Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1340: Glory glory

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? There is no solution to this medicine. You ca n’t self-refine yourself except to find a vent from a woman. Right now, there is a woman in the house. You ca n’t invade me. What can you do?" Emma was staring. , Extremely unbelieving.

"No, whoever said you are a woman!" Chen Jiu suddenly smiled strangely.

"Did you bring Shangguan's cowardice?" Emma said unpleasantly: "If you dare, I will go out and scream!"

"You sister-in-law, today we have nothing to worry about!" Chen Jiu hurriedly held out a palm of his hand while he was fiercely reprimanding: "The five girls are here. I can vent any amount of poison. ! "

"You ... what do you mean?" Emma stared, still a little confused.

"Huh, don't think that only you can comfort Shuangle there, and our men can comfort themselves and reach the ultimate state of detoxification!" Said Chen Jiu, who couldn't wait for Emma's presence, and that was a direct release. In order to become strong and swiftly move.

Some aggrieved and a little helpless, but now Chen Jiu was forced to this part by Emma, ​​and he was in her way, and he could not really kill her. He had no choice but to do this!

Fortunately, in Chen Jiu's bones, there is still some mentality. Although the issue of stigma has recently been abandoned, it has not been completely abandoned. In his view, stubbornness is not a normal love, but it is inconvenient. Self-solving is the best way.

"Well, you're so big, you ... you're actually stunning!" Astonished at Chen Jiu's majesty, Emma couldn't understand when her heart was trembling. How could he be so unaware that his beautiful lady was in front of her.

"Yes, in this way you can't blame me for being unreasonable anymore." Chen Jiu was helpless, little girl, you want to fight with me, you're still tender!

"Chen Jiu, why are you doing this, do you want me ..." Emma was talking, but she got up again.

"Get out of my way, I have no time to take care of you!" Unfortunately, it was Chen Jiu's fierce palm waiting for her. As soon as she was near, she was pushed away by Chen Jiu.

"You ... I don't believe you can hold it back!" Emma's repeated rejection was really frustrating. It was in front of Chen Jiu, and it was also a comforting self-confidence.

"Uh, so empty, so lonely, Chen Jiu, come in quickly ... come and meet me, man, I want a man ..." Emma's bones were crisp, her voice was hooked, and she was so moved, But it made Chen Jiu Ji more excited. In fact, she actually helped Chen Jiu a lot.

There was no direct jump on it. Chen Jiu was totally indifferent to this. He never took half a step, because at this moment, he returned to the mental state of a hard-pressed youth.

As a hanging silk, naturally there must be a consciousness of hanging silk. For such a fairy-like beauty, that can only be viewed from a distance, not near obscenity!

Yes, Chen Jiu took all this as a dream. In the dream, he was thinking about a goddess-like woman, thinking about it ...

"Chen Jiu, come here, come here ..." Let the goddess no matter how to hook people, and how to use the charm of confusion, but Chen Jiu has not lost his mind.

At this moment, Chen Jiu felt that he was glorious as a hanging silk because of such temptations. The average man could n’t bear it at all, but the hanging silks fighting on the bottom line were different. Most of them I am saddened by my body and mind, I am used to the world ’s cool words, and I am ugly, but I also know how to comfort myself in a timely manner and to be happy. For this kind of beauty, I naturally increase a resistance, a resistance that does not belong to myself and does not dare to rise force.

Maybe this kind of thought is an inferiority to the extreme in some people's eyes, but it has to be said that it really helped Chen Jiu at the moment, and did not let him make a big mistake to invade. The woman in front of her, contrary to her own intentions, should have a relationship with her that should not happen!

"Chen Jiu, you ... Are you a man in the end? People are begging you like this, why can't you not come?" Emma looked annoyed that Chen Jiu had never moved half a step.

"Ah, ah ..." Just then, when Emma doubted Chen Jiu's sex, he couldn't help it anymore, and as soon as it spouted out, it was like a rushing rain, and it just poured. Emma!

The fragrant, smooth, and clear body is now soaked with this kind of thing. The Emma in her face is embarrassed at the moment.

"You ... you beast, how can you be ashamed and shame me!" Emma couldn't help complaining, feeling the foreign body on her body, and she shed tears.

"Bitch, you asked for it, you did my fart, I tell you, you want to get my favor, you are just wishful thinking, in my life I look down on you as a shameless woman!" Chen Jiu Saying, vicious language.

"You ..." Emma glared, and was even more aggrieved, but in her heart, she was still unwilling to see Chen Jiu's arrogant and disgusted look. With a flash of light in her mind, she suddenly made a bold one. Let Chen Jiu be caught off guard.

The jade hand scratched and stained some of Chen Jiu's dirt, which was quickly poking into his own beautiful place. This move caused Chen Jiu Da to panic on the spot, regardless of the men and women, hurried forward and pulled away. Her hand, which was rebuked again, "Are you crazy? Bitch!"

"Crazy? Of course, I'm not crazy, Chen Jiu, I want to have a baby for you, don't you look down on me? After my child is born, do you think you will admit it?" Emma was very miserable. Laughed.

"You crazy woman is unreasonable. Do you think it's so easy to have a child?" Chen Jiu suddenly scolded Emma's jade hand. "Since you have to be so obsessed with this, then we will make a stab at it, if we have the ability , You will bring children to me in the future, if you are not capable, you will never let me see you forever! "

"Chen Jiu, you ... don't leave me ..." No matter how begging Emma begged, Chen Jiu's figure was firmly and decisively leaving the tea box without turning back half a step.

"Why? Why is he so cruel to me, what am I doing wrong?" Emma was crying sadly, but feeling the thick fragrance on her body, she couldn't help but startled again: "Chen Jiu, you Although they are gone, your seeds are here, and I will definitely make good use of them and import them for your Chen family! "

"Yeah, what's going on, what can I do, what can I do?" But just when Emma's ambitions were just determined, those things of Chen Jiu had completely melted and it was difficult to converge.

At this moment, Emma could not help but be extremely sad and disappointed, but she did not give up hope. "Oh, it seems that I only have to ask the Shangguan to be weak!"

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