said fiercely: "I tell you: doumi is my girlfriend. We've made a private decision for life, and we're going to get married soon. If you want to dig the wall, you'll be stabbed by Laozi."

"Are you... Are you doumi's boyfriend?"

"Yes, don't you believe it? I tell you, doumi already has my baby in his stomach. "

Haotian suddenly felt black in his eyes, and his last hope was lost.

If this reckless man is really doumi's boyfriend, and doumi is pregnant with his child, then he will die.

Fu Jie's 380000 Yuan debt can't be paid back, so she hopes to renew the front line with doumi, and then let doumi help him pay the money back.

"I... I don't believe it. I... I have to ask doumi myself."

Hercules waved his fist and punched Haotian in the abdomen. Haotian curled up on the ground and begged, "you... Please forgive me."

A smell of fishy smell spread. Hercules frowned and looked at Haotian's crotch. He saw that it was wet.

"Worthless guy, a fist will make you pee."

"I'll... I'll get out of here!"

"Get up! You're lucky. I'll let you borrow a light and take you to the railway station by motorcycle to get you on board. "

Hercules carried Haotian on his motorcycle and put him on the train.

Looking at the train far away, Hercules took out his mobile phone to call Wang Xiaoman: "Mr. Wang, I have sent the guy Haotian on the train, and beat him up, let him wet his pants, it seems that he will never dare to come to B city again."

"Good. You did a good job."

Wang Xiaoman immediately told Chang Wen the news.

Chang Wen sighed and said, "I didn't expect that Haotian would come here again. He killed him. Fortunately, doumi didn't see him. Otherwise, doumi might be back with him."

"Ha ha... Women's hearts are all made of water. They can't stand the sweet words of men. Moreover, women are forgetful. In order to pursue the so-called love, they would rather cheat themselves."

"Ah! No wonder the old saying goes, "a spoony woman is a heartbreaker."

"Little brother, I don't think you can use the old saying."

"Am I a fool?"

"Little brother, you are infatuated with Dousha. It's rare in the world."

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