Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1325: Shameless

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Qiankun Temple, a majestic hall, Luo Yi Qiao Ying stands tall, that is standing on the podium, watching the students below, with a look of wonder, "What is going on today? How come thousands of people ? And they are all female students, what about those male students? "

"President Dean, they have all gone to the secretary, and many of our female classmates seem to have fallen in love recently, especially sad, and have no intention to come to class again!" A girl representative answered respectfully.

"What? The group lost love, and the men have all gone to Qingyue?" Luo Yi wondered, she faintly thought of a terrible possibility, and that was to decide immediately: "you study in this class, I will go out!"

Can't wait, Luo Yuan quietly came to another hall where he was giving a lecture. She had always been relentless about what Qingyue was teaching, but now she looked down slowly. Of course, she could never sit still and wanted to find out.

There are millions of students in the spacious and luxurious hall, but they are all male students, and there are even male teachers in them!

In the middle, wearing a violent dew, wearing a tulle green moon, delicate and tender, but also exposed from time to time, it is really a big killer of the eyes of bloggers.

"Slut, **, surely playing shameless here!" Luo Yi rebuked, but what was more unacceptable to her was still behind.

"Hello classmates!" Slightly smiling on the podium, Qingyue was tepid, but there was nothing to show.

"The general secretary is good!" The ambitious and powerful, millions of male students are emotionally excited. Ang, watching such a white and tender beauty go there, which one of them will not be hyperactive.

"Classmates, we are talking about the tenth lesson of husband and wife today, afterwards ...." Qing Yue said, and the bold remarks directly stimulated Luo Yi, who was secretly stunned.

"Jack, shameless son, what is she trying to do?" Loy gritted her teeth and trembled with hate.

"Classmates, as the general secretary of the hospital, I have the obligation and the responsibility to teach you adults. Now you line up, one by one, come to my body for practical exercises, let me see if you really understand After that, the true meaning of the entry! "Qing Yue had almost no nonsense, and then knelt directly on the central chair and climbed down.

"Yes!" The promised voice shouted loudly, and the tulle skirt with short hips made it looming there, and it was even more fascinating to the men in the hospital.

"Well, the first row of students, you line up, come up first!" Supreme elders maintain order, came out to host such a grand class, like a pimp.

"Master, I ... can I really go up and enjoy her?" The first-ranked classmate is obviously the first time, a little surprised and upset.

"Of course you can go up. I went to it in the eighth lesson, but it wasn't in this posture, but the feeling was simply awesome. It was more beautiful than my girlfriend!" Anxiously reminded.

In fact, there are many more men like him, which is the real reason why they decisively abandoned their ex-girlfriend.

I have tasted such a beautiful woman as Qingyue. Other women will no longer be able to attract their slightest interest. They are outstanding in appearance and Yin magnetic Tiangong has in fact affected many students, making them more obsessed with Qingyue. Extremely!

"I ... if I really go to such a beautiful woman as the secretary, I will be dead in my life!" The first male student, who was intoxicated, went up.

Although the object is not large, it is very strong at this time. He trembled slightly. It was a small thin skirt that opened Qingyue. When he was obsessed with it, he couldn't control it.

"Uh, good classmate, good hardness!" Qingyue Jiao, Yin Jian, was endlessly used.

"Secretary ..." The male student couldn't help it anymore, it was a fierce move.

‘Papa…’ A few times, the action was very fierce, but it was also very fast. The male student was no longer able to breathe, and he was defeated, and he could no longer enjoy Qing Yue's beautiful body.

"Well, next!" The Supreme Elder next to him preached enviously.

"I ... I can come again!" Sure enough, the male classmate was talking, and it was already glorious again.

"Wait next time, millions of students are waiting!" The Supreme Elder refused relentlessly.

In this way, they maintain order, all male students come up and enjoy the beauty of Qingyue, regardless of size, regardless of young and old, as long as the male students present, all have this blessing!

Unfortunately, how can these male students withstand the beauty of Qingyue? When they enjoyed it, it was impossible to persist for too long, and they were defeated one after another.

Although one takes less than a minute, some even just a few seconds of relaxation, but for millions of students, this beautiful event is also a long and protracted end!

"Arid. Tang, obscene, shameless ... Qingyue, you son-in-law, you are really my shame from the Qiankun Temple, the greatest shame. Shame!" Seeing such a wild silver scene, Luo Yi stayed in the dark, It is really annoying.

On the court, Qingyue's face became more and more beautiful. Although these male students did not do anything, the number of wives was gradually able to push her to the state of supreme joy.

"Uh ..." After reaching the green moon after Merlot, the whole body was white. The red, beautiful appearance was even more fascinating. Drunk, those male students were unbearably released.

But the most surprising thing is here. The boys were released one by one. There were 10,000 and 8,000, but there was no leak of Yuan Yang from Qingyue. Her skin was faint. Flashing Shenhua, even swallowed Yuanyang who refined all men!

The more noble, the more people feel that it is impossible to climb, but it is exactly the same. The effort of Qingyue Miyao is also more powerful.

The ridiculous thing of a million people ended in just one day. At this time, Luoyi in the dark was already a little numb. What is the concept of a woman serving a million men?

"Classmates, are you satisfied with this lesson today?" Qingyue stood up and asked again.

"Satisfied!" Naturally, the male classmates are still interested in this.

"I'll replace the dean after that. How about leading the whole hospital?" Qingyue immediately violently exposed his wolf ambition.

"This ... Okay!" After a little hesitation, the male students in the audience agreed without hesitation. As long as they can enjoy the beauty, it is worth the death. A dean, no matter who When it comes!

"No, she can't help it anymore?" Luoy secretly shocked, feeling a great crisis.

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