Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1333: I want to marry

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You ..." Chen Jiu stared, staring at Emma, ​​straightly scolding her with a dog's blood shower, this **** bitch. She really wanted to seduce, seduce, and seduce. That ’s why it ’s too blatant, right?

Orcs, are they so shameless? In Chen Jiu's heart, the misunderstanding of Emma was even deeper!

"I ... I mean it!" Emma was really blushed, but she insisted on clenching her teeth in order to win Chen Jiu successfully.

"Really?" Chen Jiu suddenly smiled evil. He felt the need to be ashamed again for Emma's shameless behavior. So shamelessly, he shouted indifferently: "Sorry, I usually do not wash with water here. of!"

"Without washing, then ... are you dirty?" Emma frowned.

"What's dirty? Are you saying I'm dirty, or is Shangguan weak and dirty?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"This ... of course it's dirty inside her!" Emma was embarrassed to refute Chen Jiu, and had to put the responsibility on Shangguan's cowardly.

"Oh, that's the case. I said why every time I do something, Coward must use my mouth to help me clean it up. It turned out to help me clean up!" Chen Jiu suddenly said the fact, even more It was Emma's face that burned with embarrassment.

"What? This ..." Emma, ​​after all, was a small office. Although she knew that there was such a thing between men and women, she still felt a little unbearable at first sight.

"Oh, Emma, ​​today's Shangguan is weak and faint. He didn't give me a slapstick. Why? Do you want to slap me?" Chen Jiu asked directly.

"I ... I still don't want it anymore!" Rao is Emma who wants to capture Chen Jiu, but the two have no feelings yet, and they have done this kind of thing directly. Isn't that the same as a prostitute? She couldn't accept it.

"Oh, if that's the case, then don't wash it first, don't you think I'm dirty?" Chen Jiu smiled and couldn't help asking again.

"No, no, it's not really dirty!" Emma shook her head and quickly explained.

"Well, let's talk about friendly visits!" Chen Jiu then asked Emma to sit down. Who knew that she actually sat on the bed.

The cloth-like skirt moved up, the long white, tender jade, and legs were completely revealed. Leopard said, and the short skirt that was too short to be shorter was harder to cover the spring. The color of the flower was small The pants were already exposed. The bottom faced Chen Jiu.

Perhaps Xu also felt that he was a little bit gone. Light, Emma then twisted the wrong leg, and was full of infinite temptation. She was able to bury the man in it.

"Ahem ..." Chen Jiu was also a little embarrassed. She didn't dare to look at it anymore, and quickly turned her face to the side and cursed. This slap. Goods, did you imply that you could pull her into bed?

"Long Emperor, regarding your friendly visit to us, we are going to formulate seven major issues, and I will tell you now, see if there are any problems, how?" Emma asked again.

"Okay, let's talk!" Chen Jiu twisted his face and looked at the pillar next to him.

"Dragon, why don't you look at me? Isn't Emma so ugly?" Emma couldn't help grieving again.

"This ... No, no, I'm just afraid to watch you make mistakes!" Chen Jiu complimented: "You are so beautiful after all!"

"Dragon Emperor, you are bad!" Maggie said, and Emma immediately began to explain. "The first item is the Dragon Emperor's visit to our hospital. Let me explain the orc style to you. The second item is the orc elite. Gather and accept the teachings of the Emperor Long, the third project is ... the seventh project ... "

"What happened to the seventh project?" Chen Jiu looked at Emma suddenly stopped, and asked a little puzzled again.

"This seventh project ..." A bit embarrassed glance at the cowardly Shangguan who was drunk in the back of his back, gritting his teeth, Emma looked down and shyly expected: "The seventh project is my relationship with Your engagement matters to show that our two forces are in harmony forever, regardless of each other, the world is one! "

"What? We are engaged, how does this ... how about this?" Chen Jiu's instinct responded, shaking his head sharply, and looking at Emma's face did not seem very good, he could not help but quickly explained: "Emma, ​​I It means that we will live in harmony for thousands of years, we only need to sign an agreement, and we don't need to make a marriage! "

"Why would you be a family if you don't have an engagement?" Emma grumbled and said with disapproval, "Don't you look down on me?"

"I ... this, Emma, ​​you are beautiful, but after all we have no feelings, so please forgive me this is unacceptable!" Chen Jiu refused as gently as possible.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly!" Emma was unwilling to lose.

"Sorry, I'm very eye-catching, you don't meet my standards, so I really don't feel you!" Chen Jiu shook his head, embarrassed to blame others. Sao, so he found For another reason, I hope Emma retreats.

But such remarks obviously can't get Emma's approval. You guy, you look stubborn. You just couldn't eat yourself just now, you said you weren't interested in me? Staring at him angrily, tears shed with resentment.

"Emma, ​​don't do this, you are a good girl, and you will find a better man than me in the future!" Chen Jiu was also somewhat embarrassed by this look, and could not help but persuade.

"I don't need you to send me a good card, Dragon Emperor, don't worry, our dowry in the orc sanctuary will definitely not be less than that of the human sanctuary!" Emma told again.

"This is not a question of dowry or dowry. I, Chen Jiu, will not betray my emotional soul for a few artifacts. Besides, if I really don't love you, marry you back, isn't it irresponsible to you? "Chen Jiu continued to shake his head, and his head was persuaded:" Emma, ​​do you recognize this arranged marriage? There are not many contacts between us. Do you really like me? "

"I ... I don't know, but the Shangguan's cowardice can marry you, why can't I? You tell me, what is worse about her than her?" Emma asked unwillingly, Things have already been said about this, and there is no need to hide any more words.

"This is not a problem, but it is Emma. Marriage is not a child's play. Don't get married because of anger. In that case, you will never be happy!" , Emma, ​​go back and think about it. After you think it over, let's talk about it! "

"I ... I can give it to you too!" Emma blushed and preached again, unwillingly.

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