Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1191: I am going to pee

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Think, of course, I want to be a sister's man, but can I really do it?" Shen stick looked at the beauty in his arms, gentle and pleasant, and amorous feelings. He couldn't hold back his rush. .move. [:

Men like women is actually very simple, that is to want to account for. Have her!

"Of course you can, **** stick, as long as you don't abandon your sister, your sister will be your woman and let you enjoy the bliss of the world!" Nodding joyfully, Qingyue was happy about this kind of thing.

"Really? Sister, thank you for agreeing to me, but what should I do now?" After all, God Stick is a young instrument, and he still thinks too simple in terms of men and women.

However, it was so that he fell into the peach trap trapped by Qingyue very easily, unable to extricate himself.

"Staff, do you want to look at your sister's body?" Qingyue continued to be slightly shy. Guiding.

"Think!" Looking at this wonderful body, the magical feelings of the magic stick are beginning to open, why don't you want to see her beauty?

"Okay, my sister shows you. Come and help my sister take off this skirt!" Qingyue nodded, and under her guidance, the magic stick removed her skirt, revealing the almost transparent coat inside .

"This ..." Wan looked at it with a sense of nosebleed.

"Staff, come and help your sister take it all off!" Qing Yue demanded, and God Stick couldn't wait for it, so she did everything to expose the sacred and beautiful body of Qing Yue.

‘Zi ...’ is so beautiful, 婀. Na Linglong, Qu. Xian Bi. Lu, her muscles, body white and transparent. Red, faintly flashing the gentle holy light ...

Of course, these are only the second, the Lingfeng, and the Xiangquan. This is the essence of Qingyue, and the **** stick looks at it, and it is impossible to speak.

"How is it? Is your sister beautiful?" Weilian's arm waved slightly, and under her guidance, the **** stick couldn't help but straighten her head.

"Do you want to touch. Sister? Come here if you want. Sister will be your woman in the future, you can do whatever you want!" In the face of Qing Yue's demand for such a prince, she couldn't stand it. Yes, immediately shaking my hands up!

"Uh ..." Then, under the guidance of Qingyuejiao Mei, God Stick experienced an inexplicable feeling. This feeling made him feel very comfortable, and he felt lonely here for many years. Feeling, that is greatly reduced, as if the thing in front of you is the most fun thing in the world, you can never get tired of playing it.

"Sister, I want to kiss you!" After playing for a while like this, the magic stick's request was upgraded, and his instinct was also moved.

"Come on, my sister is waiting for you!" Qingyue pressed her lips gently. It was also inexplicable to pick such a big child.

"Sister!" So, God sticked up. Although there was no skill, the obsessed look also made Qingyue very moved.

Since the lower Qiankun mountain river pillar has not been taken out, so after a short time, Qingyue turned over again and shivered fiercely.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? Am I too hard?" Shencun didn't dare to kiss again, but stopped to ask.

"No ... my sister just made you too comfortable, stick, do you want to go in. Get into your sister's body and make her really tolerate you and become your real man?" Qingyue has been unable to restrain that aspect. Eager.

"Think, of course I think, but my sister, isn't I so big underneath me?" Although God Stick is an instrumental spirit, as a man, compared with certain artifacts, he will always have low self-esteem.

"It's okay, in fact, it doesn't have to be very big below my sister, my sister likes you, it doesn't matter if you are older or younger!" Qing Yue's words of comfort, no doubt spoke of the hearts of all men.

"Sister, thank you, you are so kind to me!" Shencun couldn't help but be grateful, and even more like Qingyue.

"Come, let your sister take a good look at you!" Then, Qing Yue also removed the illusionary coat of the magic stick, and she also saw the power of the magic stick.

I do n’t know, if you look at it, it ’s really shocking!

God stick, don't look very childish, but now it looks very proud and powerful, and Qingyue looks at it with a greedy, pouting lip, ecstatic.

I have tried so many men, both young and old, but Qingyue has never seen such a heroic thing. Although it ca n’t really be compared to fake, it can really get a super thing. , Then undoubtedly also Qingyue's dream!

"Sister, am I too young, wouldn't you disapprove of me?" Shencun was somewhat inferior.

"Small? Not small, I dare say, in this world, I am afraid that no man is as powerful as you. Stick, you are really my good brother. My sister will be hurt by you!" It is joyful exhortation.

"Really? How did that sister know that I was the biggest in the world?" The simple questioning sound of Shencun really left Qingyue almost ashamed.

Speaking of her shameless history of silver swings, Qingyue was naturally not so stupid. She turned her mind and smiled slightly: "You don't know, your men are very concerned about the size of this thing, so a standard has been calculated. I know this standard. , So naturally you know you're overtaking them too! "

"It turned out to be that way, but I still don't have this big mountain and river pillar!" The **** stick was relieved, but there was something that could not be relieved.

"Don't be so big, if it's really that big, my sister can't stand it!" Qingyue could not help but apprehend some fear, she couldn't imagine that a real man was standing up. With such a big thing, I guess No woman can stand it.

"But wasn't she very comfortable just now?" Shencun didn't understand again.

"Hey, this ..." Qingyue couldn't help but blush a bit: "The fake one can't move like the real one, so if it's bigger, it's okay!"

"Oh, that sister, when can I have you?" Nodded, seemingly understandable, God stick can not help but look at the beautiful scenery there.

"Don't worry, let your sister come and take care of you first. Waiting for you, it will be smoother when you come in!" Qing Yue was really secretive about the joy in her heart, and she continued wondering Under his eyes, he bowed his head and kissed!

"Ah ... sister, what are you doing, alas, what does this feel like, how comfortable it is ..." In surprise, the **** stick immersed in it, and some couldn't help himself.

In front of her, Linglong is full of beauty. She is full of warm femininity, and brings motherly warmth to herself ...

"Stop it, sister, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to pee!" After a while, the magic stick was also extremely beautiful by Qingyue.


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