Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1345: Shape the emperor

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Er, build an idol? I know, you go and wait, I will go in a while!" Chen Jiu frowned, launching at John.

"Yes, Dragon Emperor, then you need to dress more formally later, don't delay the craftsmen's shaping of you!" John reminded, but left without saying anything.

"Uh, husband, let us go, we really can't do it!" The two girls were lying lazily, intoxicating, they were fascinated. People's legs were carried by this man from time to time, accepting his collision, both There is no limit to the beauty of drunkenness.

"What's the matter, you have to let me release this time, right?" Chen Jiu was still a little bit interested.

"Husband, don't spoil us anymore, let us help you out!" At this time, Shangguan's cowardly made a new proposal.

"Oh? Yeah!" Chen Jiu wasn't too reluctant. After coming out like this, he stood between the two women, waiting for their wait.

"This ... Isn't this embarrassing, cowardly sister, others haven't done this!" Emma's face flushed at this time, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"It's okay, you just have to eat bones!" Shangguan reminded weakly.

"Eating bones?" Emma was a little embarrassed and couldn't understand.

"Of course, the taste is so bright, you can't eat any meat!" Shangguan Cowardly explained immediately.

"That's ... I know!" Emma heard it, and was even more ashamed. The metaphor was very vivid, and she instantly understood the point.

In this way, two women, a western angel-like blonde and blue-eyed beauty, and a classical oriental goddess, they are beautiful, each of them is the pearl of heaven and earth, and has the beauty of a closed moon, but now they It is willing to kneel in front of a man, accept, and loyally hold up his sinful things, leaving it to profanity, profanity and humiliation!

As this man, Chen Jiu enjoyed the surrender of the two women. In his heart, infinite pride, infinite joy, and infinite complacency.

What about foreign girls? Still not convinced by myself? Faintly, such thoughts inevitably appeared in Chen Jiu's heart!

In the bones, after all, he is a Chinese, deeply influenced by traditional Chinese thought. He is naturally very satisfied with his achievements.

There is no need to say more about Shangguan's cowardice. When Chen Jiu was watching his sin, wanting to get in and out of Emma's cherry blossoms, he was so excited!

She is so beautiful, she is so sacred, she is so noble ... Ah, Chen Jiu can't help it, he is completely, and released without warning.

"Cough ..." After all, for the first time, Emma was so uncomfortable that she coughed for a while.

"Sorry, Emma, ​​I don't know if you'll be upset!" Chen Jiu looked at Yuren and kept coughing.

"Husband, it's because they haven't served you well, and next time they won't do it again!" Emma not only did not blame her, but took responsibility on herself.

"Emma, ​​you are so good!" Chen Jiu glanced gratefully, and was really moved.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, you're soft!" At this moment, Shangguan's cowardly suddenly screamed in surprise.

"Uh, this ... has finally disappeared. It's been a few days. It's so uncomfortable, thanks to Emma!" Chen Jiu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I ... I didn't do anything!" Naturally, at this time, Emma did not dare to take the lead. She immediately advised: "This is all due to the weak sister!"

"Well, it's the credit of the two of us, Chen Jiu, you go quickly, we're going to rest!" Shangguan nodded weakly and satisfiedly, and couldn't help urging, they were really tired.

"Well, then you rest, I'll go out first!" Chen Jiu nodded his head, put on a golden dragon robe, it was qiyuxuanang, majestic, and out of the world.

"Hey, don't watch, Emma, ​​the man is yours. What other idiot do you send?" Shangguan was weak in the room and immediately waved his hand to remind him.

"Is it really mine? How do I feel a bit like dreaming? He is so handsome and supreme, extremely supreme, I really ca n’t think of it, I can really become his woman!" Emma thought with excitement, and couldn't help feeling amused .

"It's not a dream, you have to take good care of it. You don't still have his taste in your mouth now!" Shangguan was cowardly and somewhat envious.

"Uh, this smell ... It's so fragrant, mellow!" Emma couldn't help but blame her: "Cowardly sister, don't you say it's just like eating bones, isn't it just good? Why? How much to eat? "

"You worked so hard, of course, you sucked out the bone essence. You don't have to be cheap and sell well. The next time, it's my turn!" Shangguan Yuan weakly had a way to say it.

"Cowardly sister, but they haven't officially tasted it yet!" Emma also missed it a bit.

"It's the first time you've done this stuff. I don't know if my husband will be able to feed you!" Shangguan said weakly and politely.

"Cowardly sister, why do you scold others!" Emma was deeply favored by Shangguan's cowardice, so she was instinctively modest.

"Well, for your obedience, I will share some of you!" Shangguan's weak cowardly wanted to have a good relationship with Emma, ​​but he also preached generously.

"Thank you, cowardly sister!" Emma was more grateful, and the relationship between the two sisters became more friendly.

Chen Jiu, in a dragon robe, came to a square with mighty supremacy. Here, all people gathered, waiting to watch the shaping project of the statue of the dragon emperor!

It is not Chen Jiu's idea to shape the emperor and put it in the sanctuary. It is just a move to please Chen Jiu by the orc's sanctuary.

There was no special requirement for this. When Chen Jiu arrived, he handed over to John, and he stood there, posing with a domineering look overlooking the Eight Wastelands, who gave up who I abandoned. Start shaping!

'Booming ...' With the completion of the last sword, a piece of auspiciousness suddenly appeared in the heavens and the earth. 10,000 yuan, the world of Chizun, extremely amazing.

"Tiancixiangxiangrui, Emperor Furan, Emperor Dragon Emperor is 100 million years old, and longevity is boundless. Please wait for me to worship!" Everyone present felt the inexplicable heaven and earth air machine and couldn't help but worship Chen Jiu again.

"Well, let's wait for a flat body!" After Chen Jiu asked everyone to flatten, he reprimanded him a few words, but he didn't care about leaving, he knew that these auspicious auspicious gods were just trying to please him, and there was nothing special. Divine!

Right now, since Emma has been collected, it is still important to find a way to get the artifact!

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