Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1338: Used medicine

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The situation is changing, the glaze is colorful, and Emma's beautiful figure is just like a shining pearl between heaven and earth, so dazzling.

Tall, white, clear, sloppy, na, exquisite ... All the beautiful words are not enough to describe her perfection. The golden hair and dancing make the peak of her **** fascinating.

‘Mum! ‘It was just hidden or present, and it ’s now fully displayed. It is as beautiful as a snowy mountain, enough to make people intoxicate. Among them, Chen Jiu ’s look at the bold scene of Emma is also a bit unbearable.

Looking down uncontrollably, the smooth lower abdomen proves that this woman has the potential for childbirth, and men must be obsessed with their instincts. Love.

Then, on the slender, round, smooth, straight **, the smooth and clean Fairy Spring made Chen Jiu Ji extremely excited, even hairless!

Without fragrant grass, it is more delicate and tender. For such a grand land, Chen Jiu can not remain indifferent.

"Longdi, take a good look. Am I not perfect? ​​I am weaker than that Shangguan. What is worse, why do you despise me?" Emma was a little bit ashamed, but she was more confident on Chen Jiu's side. Showing his beauty, trying to use this to capture his body and mind.

In fact, this is not to blame Emma. The orcs have always been relatively straightforward in this regard, and their cultural heritage is different, so their behavior is also slightly different.

Unlike the Orientals' implicitness, the orcs are bolder, open, and like to speak out. In order to get their lover, they naturally want to show them their beauty, and use this to impress each other. Emma did not actually do it. She was wrong because she did not understand the cultural needs of Chen Jiu!

"You are beautiful, but your character is indeed not what I want!" Chen Jiuchi drunkenly, still refused firmly.

"What exactly do you want? Can someone change it for you?" Emma died and said with self-righteousness: "Besides, our orcs are more powerful in this area. You are so capable, even if you find us orcs Now, I will give you a man and a half woman again, we will be very happy! "

I'm longing for the future life, but when the word comes out, it really makes Chen Jiu startled with a cold sweat. "You ... you don't want to be whimsical, I don't want to give birth to a beast with you. It's very cool here, you Let's calm down a bit! "

"Dragon Emperor ... Chen Jiu ...!" Chen Jiu said and left, which made Emma so angry that she gritted her teeth and was very annoyed. He was like this, and he was able to resist it?

Obviously it is going to explode below, can you still refuse yourself? It seems that this man is indeed not an ordinary man, huh, but the more so, the more I want to get you!

Facing the cold wind, Emma's beautiful appearance and increasingly beautiful, but unfortunately, not everyone can appreciate this beauty.

That night, when he returned to the palace, Chen Jiu, who was suffocated and angry, fought the Quartet once again, and made Shangguan's cowardly eyes roll, but he was unable to go out.

The next day, the project changed, and Emma even changed her original plan. She took Chen Jiu ahead of time and went to the orc's sanctuary. She went to the orc's town and experienced the local customs.

The orc town has a rough structure and is not refined, but it is also neat and orderly. It has a different style, but it makes Chen Jiu unable to adapt. There are too many open and exposed people in the orc town.

Bare men and women, despite walking around ignoring others, and what makes Chen Jiu unacceptable is that these people, when they hug each other, kiss me and me, but they are under visible light. There is even a direct agreement.

"Uh ... so cool ..." A hutong mouth, Chen Jiu walked past a wonderful young girl, and she couldn't help screaming. Shuang's voice and the appearance of riding a man Merlot just let him There was a surge of emotion.

"Long Emperor, we orcs are straight and we don't have as many etiquettes as humans, so please don't blame it!" Her face was a little red, and Emma couldn't help explaining to Chen Jiu.

"Uh, this seems to be a lack of education? I think if you are not able to control the affiliates around this, or leave them to my empire!" Chen Jiu could not help but reminded, thinking that it is necessary to receive the side of this temple Affiliated towns.

Although the Dragon Blood Empire unified the land of the gods, they did not dare to force the four temples too quickly. There are still some affiliated towns around them. Their number is not large, and most of them are unclear with the four temples. So Chen Nine did not move them!

"Dragon Emperor, I don't agree with you for speaking like this. There is a place with a civilization characteristic of one place. If it is taught in accordance with your wishes, can it be called the world?" Emma objected.

"Since you're proud of it, forget it!" Chen Jiu didn't demand anything forcibly.

"Dragon Emperor, let's go and drink that Bliss Tea. This tea, it is said that only the gods can drink it!" Emma suggested again.

"Good!" Chen Jiu agreed and followed Emma to a luxurious tea shop. There were not many customers, only one or two. The price of tea was too high, and ordinary people could not afford it.

High-end tea shops with exclusive boxes. After Emma paid a certain fee, they were taken into a high-end box, and the tea was pleasant and soon brought up!

One man and one pot surprised Chen Jiu. The tea was different for each man and woman. The explanation for Emma was that men drink bliss root tea, and women drink bliss leaf tea, with different concentrations.

"Oh? Why would you want to try this tea for a bliss?" Chen Jiu had no doubt that it had it, but he took a small sip of light tea, and it was full of fragrance, and the strong tea taste spread all over the body. Hundreds of bones, whole cells, and even the soul, feel light and fluttering, a little carefree ascension feeling!

"How's it? It tastes good, right?" Emma asked, taking a small sip, her face full of comfort.

"Although this tea is good, it can only be tasted occasionally. Once you are addicted, then you must lose your home for it!" When Chen Jiu enjoyed it, he couldn't help but be afraid. It's fascinating, let alone others.

"Will a generation of dragon emperors still be afraid of a cup of tea?" Emma was provoked.

"Of course I'm not afraid!" In order to show his domineering, Chen Jiu took the teapot and drank it. "Some things, it's hard to move my mind now!"

"Is that? Longdi drank so much tea at once, didn't she feel anything strange?" Emma suddenly smiled strangely.

"Uh, you ... you gave me a medicine!" Chen Jiu took a closer look, and suddenly panicked!

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