Supreme Monarch

Chapter 269: World Of Lies

 Dimension Shiff was a Divine grade skill that simply transported the user and anyone within his range into another plane of existence. It was a skill that high-level devils would tend to develop naturally in order to escape their fates in the underworld. 

 They would normally develop this skill after being summoned to the physical plane several times and could thoroughly comprehend and recognize the dimensional frequency within their very own existence. 

 However, just as with everything in this world, there were a few exceptions. A select few that had somehow managed to gain this power without being summoned to the physical plane but are unable to locate the right dimensional frequency.

 In such cases, they would still have to be summoned or risk their very state of being for a chance at escape. Making a blind attempt that may take them to very dangerous dimensions or even the astral plane which was a more dangerous location for them than even the abyss. 

 Azalea was amongst the latter and had been unable to escape the underworld for centuries even after gaining such a skill. His life in the underworld was uneventful and booting. Forced to serve those stronger than him, he waited patiently until the day he would answer a summon.

 All he needed was the was the right dimensional frequency of the physical plane and he would no longer be trapped in the underworld.

 This was his plan in nullifying the summoning contract as he had included a clause that would do just that the moment he return to the underworld.

 He had already etched this dimension's frequency in his core and could return to the underworld and back at will, meaning he could vilify the contract whenever he wanted but had only chosen not to. 

 Anyway, that was not the point as he had gained his most valuable ability long before he had been summoned by the Morningstars.

 During the centuries he had spent in the underworld just waiting to be summoned after obtaining the skill, he had decided to experiment with the ability with the aid of Magic.

 He wanted the ability to see through dimensions so he could see where he was going before the shift. However, his tinkering had failed in the best way possible as he had ended up creating a new plane of existence. 

 A fictional world completely under the authority of the Devil of Lies and Deceit. A place where everyone sent was compelled to tell lies no matter the question they were asked. Even more powerful entities would be unable to resist his absolute authority if they got sent there even for a second. 

•Dimension Shift – Plane of Lies•

 Having been provoked by the false ignorance of the nymph and ArchLich, Azalea activated the unique skill of his own creation and immediately, the world stopped as everything that exists, became a lie. 

 The sky was white, the moon was black, the snow was black, the trees magenta, and the air itself became visible and toxic. Everything that was true had now become a lie according to the will of Azalea. 

 However, giving as Erin and Emrys were demigods and virtually immortal. They did not suffer from any of the other side effects of a world of lies as they did not breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, nor did they see only through their eyes. 

 Their bodily functions also didn't stop working due to the state of life becoming a lie. This world did more than make everyone tell the truth as demigods would have died the moment they were sent here due to the absolute rules of lies enforced here.

 However, this did not mean everything in this world was a lie as even shapes and forms would not be affected. The world's structure and laws were created and enforced by the subconscious of the creator, allowing the world to exist within reason. 

 [Now then, let's try this again, shall we? Tell me, are you the behemoth responsible for usurping the castle?]

 Standing before the pair was Azalea who still looked the same despite the world of lies as he was an exertion to the laws of his world. 

 "Yes I am, and I told you before, I did usurp the castl— wait what am I saying… wait wait wait… that's the truth! Huh?"

 Frankly speaking, Erin hadn't planned on answering any more of the Devil's questions as she was unaware of the full extent of his skill and wanted to observe the situation a little before deciding on a course of action to take.

 However, that had not happened as she had been strangely compelled to speak and everything she said was a lie. It was uncomfortable that she didn't like it and had become flustered because of it. 

 While she was stunned this dimension had such a strange ability that could even affect her, the one in the most shock right now was other than Azalea who had received the answer he was not expecting. 

 The fact that she had answered his question in the affirmative proved that she had not lied to him earlier or tried to deceive him. There really was a Lord Ty he was not aware of that may possess powers surpassing that of the water nymph before him. 

 Then again, there was a chance that was not the case and that person was only using some type of artifact he had obtained after usurping the castle to deceive or control the nymph. 

