Doumai and doumi walk hand in hand in the small garden of the villa.

Suddenly, a head came out of the bush.

"Doumi, I'm Haotian."

Doumi was so scared that he turned around and ran back to the villa. He cried out: "the ghost is coming again!"

Dou Sanwang said unhappily: "girl, what nonsense, where's the ghost?"

"The ghost is in the little garden."

Doumi ran upstairs, got into his bedroom and locked the door tightly.

Although doumai told him that Haotian was not dead, it was hard for doumi to accept that he met Haotian at night.

After all, doumi saw Haotian's death certificate, and went to Haotian's graveyard in person. Now, let her believe that Haotian is OK, it really needs a process.

Dou Sanwang and Dou Erfu went to the small garden with sticks. The nanny quickly released the wolf dog tied in the yard.

I heard that ghosts are afraid of wolves.

Doumai is talking to Haotian. When he sees his father and uncle running with sticks, he quickly explains, "he's not a ghost. He's doumi's ex boyfriend."

Dou Sanwang asked angrily, "how did you get in?"

"Sorry, I came in over the wall."

"Aren't you dead?"

"I didn't die. It was my parents who deliberately lied to doumi, so they told a big lie."

Dou Sanwang said angrily: "according to this, your parents don't agree with you to talk about friends with doumi? Your parents are so wicked. They almost killed my daughter by telling a lie. Boy, since your parents have a problem with this marriage, what are you doing here? "

"I'm... I'm deeply in love with doumi. I want to fight against my parents' arranged marriage and pursue my own love and happiness."

Douerfu said with disdain: "smelly boy, you almost killed my niece. What did you do for a long time? Fortunately, my niece was saved, otherwise, she would be lying in the grave now."

Dou Sanwang said angrily, "get out of here, get out of here!"

Soymilk also came to the small garden, she asked: "young man, I ask you: do you really love doumi?"

"Grandma, I really love doumi. I don't want to marry doumi."

"Young man, what are you going to do to prove aidoumi?"

"I can swear."

"Ha ha... It's no use swearing. If you really love doumi, cut off one of your fingers."

Soymilk said, let the nanny took a kitchen knife, and took a cutting board.

"Young man, you can cut off any finger. As long as you do, it means that you really love doumi."

Haotian looked at the cutting board and knife, stepped back, timidly said: "grandma, you let me cut off my fingers, this is too cruel."

"Ha ha... You don't even dare to chop your fingers, and you say you really love bean rice. Is that a bit hypocritical? You see, people would rather give their lives for love, but it's very good of you not to chop a finger. "

Haotian's legs trembled a little. He stepped back two steps and said: "grandma, I can't do my job without 10 fingers. If I cut off one of them, I can't even type."

"Ha ha... Since you dare not do it yourself, we'll help you. Come on, knock him down on the ground and cut off one of his fingers. "

Douerfu and dousanwang rushed up and pushed Haotian to the ground.

The gardener of the bean family pulled Haotian's hand onto the cutting board, raised the kitchen knife and asked fiercely, "boy, which finger do you want to chop? Say something. If you don't say something, I'll chop off your thumb."

"Help! Help

Haotian took out the strength of sucking and yelled, he was scared to pee his pants.

Dounai raised her face and laughed. Enough of that, she said coldly, "boy, let's show the truth. Since my granddaughter wants to jump off the building, I know that you are not a thing, so it is. Since you don't want to give up a finger, then don't blow that bull. I warn you: stay away from my granddaughter and stop pestering her. "

"I... I will not pester doumi any more..."

"Get him out of here!"

People pull Haotian from the ground and push out the door.

Haotian was pushed down at the door of the villa. He tried his best to climb forward and cried: "I... I will never come again, I... I will not pester doumi any more..."

Soymilk hands akimbo, voice and color said: "in the future, this boy is not allowed to step into the bean family."

Dounai went upstairs, ran to doumi's room and asked, "granddaughter, did you see the scene of the little garden just now?"

Doumi saw the scene from the window.

"Grandma, I see it."

"Granddaughter, you almost jumped for this man. From that time on, I was disgusted with this man. Today, he went over the wall and entered our villa. With this, he is not a gentleman. Just now, I want to cut off one of his fingers, just to test whether he is loyal to you, ha ha... I didn't expect that this boy would not give up a finger for love. "

"Grandma, you... You are a little too hard on him."

"Granddaughter, it's not that grandma is too cruel, but that your heart is too kind and soft. You can't see through a man's heart."

"Grandma, Haotian is timid."

"It's not that I'm timid, it's that I don't love you at all. Granddaughter, haven't you seen through that yet? "

Doumi lowers her head and says nothing. She can't forget Haotian. This is her first love.

Dounai said solemnly, "granddaughter, you are not allowed to associate with him or meet with him in the future. If I know you are not connected with him, I will drive you out of Yongli company and Doujia."

Doumi murmured: "grandma, i... I listen to you."

The farce finally came to an end.

Dou Mai excitedly calls Chang Wen and tells the farce vividly.

Chang Wen sighed: "ginger is still old and spicy. I didn't expect soymilk to come here. It's a pity that Haotian is a man with no seed gas. If I met him, I would not hesitate to say: for the sake of bean paste, I would rather cut off 10 fingers."

Bean wheat vinegar full said: "brother-in-law, you for me, would you like to cut off 10 fingers?"

"Sister in law, you are not my wife after all. I can give up a little finger for you."

"Brother in law, don't forget, we have agreed that if my sister divorced you, you must marry me, so I am your spare wife."

Chang Wen asked, "what's the matter with doumi now?"

"Grandma gave her a lecture and forbade her to associate with Haotian any more."

Chang Wen is very pleased, thanks to soymilk inserted a hand, otherwise, doumi also want to meet with Haotian.

Chang Wen of course will not stop, he speculated: Haotian will not give up, because he already knows that the bean family has a lot of assets.

If you marry doumi, you can get at least millions of assets.

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