Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1365: True Dragon is not bad

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Oh! ‘The sword has a thick body, engraving the sky on one side, and printing on the ground on the other side. When it appears, the sky and the earth capsize. network

"What kind of knife is this? It looks so strong!" Chen Jiu stared, but couldn't help but wonder.

"The earth-shaking myth sword is above and beyond, it is the magic soldier of the seventh grade to the eighth grade. Nothing in your divine land can withstand its attack. Boy, the woman who immediately releases your image will make me have fun. . Get it, otherwise, I'll peel you and bone! "The brute force threatened again.

"Well, why don't you pull your mother over for me to play with?" Chen Jiu spit out a **** spit, and frowned directly.

"Look for death!" He repulsed wildly, hitting with a single blade, turning the clouds and rain, and swapping yin and yang. This blow was just like the creation of a sword, which destroyed the universe.

"Tianyuan Ding Long Ding, I rule in my life!" Chen Jiu did not entrust it, but quickly called Bao Ding, combined with it, leaving it out of his skin.

'clang! ‘A louder clash directly blew up the entire Dean ’s Hall, causing it to collapse and spread for miles!

"Oh my God, is this still alive?" Love madness shook his scalp, and he couldn't help worrying for a while. Looking at the situation, he was shocked again.

The long horns on his head are extremely glorious, like a real dragon alive, Jinguangcancan, respecting the world. Although the earth-shaking sword is extremely powerful, it was cut on Chen Jiu's body, and he did not break into it. He is still intact. Stand there without damage!

"You ... you kid, it's getting more and more interesting!" The brute force was unsuccessful, and the **** was smirking. "I don't believe in my dignified brute son. Why don't you be a god-smelling kid!"

"Trash son, aren't you in the world of the gods? Can't you run into our **** soil to make a blessing? What's the skill?" Chen Jiuxiao laughed, fiercely violently and resolutely.

"Ah, look for death!" He went mad and slashed again with a stab. "Everything, heaven and earth!"

'Dang Dang ...' sounded like a copper, swaying and screaming, shocking the whole orc sanctuary, hurting, and resentful and restless, but Chen Jiu was in the center, and there was nothing wrong with it, which was Li Ding Excalibur, the skin is not broken.

"Sir, don't cut it, don't cut it!" Ten gene warriors were beside him, listening to the mighty bell, which also meant something unbearable.

"You ... waste!" Angrily yelled, knowing that Chen Jiu's brutality could not be stopped, and he couldn't help but stop, he glared at the hard and indestructible body, and suddenly laughed insidiously again.

"How? You can't kill me, don't you lose your heart?" Chen Jiu laughed dismissively.

"Boy, you are very lucky, you have gathered the genes and soldiers of the ancient dragon god, and forged such an indestructible true dragon that is not bad, indeed it is very talented!" Tao: "But even if your body is strong, but your level is too low, your mental strength is simply rubbish. Now I just need to enter your sea of ​​knowledge and destroy your soul, and you will become an idiot completely. One!"

"Really? I seem to be scared, otherwise you try it!" Chen Jiu laughed, and even made him crazy.

"Sin barrier, suffer death!" The brutal will condensed, and suddenly a little man came out of his brows, which was a brutal and powerful spiritual soul.

‘Porm! ’Ignoring the enchantment defense, it went straight into the mind of Chen Jiu!

It's a pity that if you don't come, you will come to Chen Jiu's sea of ​​knowledge, and you will be frightened. "What is this?"

‘Zizi…’ A ball, layer by layer, envelops a universe, in which the stars move, float, and are full of endless mystery and vastness.

"Self-contained heaven and earth? I just overthrown your heaven and earth and completely destroyed you!" After a little surprise, he was even more vicious. In his eyes, there was a strong sense of jealousy. In his opinion, it is just a group of uncivilized rubbish. How could a real genius be born?

But now Chen Jiu has completely overwhelmed his rude cognition. That is what makes him helpless and even more annoying!

'boom! ’One step out, over the river, the brute force will enter Chen Jiu's consciousness of the sea and destroy it in a big way, but at this time the thing that made him aggrieved again happened.

'boom! 'The sky turns round, layers of powerful seals suddenly appear, they are so honorable, so great, so broad, like the unbreakable world of gods, that is the sea of ​​knowledge that is tightly wrapped around Chen Jiu, It's hard to get in half an inch!

"What? This is ... Nine Runes, how can this be so high at the same time!" After being blocked, the brute force quickly recognized the obstacles in front of him, even more shocked.

"Sister of garbage, can't get in? How can you destroy my knowledge of the sea?" Chen Jiu's figure condensed, but Duanqi was angry again.

"You ... don't give me pride and watch me tear your seal!" He was quite discolored, and vowed to give Chen Jiu some lessons, and his body grew rapidly.

The man is tall and big, like a giant god, and resolutely stands on the circular sea of ​​Chen Jiu. He is as supreme as the master, and it is not a lifetime!

"Break!" Suddenly, he yelled violently and grabbed the seal of the big net with his hands, as if to tear it apart, but he clearly underestimated the power of the nine runes.

The Nine Runes are the signs of the gods that Chen Jiuhua spent from the dragon at a large price. Although the power is usually limited, they are almost the origin of the universe that cannot be destroyed!

"His la la la ..." As the big net stretched, he recklessly rejoiced, "It's done!"

"What is it? Can you get in?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, confident in this big net.

"Uh, what?" He frightened and stared at him, as if he wanted to hit and die here, because he pulled the big net, but behind the big net, there was a deeper big net. It seemed like an endless one. Don't destroy!

"Trash son, get out of here, don't waste your time here!" Chen Jiuyi laughed, and despised him again.

"You ... what weird thing are you?" I was anxious for a moment. "This big net cannot be cultivated by you!"

"Huh, what do you care about?" Chen Jiu's disdain for answering made the madness even more angry.

"Ah, I am going to kill you, I must kill you!" Brute yelled madly, and said with a pious look: "Master, a **** of my faith, please lower your boundless will and help me break the obstacle in front of me Barrier! "

‘Boom ...’ In the void outside of consciousness, a great and powerful will was lowered, which was blessed on a brutal body, making him truly godlike, powerful, and contemptuous.

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