 Such a thing was possible even against such a powerful nymph as long as he got a piece of her source. There was also a change the nymph had only entered a pact with him and was still the strongest being in the continent as he had predicted. 

 Having come to this realization and considering that the castle may also be hiding this person's presence from him, Azalea decided to ask one final question before making his move and then collapsing this space, killing both of them with the energy from the collapsing world. 

 However —

 Erin wasn't foolish enough to let him have his way as she didn't plan on answering another question after realizing that she had no control over what she said in this space. 

 •Pure Water Infused – Tidal Wave•

 In this world, the force of gravity was a lie so aside from the three of them who were exceptions, everything was floating about as though they were in space. 

 Yet, a wave of fresh water had appeared behind them as though it had formed from nothing and crashed towards Azalea who quickly used his authority to deny the truth in that attack and the wave floated away. 

 Immediately, Emrys— who had stayed quiet the entire time— cast a spell and augmented it with the skill, Necrosis Bolt.

 "Max magic – DarkBolt!"

 A burst of dark energy shot out of his outstretched arm at Azalea in a wave that moved faster than the eyes could see. However, Azalea just raised an arm to block the attack and everything was nullified as though it was a lie. 

 However, Azalea was unaware of the necrosis effect of the dark bolt and by coming in contact with it, the Magic circuits in his arms were destroyed, albeit temporarily. 

 Still, that was not enough to kill him as he had still managed to neutralize both attacks completely by denying the thrush of his fanged Magic circuits and had instantly recovered.

 However, of those attacks were meant to even wound him as Erin and even Emrys were aware that he would be practically invincible in the world of his creation. Thus, those attacks were meant only as a way to buy Erin the time she needed to create a new spell on the spot.

 By combining her skills effects with the Magic runes of an already existing spell and then instantly transcribing everything back into runes then constructing it, she had completely created a brand new spell from attack in less than a second.

 Such a task was impossible for even the grandest of mages and the only one even remotely capable of this was Uriel who could in less than a zeptosecond as long as she was given the right parameters. The time gets longer depending on how vague her instructions were. 

 "Pure Water creation – High Hydriads."

Erin was a water nymph, a Naiad to be precise. They were in essence, water deities that were worshiped in ancient times and still were in some parts of the world. 

 However, while Hydriads were also water nymphs, were not of the divine. They were water spirits similar to dryads that were usually born from the embodiment of nature's essence concentrated in a certain place. 

 They were in fact, sentient spirits that had a will of their own yet, Erin had just created 10 of them with pure water. With only a spell, she had just created life as though it was nothing. 

As they were made from the purification essence of water, their existence was in fact a constant that could not be changed into a lie, and thus, they contradicted the rules of this world that constantly tried to correct them and became unstable. 

 [That is? So that's your game. You continue to impress me.]

 While the idea behind her creation was impressive, the fact that she had just created life was not something anyone could ignore. 

 This was something that had shocked not only Azalea but would've shocked everyone watching them if their surveillance Magic hadn't suddenly become a lie.

 As 10 beautiful female spirits with green skin and glowing green hair appeared around her in their natural bathing suits, they immediately took off flying in all directions.

Their job was not to attack but to simply exist in a world that could not accept them and struggled in a futile attempt. 

 One could easily consider Erin a genius in her own rights. One by no means inferior to Z in any way if it wasn't for her lack of assertiveness and ascension to making contact with others.

 She had figured out the rules to this new plane of existence the moment she was forced to lie. 

 That was the first time she had lied in her entire centuries of existence. If this world constantly changes everything to a lie except things of the divine that would be considered exceptions.

 What would happen if things that were not divine and could not be converted were to suddenly exist. The world rules would turn on themselves and the dimension would soon collapse. 

 Noticing this, Azalea decided to just finish them off before that happened as a massive ball of hellfire gathered and began to be condensed on his palm. 


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