Supreme Monarch

Chapter 237: Unseen

The evening sky below the Red River was insanely beautiful that it almost took their breath away. Erin who had stood next to Tyler the entire time was momentarily stunned by the amazing scene. 

However, alarm bells suddenly began to go off in Tyler's head.

The moment his black hole had disappeared and the stars became vibrantly visible in the evening sky, everything went silent and the skies rapidly lost their glow. It was only a matter of time before even the vibrant stars would become invisible to the naked eyes. 

The temperature had also begun rising rapidly as the sun's rays penetrated the planet without resistance. 

Tyler immediately knew this was bad the moment he sensed it. With his current physique, his reaction time with thought acceleration was faster than a zeptosecond so everything he had perceived is yet to be realized as Uriel was playing the imminent future in his mind with FutureSight.

While he was not that fast normally, he knew he still had time to respond so Tyler immediately teleported into the outer atmosphere of Planet Neron. His black hole had frankly sucked in the entire outer atmosphere of more than half of the planet.

Disabling all of his other barriers including the one protecting Erin's source. He used the skill, Universal Barrier around the entire planet while augmenting it with spatial distortion. He was a science graduate and although he never really paid much attention to things like this, he knew what it meant the moment the skies got darker in the middle of the day. 

The reason why it had gotten silent all of a sudden was due to the disappearance of most of its medium. It was a good thing he had the FutureSight else he would've reacted far too late based on the speed of sound. 

'How back is this?'

{Answer: Half of Neron's outer atmosphere is now gone. The longer this persists the more damage it will cause. Possible solutions available, would you like to hear them?}

'That's a stupid question.'

Although Tyler didn't care for her overly polite nature right now, Uriel still provided him with various options in her usual tone and he immediately chose the least troublesome one amongst them. 

Currently, his Universal barrier was protecting the planet from most of the dangerous rays of the sun but as that was not the purpose of the skill, it wouldn't last long. 

He remembered back when Nadine had defeated the Vice guild leader of the Magic institute in a winged city, he had been challenged by three noble idiots. One of them had used a summoning spell they were not proficient with so he was able to memorize the magic circle for that summon.

However, a fire elemental was not what Tyler needed right now. He quickly began construction of the magic circle while making minute alterations as recommended by Uriel. 

The original spell was only at the Tier 4 standard and a Tier 4 creature was far too weak to do what needed to be done so he needed to boost the spell as he activated it. 

After making all the adjustments needed to change the element of the creature he wanted to summon. Tyler immediately boosted the spell as much as he could while maintaining his barrier. 

"Summon Monster - Air Elemental." (Tier 6)

Getting a Tier 6 Air elemental was perfect as it was nigh impossible to boost such a low-level spell to be able to summon a demigod-level creature. 

The element of Air naturally contained all the gasses that made up the outer atmosphere and an Elemental at this level would be able to accurately control and create air at the atomic level to a certain degree. 

At his spell, a giant ball of air formed in front of him, and soon, a massive creature made of air appeared before him. Tyler quickly gave a command and the creature went to work. It didn't take it long to restore the atmosphere as though nothing had happened. 

He was relieved he hadn't accidentally destroyed the planet just because he was cleaning up a River. He was just about to disable his barrier around the planet when something unexpected happened.


*Crack... Crack... Crack.

Tyler's expression changed the moment he saw cracks appear on his Nigh indestructible barrier. An emotion he hadn't felt for a long time suddenly gripped his heart but it was quickly suppressed by Uriel.

'What just happened?'

{Unable to Divine. Spatial Perception and Magic Sense confirms no presence close by.}

Tyler's eyes narrowed as his vision expands while using all his sensory-based skills simultaneously but just as Uriel had said, he was unable to find whatever it was that had slammed into his barrier. 

'Is something out there.'

This was the first time Tyler had seen the stars from so close. The constellation was slightly different from the ones on earth but he didn't know what to make of it. He thought about leaving the atmosphere to investigate but hesitated.

Surviving in the void of space was no problem for him as a Demigod but whatever was capable of cracking his barrier was still out there. If he were to move carelessly without any information, he may die without even knowing why. 

'Damn it!'

Tyler steeled himself then disabled the barrier around the planet and immediately created one around him instead, immediately himself for impact. However, nothing happened. 

He waited for a while but he hadn't been attacked again and he was beginning to think he was imagining things. As there wasn't much he could do now, he decided to let this go for now and investigate the cosmos at a later date. 

He then turned around and began to descend but as soon as he had turned his back to the void of space, he felt an ominous presence staring at him. However, after turning back around, said presence was gone. 

'Wha... Hmm... how annoying.'

With increasing irritation, he dispelled his summoning spell and teleported back to the Red River where Erin was. She had already purified the River while he was gone so there was nothing left to do.

The Red River looked crystal clear and Tyler could see some ice forming on the surface already as normal water should be. 

Looking up, he could see light amounts of clouds forming on their own. It wouldn't take long for the sky to be ashamed again for the duration of winter but that was a good thing. 

"Did something happen Lord Ty?"

"Hmm, why do ask?"

"Oh Umm, you left in a hurry and I also felt something staring at me from the sky for a moment."

"Oh that. Don't worry about it for now. Let's return. We're done for the day."

Seeing Erin nod her head in affirmation, Tyler teleported them back to the castle without a second thought. He wasn't sure what that was but he knew it couldn't be good. It seems there were even more terrifying dangers in the cosmos than on the ground but wasn't his problem for now. He decided not to worry about it until he had to, else he runs mad. 

After arriving in the castle, he retired to his chambers to rest for a moment. A few hours went by before Darren contacted him that he was ready to return and Tyler permitted that. 

His return relieved Cora from assisting the dwarves so she returned to his side. Since everyone else was busy with something aside from Erin who was simply observing Liz and Rain's practicing with their new abilities probably a little bored. 

He wanted to spend the rest of the time he had improving his swordsmanship and learning martial arts but that was proving difficult. The only problem was, he didn't have a teacher since Albert was also busy with his trading he had to hold off on that idea.

Teleportation to an empty Training hall with Cora, he spent the next few hours practicing with all his new skills and learning how to properly use them so he doesn't have another situation like the last or have to rely on Uriel. 

Time flew by fast and the more Tyler tried to take his mind off what had happened earlier, the more he got anxious. He had to stop his training and do something more engaging so he doesn't passively think of shit like that.

Since the training hall was massive, Tyler decided to sort through most of what he had in his storage space. He brought them out and was surprised by the sheer quantity of all the shit he had stored on him. Most of which were magic scrolls and magic crystals. 

Tyler then called back Erin who water teleported over. He still didn't know how that works. He had a high-grade storage m ring with him so he kept most of the scrolls in it after sorting through them at superspeeds. 

He also kept most of what he didn't need in there and gave it to her to keep in the castle's treasury whose locks had been fixed by the dwarves.

Every castle needed one, didn't they? Storage boxes were classified by their storage space which was namely large, mid, and small. However, storage rings were different.

As magic items and even Artifacts, they were graded. Basic, intermediate, and Advanced. This was also based on size but even a basic grade storage ring had a larger storage space than a mid storage box as well as a sun skill. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, the infinite storage ring he had didn't seem common. There was a lot of advanced-grade storage ring amongst the artifacts in the library but no other spatial infinity.

After Erin was gone he organized what was left so he didn't have to search through his storage space every time he needed something. After all, that took mana.

After he was done, there was only one item left on the ground. The glimmering horn-like item gave off an indescribable feeling which was very familiar.

This was undoubtedly a wand that looked to be made out of ivory. The handle was inscribed with quite the high-level runes that consisted of only first-level intermediate runes and as such, Tyler was finally able to understand it but it was only an enchantment that destroyed the item once its use was completed.

There was a slightly glowing green gem attached to the front end of the wand that gave it a chaotic presence.

This wasn't any of the incredibly powerful artifacts he had on him but rather just an Epic ranked magic item that had been given to him by a group of five Hunters he had once worked with. 

It was something he had considered useful at the time but had completely forgotten about it after the incident in the cave. 

•Divine Appraisal•


•Wand of Chaos•

Magic item - Epic Rank 

Type - Consumable (1-time use)

A wand forged from the horn of a Dark unicorn and enchanted by powerful magic. This wand contains an unstable core and a faint connection to the spiritual plane. Emmit's chaotic pulse of weak corrupted energy constantly destabilizes the mana essence in the air around it.

Primary Effects: Mass Summons. (Random Tier)

Lowest Tier: 1st 

Highest Tier: 6th

Consume the entirety of the essence of this item to summon a large horde of monsters to do your bidding until they die. As the core is still damaged, the horde of monsters may vary in strength and species with the chance of summoning a Lord Class creature at 10% and the chance of summing only the lowest-ranked monster at 40%

The level and number of the creatures summoned may increase and decrease based on the power and skills of the summoner but would not exceed the limits of this item.

Least Amount of Summons possible: 1

Maximum Amount of Summons Possible: 100

Note: Due to the corrupted energy, there is a 2% chance of summoning an uncontrollable Devil that would attempt to devour the user's soul. (Strength of the creature is dependent on where the item is used.)


{Notice: Perfect conditions have been met. This item is currently in the most optimal state to be used.}

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